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ryan parrington Sep 2016
I read eyes
I read lips
I see lies  disposed of your ****
I call out I throw in faces
I read eyes I read your lips
I can tell from your eyes when they blink
I read lips your not saying what u think
u speak to fast I catch on easy like a shrimp
You can peel and eat u can think twice
I can tell by your face your not saying what u think
Its on your mind
Speak up or sink
I can read minds
Forecast the future I'd rather be left be hind
Then lied too and made useless
I don't leave I just get away
I was told in the morning I'm not here I'm far away
Soaked in my seat gravity pulls me under
Sleep walker when I wake up I follow money or hunger
I satisfy my self and always satisfied  another
But paranoia  if u wanna call it that
Got me being honest and explaining u better then u
Too u and know one likes that...
ryan parrington Jun 2016
Flowing full of energy a constant rush of fresh air bleeding out bursts of positivity a change I never thought I would see created by raise from the sun on a clear unclouded day
ryan parrington Jul 2016
No choice no mind no option no opinion money money money money learn to live l8k3 a prince **** it I run my kingdom
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Things are the way they are
Come the way they come
And go the way they go
I can only change my life
And choose which way it flows
I'll never know the ending
Till its the time for it to end
Never realized how much thing can really disappoint
And only feel it's my fault
I'm gunna start putting my thoughts in a volt
I enable even when I don't even try
It's like people look at me and get a contact high
I just want to  liv and have a good time
I can just sit and talk or we can believe we can fly
All the things I try to do.. its like life says never minds
Just starting to feel what I want and like I will always be denied
I'd like some good in my life
And about to work hard to try
ryan parrington Aug 2016
God will guide u
Love and direct u
From this hell of survival
Clear u from your rival
Choices are made
Up to u which one u decide to
Love is why I'm alive
U have decisions
Your destination is awaiting your arrival
Your choice .. how ever u want to make it
You travel your own paths
Emotions may clash
Success  may not last
For better or worse
Things happen for reason
Go with it learn from the past
It takes time to heal after a crash
Just don't give up
Change up make life
Take out the trash
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Only in the mind
My addiction is company
Not mysrable
Happy alone
Happier with company
But happy alone
Tired of being only for my self
I'd save just to waist I'd cherish every moment it takes
Useless only in my head
If asked treasure is worth more then gold
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I've been threw withdraws of life
Stabbed in the back I gave the devil a knife
He's the only one who put it down
Follow me smile with frowns look in these eye
Keep the depression  hungry if they find their friends u will always be alone diseption is told no one need u and it's like that till u grow old
Every care u give is twice that don't matter they will follow some one else and throw it in your face I have nothing to give with every second I waist as long as I breath as long as I stop hopeless and heartless till that noose tightly  tightens and flows my bloods stop explode my heart and inpails my brain every day I look in my closet  just drives me insane I wish I can love I can but no one can love me only my momma will be their for me... I watched  her cry when I died cam back to life and disagree for doing it twice but she nore no one else has any idea how to live with ones self
ryan parrington Jul 2016
In the end a dream can just vanish
Distracted from reality
Woke up and disappear with insanity
Questions are asked but truth lies with morality
Awnsers are told but second guessings  can rattle me
Beneath my skin I'm the only won who battles me
I'm my own worst enemy
and the only best friend to me
Caged in chains with two blades that split grains
Two sides together can take what ever is sent to me
Often alone I'll aways have my company
To comfort me or spoil me
As long as intruders don't form in my life I can live happily  
Pain free
ryan parrington Sep 2016
One day I wish I
Two day I
Just one day I
Know I'll meet my make
Today no
Tomorrow  no
But what's known I'll meet them some day
Not next month maybe not next year I wish and pray
My death it to meet my maker I tried to try is to fail I gave up
But life never gave up on me
I really give up and watch all around me
I follow death and wish I can meet my maker
They gave me dreams promises of snakes stabbing me
Bighting me snapping twisting jumping threw these streams
I'm extreme I'm just willing to not breath
