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Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The lovers, fighters, and in-betweens,

All seem to agree on one thing.

The state of affairs is in smithereens

And of all the options to bring,

The way of peace seems most trying,

But it dodges, the destruction and dying
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The child guesses at behavior

Happiness is faked, in the face of danger

How will he survive at home?

No one knows the struggles he's against

The times he's all alone,

Are some of the worst he's had.

His thoughts fight with him

He's lost in his mind

Maybe oh maybe this boy,

Will be able to feel the feeling

That his friends know so well

True happiness is all he wants
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The political system is fragile,
The sides will not budge.
Like a game of tug-of-war,
The fate of the country rests,
In the hands of the men we choose.
But their hands are like a sieve,
letting millions fall through the slots.
To make up their mind is to save the country,
But the bull-headedness leaves us all in wait.
Just hope to survive.
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
The memories of the forbidden zone,

Will ever outshine the rest.

This new adventure to a new home,

It feels, somehow, like a sick kind of test.

The test to see if I have grown.

Have I at all in this time?

The questions do not feel like my own,

They feel like those for who I rhyme.

I try to impress them but they merely sigh,

“His newest obsession,” they all cry

The memories of the forbidden zone,

Were some of the worst, and best of my life.
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
How did this happen?

We used to be so close,

Now were on the verge of the end.

You feel more like a ghost,

Than the girl you used to be.

We are the same person,

But too much of a good thing

Is just that, too much

Its hard to say goodbye,

But the timing is all off.

This may not be the end,

But were doing this all wrong
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
Time moves on, slowly creeping,

The days go by, one by one.

He spends his days sleeping,

Awake in the night, to be alone.

The words flow from his pen,

Like a mighty river running.

He's not used to the attention.

Those people who read his writing.

They give him praise,

He's used to pity.
Ryan Winkler Nov 2011
You knew me before I was a thought

You watched me grow

From a little baby, to an adult

There are so many things to think

When I think of you I get a little blue

I think of the ice creams you’d give me

Every time you saw me you tried to give me something

I didn’t like sweets but I took them anyway

I did it just to make you happy

You were always so nice to me

It made me so proud

Mr. Dave’s house was always a treat

I regret the last months of your life

I never came to see you though

I thought about it everyday

I was afraid you wouldn’t like the new

me as much as the old

Now I wish to spend  more time with you

There were so many things

Things you could have taught me

Guided me through the hard times

You’ll be in my heart forever

And I’ll always love Mr. Dave
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