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Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
by Michelle Galmarini

I fear cold
but the wicked journey on foot is nice
Hiking a detour in life
The world and its polar opposite wrapped up in dumb splendor
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
by Michelle Galmarini

You will be seen

Even your side that’s mean
the one that screams
the one that’s hiding behind the scene

the one that’s quiet
the one that’s cringey
the dumb-witted one
that’s sloth-like and bingey

but you have a team
the rest of the world
that’s been

Be proud, Be seen…

Additional content assembled from works published by Beautiful Blasphemy
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020

Grow up
It is something people tell you to do all your life
Grow up and act your age
Even when you are supposed to still be a child
Grow up

But I don’t know how
When everything I love belongs to youth
And the youth says I’m old
And my peers say I’m childish

I am a maniac,
I am sane.
I have been strong and weak.
I can keep it together,

But I need help
I need a guide book

A quick read-through of the rules:
- roll the dice
- score more victories
- draft your hand

If only I knew
What victory looks like

I am scared and lonely
I am going to succeed
I am not lost
I am here

Additional content assembled from works published by Beautiful Blasphemy and in The Lakelander, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland OH
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
I usually think about my life
And how much of a loser I was
Living under my brother’s perfect family home
Like a troll under a bridge
Distracting myself with Call of Duty

I keep playing pokemon, as well
Pikachu is my favorite
He is so small and cute
But he loves me

There is no such thing
As having too big of a heart

Additional content assembled from works published by Beautiful Blasphemy and in The Lakelander, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland OH
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
by Iven Idaho

Autonomy: Let’s be honest, I can’t wait for self-driving automobiles; You **** as driver
So don’t be late, Learn to be a self-driving automobile

Additional content assembled from works in The Lakelander, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland OH
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
by Cam

I often welcome sleepwalking through most of the week
But today I will not let you be a zombie
But You’ll never be rid of this poison

Additional content assembled from works by Ryan P. Kinney
Ryan P Kinney Jan 2020
by Fiaura

Six bullets to the heart, six separate, devastating phrases that brought about Armageddon. I gave her a decade of my meager existence, nearly half my life. She threw me away like garbage, and I couldn’t have been happier.

For I am like shattered jasper.
In briefest moment of rapture
An insight to the soul one cannot rapture
The ending moment so fleeting
The clarity when the heart stops beating
A rush of air, expands my mind back to this planet

I have been broken, then fixed,
Stitched, yet glitched,
Whole yet scarred
I am alive.

Additional content assembled from works published by Beautiful Blasphemy
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