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Sep 2016 · 121
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Maybe the sun has its darkest days
Shadowed by clouds
Dimming it's raise
Clogging it's passage
Maybe the moon has its light
Bright enough to light up the earth
Glowing in its ways
Radiant halos we call stars
A message to my lover who ever u are
I pray to the lands and speak for the sky's
A chance we meet again I want nothing but good vibes
The elements stand by us as we set fire to the land
And swim towards fresh air
The power we hold in are hands
Is nothing but positive energy
And would only sucssed with one another
I gave u my faith.. with arms wide open
I'm not mention for no one
Except that one the kept me focused
Sep 2016 · 114
ryan parrington Sep 2016
In to the night we shine
Glimmers of light sparkle
And shimmer away
Desolved from the sun
The world spins us away
As bright as can be
We wish upon are stars
In dreams of the day
Are future are told
We go where we want
With fortunes untold
Are lives are given to stop
Sep 2016 · 145
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I read eyes
I read lips
I see lies  disposed of your ****
I call out I throw in faces
I read eyes I read your lips
I can tell from your eyes when they blink
I read lips your not saying what u think
u speak to fast I catch on easy like a shrimp
You can peel and eat u can think twice
I can tell by your face your not saying what u think
Its on your mind
Speak up or sink
I can read minds
Forecast the future I'd rather be left be hind
Then lied too and made useless
I don't leave I just get away
I was told in the morning I'm not here I'm far away
Soaked in my seat gravity pulls me under
Sleep walker when I wake up I follow money or hunger
I satisfy my self and always satisfied  another
But paranoia  if u wanna call it that
Got me being honest and explaining u better then u
Too u and know one likes that...
Sep 2016 · 94
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Only in the mind
My addiction is company
Not mysrable
Happy alone
Happier with company
But happy alone
Tired of being only for my self
I'd save just to waist I'd cherish every moment it takes
Useless only in my head
If asked treasure is worth more then gold
Sep 2016 · 296
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Sadness... I've lost way b4 I knew what loved ones truly are... I have lost with the card I was handed ..
Once you throw every thing away  you will