And now my life is just torturing me I'd die if
I really wanted to I tried but my death is giving me graditude
Really I wish for a friend but I trust nothing bit death in the end I tried this is not the end I really pray life stops playing tricks on me cause in my dreams I rot I die in hell but I live on earth wishing to meet my maker
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Peace by peace
Every person I meet
takes all bit of my heart

Day by day
every time that I pray
He throws m3 in the middle of a game

Time after time
I fall for a trick
And my flaws act up
And forever with me they stick

ALL my life I've looked for a friend
But in the end I just get treated ****
ryan parrington Jun 2016
Secure by being insecure I push I pull I tug away I seen the lies in their eyes and smiling ways I'm sick I'm done I push it away
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Got ****** in past life
Tied burned and buried
Crusified  starved and whipped
Theirs never a rush but life wants to hurry
The fermented fruits where used
To cherish. Meant to be sipped
Abused or used lessons in relish
I knew a man we saw saw from far
We differ but lived in the same constalations
Saw the same things and been threw the same preparations
I was forced to play he enjoyed the  partisapation
I grew sick of the corrupt had a change of heart and just wanted to love
This man has for filled his dreams of corruption altered his ego
And enjoys the killing
For filling my dues me and my best friend became old news
Enemies we say but really just fools
Change of heart to me was created
But still had to **** the negative
That's all inside me
My name is Gemini constentlly battling
My inner wars all though we don't get along my positive is strong
As long as I stand and don't follow my addictions
Consiquences are harsh and my negative is imprisoned  
If I was to set him free their will be a dramatic change in my eyes
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Locked sadness in a room
We sleep to a fan
And dream about doom
Past few times I open my eyes
My mother knocks to see if I'm alive
Haven't eaten for days
I left my job
Just want to be left alone
Turned my ringer off
So I don't hear my phone
I closed the shutter can't see if it's night or day
I haven't smoked or go out to play
My stomach  is smaller my heart is shot
As I sit in my bed to lay here and rot
I gave up on life cause every one gave up on me
I want to start over but I'm way to lonely
I don't want to meet I don't want to see
I just want a good job where no one bothers me
I live in silence I just left all that I know
I don't want to leave my bed or step out of this home
Weak I need to eat probably an apple would do
But I don't want to see life and what it can do
I sheltered my self I just look at the fan
I close my eyes to dream about eating again
Brain turned in to a mush my hole body is numb
I'm tired of life
Lusifer here I come
ryan parrington Oct 2016
After being sad depressed and hurt your hole life
It's just a regular feeling in life
You live with it
And you tare your self apart because of it
It feels like your getting stabbed three different ways with a knife
It only a feeling it's only this feeling
That tares me away from civilization
Tares me away from happiness
Ruins every thing about u
Know one cares about u when your down
And you don't realize how much the want to make u happy
But the saddened mood swings make u look unappreciative
And unthankful but truly you are
But something so good happens in your life
It's only right to feel hurt about it cause
Something bad is gunna happen
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's pretty sad when u only attract pain sorrow or addictions
One word about it it bring confertational confliction
Their is nothing wrong with u I know that's why u chose me as a friend... deep down inside I can read people's mind souls and actions
I was taught to see deep I lead only the week to a free mind and a chance to seek... I allow your soul to freely express tears run threw pain hurt or worry... I can redeem your presents Ora and blurry.. me my self I have more issues then u my heart pounds harshly when I close my eyes it's like a wiplash in a threshold going threw a black hole but it only happens when I'm sitting alone I panic for no good reason and inside out of nowhere I feel like I'm bleeding  I tear up constintly and shiver like I'm freezing .. with a foot on my chest or like Jesus is kneeling my hole life was just a painful unpealing stripped  down to my soul for the beginnings unwheeling
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Deep in the dark sky's with dim clouds with no moon
Acouple of stars looks like a tulip in full bloom shadowed by a light gray and off white..
A cool breeze wisps with the sounds of waves crashing
I relax it's a good night thanks for asking..
