Let me see the flaws of the worst of u
Open up till your negativity reacts
I want to see just to know
Let me see rage unleashed
Pain set aside I'd like to get to know the other u
Instead of hiding and acting one way
Cast away these spells of addiction
Open your eyes and let it go
Shaking with withdrawals biting cheeks with grinding teeth
Let me see the best of u the change for the best
I'd like to know who u are I've already seen the worst of u
Nothings changed I'm still aware
I fight for a Chance of a second shot
Soaking in my own sweat restless nights beginning days
I open up for u I'd change
By my self I am weak
And no one else seems to see
I spoke to u like I pray to God
Hopping for another shot
Years I gave up on me know one cared no one tried
But around u I felt alive
Damaged soul felt lifted and hole
The way u touch the feelings u mold
Chased away ran down my dreams
I close my eyes and its your eyes I see
For a long time you where the only one who bettered me