Be dealt the next hand
Sep 2016 · 190
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Got ****** in past life
Tied burned and buried
Crusified  starved and whipped
Theirs never a rush but life wants to hurry
The fermented fruits where used
To cherish. Meant to be sipped
Abused or used lessons in relish
I knew a man we saw saw from far
We differ but lived in the same constalations
Saw the same things and been threw the same preparations
I was forced to play he enjoyed the  partisapation
I grew sick of the corrupt had a change of heart and just wanted to love
This man has for filled his dreams of corruption altered his ego
And enjoys the killing
For filling my dues me and my best friend became old news
Enemies we say but really just fools
Change of heart to me was created
But still had to **** the negative
That's all inside me
My name is Gemini constentlly battling
My inner wars all though we don't get along my positive is strong
As long as I stand and don't follow my addictions
Consiquences are harsh and my negative is imprisoned  
If I was to set him free their will be a dramatic change in my eyes
Sep 2016 · 153
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I can't wish I can only feed I give food
To the ones who need
The ones who feed me
Are only a part of a dream
But it seems I hold on to a part
That will only fall apart on me
Sep 2016 · 109
ryan parrington Sep 2016
I've been threw withdraws of life
Stabbed in the back I gave the devil a knife
He's the only one who put it down
Follow me smile with frowns look in these eye
Keep the depression  hungry if they find their friends u will always be alone diseption is told no one need u and it's like that till u grow old
Every care u give is twice that don't matter they will follow some one else and throw it in your face I have nothing to give with every second I waist as long as I breath as long as I stop hopeless and heartless till that noose tightly  tightens and flows my bloods stop explode my heart and inpails my brain every day I look in my closet  just drives me insane I wish I can love I can but no one can love me only my momma will be their for me... I watched  her cry when I died cam back to life and disagree for doing it twice but she nore no one else has any idea how to live with ones self
Sep 2016 · 140
ryan parrington Sep 2016
One day I wish I
Two day I
Just one day I
Know I'll meet my make
Today no
Tomorrow  no
But what's known I'll meet them some day
Not next month maybe not next year I wish and pray
My death it to meet my maker I tried to try is to fail I gave up
But life never gave up on me
I really give up and watch all around me
I follow death and wish I can meet my maker
They gave me dreams promises of snakes stabbing me
Bighting me snapping twisting jumping threw these streams
I'm extreme I'm just willing to not breath
And now my life is just torturing me I'd die if
I really wanted to I tried but my death is giving me graditude
Really I wish for a friend but I trust nothing bit death in the end I tried this is not the end I really pray life stops playing tricks on me cause in my dreams I rot I die in hell but I live on earth wishing to meet my maker
Sep 2016 · 112
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Let it be
I know it's me
I hear it often
Really sour but spoken sweet
my hearts been broken  
And now it's rotting
Cold cells run threw my warm blood
I have issues yes because
U lost mmy trust
I wish u didn't do that cause u lost my love
Feeling used beat down and hurt
It's worse then hearing
that your dieing  since your birth
it's really messed up how my life works
Sep 2016 · 111
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Let it be
I know it's me
I hear it often
Really sour but spoken sweet
my hearts been broken  
And now it's rotting
Cold cells run threw my warm blood
I have issues yes because
U lost mmy trust
I wish u didn't do that cause u lost my love
Feeling used beat down and hurt
It's worse then hearing
that your dieing  since your birth
it's really messed up how my life works
Sep 2016 · 90
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Is it wrong to not trust you
Do me wrong and still love u
Want to gain it back at the same time
Knowing it's just not gunna happen
emotionally steaming trying to work it out
High and dry u left me
Hoping u understand my anger
And y I always bring it up
in my mind I had enough
But my heart is more like don't be a stranger
Can't really seem to get a grip
Feel lied and cheated on some foolish ****
I keep putting my self in danger
Just cause of my loneliness
Sep 2016 · 144
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Never did I not once ever  learn my lesson
Sep 2016 · 154
ryan parrington Sep 2016
Dragged down from heartless souls
In the shadows waiting
Positioning them selves for the next move
Hard to see but out their u know
Any wrong move can set u up for failure
I feeling of bad company
Vibes and guts challenge your mind and thoughts
FForce of judgment is easy to change
No one is truly there
U alone can only help your self
Best friends are strangers and family is just a guide
Aug 2016 · 101
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Y is it I always find the wrong crowed
I can help them but then I tell them
And my negative speaks to me real load
Can't change the fact
But I walk away and when I walk away I
Stand real proud
Knowing I told u so I saw it happen
I gave u a for warning
I told u when it rains it's gunna rain and be all for it
But u don't listen and I'm just a bad guy
and it just started pouring
Aug 2016 · 141
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Rage in side... anger shows
*******.. about to throw some bows
When u speak... I will scream
I'm ****** the ******* at this human being
Selfish poor me money money money
Help me help me help me... **** that one or the other
J Put Food On THE Plate I Help When I Can I Give U Cash
And u cry full grown man... u make no sense
I heard u talking ****.. I don't need that in my life
On u I forfeit.
Aug 2016 · 120
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Driven by dreams tormented from desire
A waist  of matter such a waist of time
Only if I can only if I could
I can dream and dream and dream
the reality is I can
My self worth is only half of me
the other half is just a dream
I can never satisfie my self.. nore others.. that's what it seems  
All I hear is lies and lies and lies
U are no friend, no lover and u are no enemy
I do not exist.. and u do not exist to me...
Sick of thinking I can love someone
Tired of feeling schemed
Nothing can change the fact that I am hopeless
And wish everything was just a dream
Aug 2016 · 117
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Sleep walking my life
Their but not truly
I like to find some one who doesn't want to loose me
but we just hold on loosely  
I'd like to be smothered held on too and covered
I'd like to have everything I've never had
Kept in line with smiles and cries
some day I could say I've never been so glad
Mend my heart no rubble dert or dark
Just a love with fireworks and sparks
Some one to mend my heart
Aug 2016 · 160
ryan parrington Aug 2016
My last words shall not be spoken
Heartless moods and selfish tokens
Doors are locked so none can open
slit my throat and gouge my eyes
Rip my tongue  and chop my prints
I shall not hear it may not speak
Can not feel and I must not see
this life has been cursed for me
I fall in love but never loved
Me sober is a high of drugs
A king of kings with a mood that swings
pleasure makes it worse
Aug 2016 · 105
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Blends in my soul
Block blood that fills my veins
Enchanted from the moons mistakes
Breaths have been taken
Moods mistaken
Darkness in the light we shall
Walk on clouds broken down .
In this llightweight heave
When the darkness bleeds
my life must start right now
Being hopeless brings me hope
Hate and strain is blemished with coats of pain
Aug 2016 · 117
ryan parrington Aug 2016
It's JUST a feeling
Dwelling in my soul
CChewing me up and spitting me out
Used and then let go
Smile in my face
Rip my hheart out from the back
Misunderstood and always attacked
No one really likes me
Just friends cause I'm easily used
No one sticks around left for dead
Abandoning  me with nothing said
I guess they where not amused
Aug 2016 · 141
ryan parrington Aug 2016
Twisted lies and battered tears
Whisk togeather to show are saddened pears
We have a toast to are primal fears
I lived threw death I cheated life
I slit my wrists with a semi dull knife
Hears to life we hold up are beers
Grab the wheel it's your own life you steer