I don't ask for much I just like to chill calm as can be just like the feeling under the moon while I'm at the beach
I don't ask for much I just like to chill enjoy my ends with sound site and feel
ryan parrington Oct 2016
As the wind blows
The world turns
the rivers flow
minds think
And the heart beats
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Lost in the crowd
Alone and hurt
The pain runs thick
No one is beside u
No one is with u
Not one person really cares about u
I do nothing wrong
I do nothing right
I'm so sad inside it akes my heart
This is the worst depression
The pain is insane  
I can't live with it much longer
I'm getting weaker and weaker
I just know I don't be long here
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Falling in and out of trapped doors
We close one another opens
When it rains
The drops free my enslavement  
As I rise up from the floors
I maintain a slyte grin
It poor my eyes gloss
Determined  to chance a risk
I role my dice
For a hand of cards I chase
I awake  twisted with illusions of snakes
Granted I look at my friends first
Enormal I think I know I feel
Nothing alters a vain of blood
As they hand me water
Feed me lies
Tell me I'm special tell me I'm strong
Help me coexist from the pain of time
They feed me lies
Trash my trust
And stab my back
The **** my heart and
Grab my stash
They claim we make perfect sense
I stand alone
I gave up hope
I'm on my own
With a pain unknown
I gave in 100%
No I give nothing 100%
Played by vulcherz  
Just for Lil rocks
Now I'm altered in to a selfish state
I want nothing
That's just the music I face
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's only a negative to me when feelings arupt
Love is fake and emotions cerupt
It takes control and it's hard to ajust  
My hole life I'd just take it and rush
Nothing ever last all it does is mess with my head
No one is real I'd just rather be dead
I stay alone even with a crowd
Only people play with my head and tare my heart down
Just a feeling of me that no one likes it's
When I accompany I'm just left alone it's not the first Time.
I tear my way home
.setting a ground no one is aloud
I'm meant to be alone and alone I am now
ryan parrington Oct 2016
In this I am
Life is 24\7
Waisted time is just waisted time
The wind only blew in to one chime
But they all made noise
While these ball rock
Tick tock tick tock
Holes in my sole
Shredded pants with some ripped socks
Hand me downs
From my uncle B4 my pops
Slept in a hallway on the floor between two doors
Rotten language  slurring screams
Broken plates and my squashed dreams
Seen them beat I'd sneak strait under the bed
Never slept the t.v so loud I still have the ringing in my head
So tired I'd walk to school 3rd grade on all alone
I'd sleep in class it was better then home
God I loved iss  been their  almost everyday I went
Peace and quiet got some rest
My brother was made he would take it all out on me
Never had a room I had a top bunk and half a closet
Nothing was mine if it was it would be broken or gone
**** it what's yours is mine if that's how it is I'd be happy with less then a dime .. well it didn't work courts at 12 by the time I was 13 group home time all we did was play spades and fight being the only  1 out of 2 white boys we where out numbered got jumped every other day stomped on my face I learned how to fight and respect they gave
Harassed once I got home every day cops stop no reason and search
How's your brother... even in front of my mother humiliation at worst
Every  day they would stop 6% of the time I couldn't even stash the **** I I was on probation B4 I could even read that's just a little in the beginning of my time labeled the bad kid no one was aloud near me
ryan parrington Oct 2016
If I could speak to god
I wouldn't beg or demand
I simply come forth
or sstay ware I stand
I am not mad about what happened in the past
it seems like u put me on a road u can easily  crash
Forced on to a bad road
It's like u just threw me in trash
My decisions  my own when the choices where made
Not to smart got expelled in first grade
couldn't read till the middle of middle
I got tested every day by being belittled
It's not a thing about the past what's done is done
BuT ware am I going who have I become
Why am I in hell how long will this punishment last
I made a wrong turn as soon as I left that woum
Not all the choices where mine
