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Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The man looked deep into himself,

He saw a man with no control.

If a drink passed his eyes,

Or a joint passed his nose,

And he crumbles under pressure.

The man knew he had to stop,

But the temptations continued.

The day he quit, he duly celebrated,

With a special story he just wrote.

He kept writing and found a new vice.

His writing was his drugs,

And he was stuck again.
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The trees sway, the air chills

A storm is coming and it will be bad

The lights and sounds of destruction

And it’s the best time I’ve ever had
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The ground shook like never before

Towers swayed and bridges buckled

The people around were unaware,

Of the wall of water in the air

The power of nature so pure and evil

Thousands dead in seconds

Only for the rest to be killed slowly

By man-made troubles

The people will never be the same
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
Every generation, is worse than the last

“Those rotten kids” the grey old men would say

It was not “worse,” but different, until now

The new generation of kids has no morals

No values to abide by, no guidance.

Blame it on media, or parenting

But it is the future, and we need to fix it
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
Time will continue long after I’m gone

It will remain long after anyone reading this

It keeps us on track for the day,

As well as measures the age of a person

It is one of the last remaining mysteries

That plague the earth, will we ever know?

Or is this just a useless search

Like when you lose the remote and can’t find it

No matter how hard you look,

Maybe it will be like when you’ re about to quit,

Just to find the answer under your ****

We can only hope
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
Happiness is a feeling

Sacred to all

To truly be happy

You must love yourself

To love yourself

The story begins in the heart

It moves to the brain

The decisions we make,

When they are good

They help our love, keep us sane

They save our souls
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
A true American icon, a hero.

Helped guide millions in crises,

From World War 2 to today.

Allowing people to be vicarious,

He gave the nation hope,

At a time when they needed it most.

He changed America and has saved lives.

Comics can impact people like church.
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