Tattoos hide the scares
Only my eyes conceal
Aug 2016 · 128
ryan parrington Aug 2016
I can only laugh after u made me cry so much
I do not face away or turn my back
I simply stand their and watch u back away
I am harnessed to a limb down a river that falls
Beneath is rocks crashing waters
I do not want to let go because your life is in my hands
But I can not take this.. un able to swim for u
I will only drowned eachother the brittle rope im straped too
Can no longer hold two
I untie me and tie u i can no longer hold use togeather
I let go .. i drink no longer do i have air to breath
I plunge down rapped streams down a fall that drifts me away peace by peace my feelings curupt and my heart is no longer their i have feelings of distruction  as i hit the bottom of the fall
Aug 2016 · 140
ryan parrington Aug 2016
In the end we always say good bye
Even if u don't want to

In the beginning  we always think it's gunna work
Even when It won't

But in the middle of things we realize what it truly is

And the only thing u can do is work hard to make it right
Get rid of it or just ride it out

Nothing is ever forever people grow a bond.. grow apart.. or don't grow at all
Aug 2016 · 123
ryan parrington Aug 2016
God will guide u
Love and direct u
From this hell of survival
Clear u from your rival
Choices are made
Up to u which one u decide to
Love is why I'm alive
U have decisions
Your destination is awaiting your arrival
Your choice .. how ever u want to make it
You travel your own paths
Emotions may clash
Success  may not last
For better or worse
Things happen for reason
Go with it learn from the past
It takes time to heal after a crash
Just don't give up
Change up make life
Take out the trash
Jul 2016 · 107
ryan parrington Jul 2016
You lie you lie u lie
U had me even lie for u
U lie to them
U will lie to me too
U lie u lie u lie
Your words make no sense
U speak gibberish
U mix up the truth
And blow your own spot
I believe  nothing u say
Except for that it's a lie
This is not the first time u looked me in the eyes
U lie u lie u lie
Jul 2016 · 160
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Dedly salt and pepper  corn
Ring drawn out with roses thorns
Splinters an paper cuts
Can even take off the Devils horns

Avacdo and kale are super foods
Even the most unlikely can be super rude
I don't take offense or give up on them
Even super hero's can be in ****** moods

Cages and chain link fences
cant maintain any of the five senses
Thoughts can be faster the warp speed
Everyday a person can have more need
It's senseless to make progress going backward
I processed  the capability  to proceeds
Even one addiction  can turn in to more then three
Jul 2016 · 106
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Tears from the sky's
Drops falling  down
Soaking into the earth
Deep down inside