It's the cards that u dealt
I can't seem to get a grip
Or ever work anything out
That's how I feel that's always what I felt
Got the short end of the stick
Right when I was born in this hell
I have so little questions and I know the answers will dwell
Can u help brighten my days
let me in on some faith
Cause I'm digging a hole with a shot gun to my face
I would like things to get better change for the best
Find some good friends and get out of this mess
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Thriving for change
Want a new leaf
Dieing for driffrent
Loosing my mind
Quit everything
But still stuck on one thing
Not fun no fair
It's just upsetting
painful just knowing
And funny it's ironic
My idiotsy  is to much for me now
Annoying I guess
I gave it all up really
Want to start all over
And I am lazier then ever
Battered I'd say I am
Beeten like scrambled
As I laugh and smile
Don't worry  
Its not u that troubled me
U didn't faze me
I knew it would happen like this
No I want to get so high
Till my heart stops
No one can change me but me
I live for the future
If feeling like I do can stop
It wouldn't matter
But I do and it *****
Opened my eyes
From a nap
I'd rather keep them closed forever
ryan parrington Sep 2016
My reality is exactly what it seems  
Cold hot sweats creating steam
Ride alone die alone I manage my own team
A dream of dreams a Dreamer dreams
The sun doesn't shine when I close my eyes
Its never daylight only darkened  sky's
Moon light shimmers over gloomy lakes
Hidden by the clouds stars glitter the sky's
threw the galaxy I test my limits
With open minds I have no addictions when I rest
I have plenty sleep its all I like to be alone with an open mind
I'm use to the pain I feel normal alone
Unless I let some one in... but that won't happen anymore
**** the world I I can't have no more friends
I loose them all cause forever ends
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Let me see the flaws of the worst of u
Open up till your negativity reacts
I want to see just to know
Let me see rage unleashed
Pain set aside I'd like to get to know the other u
Instead of hiding and acting one way
Cast away these spells of addiction
Open your eyes and let it go
Shaking with withdrawals  biting cheeks with grinding teeth
Let me see the best of u the change for the best
I'd like to know who u are I've already seen the worst of u
Nothings changed I'm still aware
I fight for a Chance  of a second shot
Soaking in my own sweat restless nights beginning days
I open up for u I'd change
By my self I am weak
And no one else seems to see
I spoke to u like I pray to God
Hopping for another shot
Years I gave up on me know one cared no one tried
But around u I felt alive
Damaged soul felt lifted and hole
The way u touch the feelings u mold
Chased away ran down my dreams
I close my eyes and its your eyes I see
For a long time you where the only one who bettered me
ryan parrington Sep 2016
My tears drop
Creating rain
Fogy days translucent  pain
Can't see
Two feet dropping buckets
Flooded their ain't no drain
I swim for blocks
I loose breath
I sink with no breaking sweat
My bubbles are all my regrets
I hold it in
Till my last hiccup
I spit up
Air is not there
Still lost event on land nothing to compare  
Six feet under no one knows
Stuck in a coffin under water know one knows
I try to break out
But like quick sand
The more u stress the more u sink
Stressed out
claustrophobic The more I blink
The more I breath
I worry about other who don't give a **** about me
I give them my air event tho I can't breath
And all I get is a ******* it means **** to me
I split the seas
I'm still a float locked in air tight
I can loose anything but my life
Or my money I'm a rare type
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Dedly salt and pepper  corn
Ring drawn out with roses thorns
Splinters an paper cuts
Can even take off the Devils horns

Avacdo and kale are super foods
Even the most unlikely can be super rude
I don't take offense or give up on them
Even super hero's can be in ****** moods

Cages and chain link fences
cant maintain any of the five senses
Thoughts can be faster the warp speed
Everyday a person can have more need
It's senseless to make progress going backward
I processed  the capability  to proceeds
Even one addiction  can turn in to more then three
ryan parrington Oct 2016
I'm on a plain
I must of past cloud nine
She speaks of life
Like life is just to deal with
what ever your ddealt  
Hidden card a bluff of fearless
In it to win it
kknowing theirs an option to loose
She speaks of life
like an unborn's mood
TTreasures of dirt
As if it was gold
Salted waters
and waves of creation
bbeginning to mold me
Like life is just an illusion
No one can make u feel
no one can let u down no one can pick your self up
Only your wave of creation
The vibes u want are the vibes u make
timeless placement in a selfish state
she shows me life
as if it's was never existing

The angels watch and keep me strong
Apear in my dreams and tell me the wrongs
Show me the paths and sometimes the future
they never gave up and always been truthful
Hand over hand I rest with in good arms held by the tightest
Guardian  arms every day I walk and their hands in my palms
ryan parrington Oct 2016
If I fly does it mean I have super strength  
If I win it doesn't mean I'll ever loose again
If I cave in
It don't mean I'll be stuck with in
under neath this rrebble
If I live
as free as I can be
it don't mean I'll liv forever now
life is timeless we can only get it ttogether now
It's endless so let's get it together now
if I scream
I sing out from my heart With in
if I speak I speak out from my heart right now
If I breath
I won't ever try to hold it in again
even from under water the bubbles rise
in time it takes seconds to feel alive
So let's get it together now
just get it together now
we can live for ever now
as long as we can breath this second
we are living fforever now
Let's just get together now and get it together now
ryan parrington Oct 2016
I've been beaten and dragged down
Raised with all types of hell
I lost my best friends
I've sat in a cell
I worked on my self
I've started over again
I tried and I tried
And I ******  up over again
I've lived on the streets
I've challenged my strength
I ran away  and I made it threw to today
Problem solving is all that I done
I took my self out of the equation.
And the problem was done
I've thought many time
And I know it would hurt a few
a few months later people will forget
It's not like I'll make history
Life not even worth my breath
As easy as it sounds
I feel that would be one thing I'd regret
ryan parrington Oct 2016
The world can't ajust
It spins and it wharls
Twisting and turning
On a line with the pearls
Spinning it's coarse  
Night and day
24/7 it's runs threw it's way
This world will not stop
Not for me or you
This world will keep going
After u and me
*******  us down
With the power of gravity
Chemically inclined for man
Are kingdoms are berieal ground
Are former land
The weight  it takes on the punishment  we give
It just keeps spinning  as its all life that it gives
Power to be promised it still runs it's coarse
The wait on my shoulders is no wait at all
But the emotions in my head and the feelings I get
The reactions I give and the sadness I sweat
I look in the world I see life and it's views
The only thing I don't get is why it's so tight in my shoes
I have everything to gain and really nothing to loose
I've been alone and can't seem to find a way I keep on circling the same coarse and nothing good comes my way
I just want to rip out my heart and mind and start over with out thinking or feeling this way
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Released in the colors of gray
Hidden beneath besides or above
Always their in the light
But the Darkness be hind it's matter
Some times look bigger then it should be
Or smaller then what it really is
It would walk with u at all times
and stay with u till the end
Some times I feel my shadow is my only friend
It never speaks back and does exactly  what I do
The only one ever around when I need someone
The only thing in my life that hasn't hurt my feelings
Or stabbed me in my back
My shadow is my best friend
ryan parrington Aug 2016
My last words shall not be spoken
Heartless moods and selfish tokens
Doors are locked so none can open
slit my throat and gouge my eyes
Rip my tongue  and chop my prints
I shall not hear it may not speak
Can not feel and I must not see
this life has been cursed for me
I fall in love but never loved
Me sober is a high of drugs
A king of kings with a mood that swings
pleasure makes it worse
ryan parrington Sep 2016
In the end are looses are really a win
A win that can't be beaten..