The gray clouds in a black sky
Flashes screaming out loud
Letting out what was soaked up
From deep down
Jul 2016 · 111
ryan parrington Jul 2016
In the end a dream can just vanish
Distracted from reality
Woke up and disappear with insanity
Questions are asked but truth lies with morality
Awnsers are told but second guessings  can rattle me
Beneath my skin I'm the only won who battles me
I'm my own worst enemy
and the only best friend to me
Caged in chains with two blades that split grains
Two sides together can take what ever is sent to me
Often alone I'll aways have my company
To comfort me or spoil me
As long as intruders don't form in my life I can live happily  
Pain free
Jul 2016 · 117
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Opened my mind for creativity
Outlooks and chances
Let in by light from the darkness of closed doors
In to the eyes let out by freedom of souls
An Ora surrounds  their features and halo
Captured  from sight even when it's not seen
A feeling of gut and passion of dreams
Intertwined  with mind body and soul
Whispers of charm let's out with a glow
As the sun sets the world will behold
Greater then good better then bad
Treasure with a smile transitions my sad
Jul 2016 · 121
Jul 2016 · 82
ryan parrington Jul 2016
No choice no mind no option no opinion money money money money learn to live l8k3 a prince **** it I run my kingdom
Jul 2016 · 86
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Dysfunctional tech9  listen my life
Jul 2016 · 182
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's pretty sad when u only attract pain sorrow or addictions
One word about it it bring confertational confliction
Their is nothing wrong with u I know that's why u chose me as a friend... deep down inside I can read people's mind souls and actions
I was taught to see deep I lead only the week to a free mind and a chance to seek... I allow your soul to freely express tears run threw pain hurt or worry... I can redeem your presents Ora and blurry.. me my self I have more issues then u my heart pounds harshly when I close my eyes it's like a wiplash in a threshold going threw a black hole but it only happens when I'm sitting alone I panic for no good reason and inside out of nowhere I feel like I'm bleeding  I tear up constintly and shiver like I'm freezing .. with a foot on my chest or like Jesus is kneeling my hole life was just a painful unpealing stripped  down to my soul for the beginnings unwheeling
Jul 2016 · 213
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Not everyday can you wake up gets ****** over and be nice about it..
Apologies mean nothing I can live with out it
But to do the same thing over and over I ain't really about it
My stubborn is careless but I hurt no one but me
I go behind no one's back lie or just leave

A poor man's soul once told me u can live blind and still be able to see
Or u can have site and live life blindly

I care way to much till I begin to get hurt I still don't give up till I feel I'm lessening my worth

I've been left for dead more then a dozen even by family often by people I can call cousin  or by people u think u can love.. I must of been buggin

Never really had no one always chose to be alone theirs so much drama in the word and to me it's just better for it to be unknown
Jul 2016 · 229
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Seems to me that people call u a friend
Lie to your face and expect the rules to bend
Talk be hind your back and expect u to contend
Seems to me that u call people your friends
When the ******* u seek away and pretend
Their are more snakes then u think even
More snakes then the devil can send
You can be loyal as **** but beat down at the end
So many rips and tairs not able to mend