A lesson can be brought up as a downer
No depression  is just insane
Everyone wins everyone hurts everyone lives with them selves
Chances are always given u have to fall to stand back up taller
You have to loose to fight harder to win
Don't just take anything as a loss cause everything that goes on in your life prepares u for your next step forward
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Deep down we yell
Screaming for a love
Some will never get
Dragged around are feet we walk
Heads are below are chest
Yerning for company
Swollowing are throats
Sarounded by the world and yet
We get more attention. From a plant
No one is around me but many are near
Hurting in so many ways
It shows out load and clear
People ask but don't listen
Turned away cause its not what they wanted to hear
Fake smiles and silky talk
But inside we don't get it are selves
Its just the way it is
Some people just have it
Sadness is in their blood
ryan parrington Sep 2016
It hurts feeling like nothing
I ***** believing  it
Its bad thinking your nothing to no one
No one really gives u reason
Your just another tool in the bag
That can be replaced in seconds
I feel replaceable  
Doesn't it hurt when u know their is no real reason
To stick around
No one shows me they want me around
No one really does
Doesn't it ***** knowing
No one really cares
ryan parrington Jun 2016
Who cares no one.,,,,i am worth millions ... and rather die b4 I touch any penny alone no one will give me enough love to spend a dime  it ***** cause I suffer for the fact no love will take me for being broke ... I'd rather stay broke  ******* American girls ..... it's a great big world
ryan parrington Oct 2016
It's not a burden
For your hate
If u don't like me
It might not be a mastake
I don't need u never did
What u say.. I don't have to take
I leave all tthose behind
Contenplating who's back I stand behind
I've been on my own
For the most part
been hated my hole life
Your words won't Cause a spark
I don't want u in my life
Just positive marks
Their is no time to hate
***** what u think
I have more pain then your hate
And I know my place
I don't hate I don't talk
I have more things on my plate
Then to sit and judge
The best advice to tell u
Is just to forget who I was
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I really do miss my friend
I really hope they get better
Who knows Mable they won't talk to me
But I wish the best and would like to see them forever
I made a promise to sit and wait
I stay by my phone waiting for a phone call I
It may.never happen I love this  woman and wish we
could talk forever
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Cause I'm all the way up we turn up smoked it all we burnt up we burn what... fires lit flames lit from some home made ****
Two stones each chrome
Both blown
I'm coming home
That's my life and I'm grown
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I can't wish I can only feed I give food
To the ones who need
The ones who feed me
Are only a part of a dream
But it seems I hold on to a part
That will only fall apart on me
ryan parrington Jun 2016
A slave to love a dark time for my heart to feel  a sucker  that punishes him self from a deep pain of feeling ice cold this world is ice cold I must not become..  a four letter word that rips me to peace every chance it takes  cursed since birth is a feeling I will never learn to deal with  torments me and brings me down any chance they can I will only breath steam in this ice cold world cause me heart is to big to give up on love
ryan parrington Jul 2016
You lie you lie u lie
U had me even lie for u
U lie to them
U will lie to me too
U lie u lie u lie
Your words make no sense
U speak gibberish
U mix up the truth
And blow your own spot
I believe  nothing u say
Except for that it's a lie
This is not the first time u looked me in the eyes
U lie u lie u lie
ryan parrington Oct 2016
If u are done u are done
I always new I was not your type
I felt that once B4
I have not yet found what I am looking for
I can not seem to keep anything
For the most part
I have  no time for the same old jokes
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Sleep walking my life
Their but not truly
I like to find some one who doesn't want to loose me
but we just hold on loosely  
I'd like to be smothered held on too and covered
I'd like to have everything I've never had
Kept in line with smiles and cries
some day I could say I've never been so glad
Mend my heart no rubble dert or dark
Just a love with fireworks and sparks
Some one to mend my heart
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Rage in side... anger shows
*******.. about to throw some bows
When u speak... I will scream
I'm ****** the ******* at this human being
Selfish poor me money money money
Help me help me help me... **** that one or the other
J Put Food On THE Plate I Help When I Can I Give U Cash
And u cry full grown man... u make no sense
I heard u talking ****.. I don't need that in my life
On u I forfeit.
ryan parrington Oct 2016
Still in this till the end
I sheltered my soul can covered my heart
I agreed to stick to my self
And just stay here alone
ryan parrington Jul 2016
She always like to leave me
She always likes to leave me
With a shadow of a doubt
ryan parrington Aug 2016
In the end we always say good bye
Even if u don't want to

In the beginning  we always think it's gunna work
Even when It won't

But in the middle of things we realize what it truly is

And the only thing u can do is work hard to make it right
Get rid of it or just ride it out

Nothing is ever forever people grow a bond.. grow apart.. or don't grow at all
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I u live threw missing someone
U know u loved them
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