Two faced talkers smiles and eyes
A wolf in sheep's clothing what a beautiful disguise
I wait and watch carefully cause everyone just wants to ****
U unleashed a beast that can make wolves tails tuck
I've been nothing but loyal but it's never enough
People are different  but the same with some stuff
Greed and temptation will show change and set in stone
Your only out for your self and now I will always know
Narsisest complete with anger and disparate despair
I can care less for friends I'll still pay it forward I have no need for snakes  liars and talkers
Jul 2016 · 111
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Every day I day dream about six feet
Even when I'm sober or even when I sleep
Everyday I wonder I think of my death
I know it's gunna be painful
Maybe not as bad as my stress
Everyday I open my eyes I rise and shine
I get out of my bed and just want to crawl right back in time
It's like life is a test knowing I want to die
Just to see how long I'll last b4 I take what's mine
Everyday I daydream about being 6ft
Everyday I wonder what it would be like with out me
Got nothing going just use to walking these streets
As good as I'm doing I close my eyes and I feel dead beat
No calls no shows not one text I've been alone for months
I give it one day no can remember only to forget
Everyday I rise and shine fake smile waist of time...
The only thing really going for me is that just one day I'm gunna take what's mine
Jul 2016 · 197
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Deep in the dark sky's with dim clouds with no moon
Acouple of stars looks like a tulip in full bloom shadowed by a light gray and off white..
A cool breeze wisps with the sounds of waves crashing
I relax it's a good night thanks for asking..
I don't ask for much I just like to chill calm as can be just like the feeling under the moon while I'm at the beach
I don't ask for much I just like to chill enjoy my ends with sound site and feel
Jul 2016 · 118
ryan parrington Jul 2016
I already mastered a woman's heart she's gone
I cry every night I make a river from a pond
I finish bottles with dark sky's and bright stars
Me and a full moon have this bond
Damage done my eyes dont dry when i hear the words from young
It's crazy how things haunt u and it's all over with nothing said or done
I like to enjoy my moments and I'm so much better alone
Cause I can't explain my self nor do I like to go home
I can't sleep till I'm good and ready
my smiles a charmer but my eyes give me a way
So just have a drink with me cause anyone can be gone in a day
Jul 2016 · 127
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It don't bother me if u don't like me
I don't like me
I never expect things to go the way they go
It's un expected
U entered my life.... life is just a fling
And that's all i expect everything to be
A fling I pushed u away for a reason
No one ever sticks around
But don't fight with me to stay in my life
Just to make me hate my self even more
Jul 2016 · 167
ryan parrington Jul 2016
I love
I love life
I love people  
I love the site
I love the feeling
I love to love
I love u
As much I love to drink
I got a job I work hard
But some times
I know love keeps me alive
Jul 2016 · 132
ryan parrington Jul 2016
She always like to leave me
She always likes to leave me
With a shadow of a doubt
Jul 2016 · 144
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's not that I'm to serious my emotions run deep I laugh I play I joke but in side my smile is crushed with grief my heart twists splits and rips every with every breath to the point I have a painful feeling like somethings missing in my chest I cry day by day tears run dry I don't know what's wrong with me but emotionally I can not fly I allow no one in my head and let alone my life I drink I drink I drink I drink till its time to die sleep for days and wake up knowing that my  life is just not right
Jul 2016 · 207
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's hard to live with no confidence  and no inspiration  walls are thin one poke it caves in dream about death think about death want to leave but he won't let me  punished my hole life born in hell I drink to cope but I try and cope to much **** priorities  my life ***** some many ways to die I chose a few  I'm not scared of death but with me I think he's amused knowing every breath is torture and I'm painfully living slow
Jul 2016 · 183
ryan parrington Jul 2016
It's only a negative to me when feelings arupt
Love is fake and emotions cerupt
It takes control and it's hard to ajust  
My hole life I'd just take it and rush
Nothing ever last all it does is mess with my head
No one is real I'd just rather be dead
I stay alone even with a crowd
Only people play with my head and tare my heart down
Just a feeling of me that no one likes it's
When I accompany I'm just left alone it's not the first Time.
I tear my way home
.setting a ground no one is aloud
I'm meant to be alone and alone I am now
Jul 2016 · 171
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Only if I lift  my plate and pass it around
I had no food maybe when it comes back around
I try and lift it up but it always came strait back down
I try and do good but it's just never enough
I'm not bad I do no harm I'm just heartless and always alarmed
I keep my smile but in side you will hear what I say
I have a sad soul 85% depression  never been happy
Had it rough as an adilessont beat down everyday from a passive agretion town down pulled down alway *******
Never owned **** I had it rough as a kid sleeping under the bed so they couldn't find me I was frightened to talk  but always thought y me I close my eyes I see a man with a belt behind me cried most of my tears so young that I just sit here and wait for life's out come I'm not even fighting to live I'm just living too die
Jul 2016 · 113
ryan parrington Jul 2016
No friend u where never
life has been good always and forever
I'm to much of a peace of **** to keep u close
But how ever I may help we can pull it in together
I **** on no on I talk no **** I stand my ground
And I own up to it
Friends I had never
Use to know one who cares
I dragged down no hands reach to lift
No shouts no cheers I stood alone my hole life  
I try to let people in but no more my demons are and will be my only friends
Jul 2016 · 131
ryan parrington Jul 2016
Cause I'm all the way up we turn up smoked it all we burnt up we burn what... fires lit flames lit from some home made ****
Two stones each chrome
Both blown
I'm coming home
That's my life and I'm grown
Jul 2016 · 89
ryan parrington Jul 2016
I know this girl that laughs the same way she cries sounds like she gasps for her last breath be for she dies she keeps the struggle in her bubble dead in the center of her eyes she fakes lies till u look deep down black a to a pupil of her life she hides it good but every day she wants to die  I'd rather live she screamed out the choice is mine  this is my cancer and I own it with pride
Jun 2016 · 117
ryan parrington Jun 2016
Mistakes are made.. everyone screws up. I forgive.. I learn to let go.. I learn to be alone.. but I've learned never to put down.. even if I walk away I still hold them in my heart.. no one is forgotten
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