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May 2016 · 458
The town has faded
The people grayed
The word color
No longer has a name

The pictures faded
The corners grayed
The faces torn
No longer have a name

The memories faded
The events grayed
The people, with out me
Get along just the same
Jan 2016 · 436
You Were Everything
You were the breath in my lungs
My warming sun
The moon that lit up my night
And the blood in my heart

The drug that picked me up
The energy in my soul
The glow of my aura
And the cure to my loneliness

I'm slowly suffocating now
My world is dark
My night is black
And there's not a single beat in my heart

I'm lower than low
My soul's off kilter
My aura is gray
And I'm drowning in loneliness

I've packed up the sun
And stored away the moon
But to hopefully display them again
Some day soon
Jan 2016 · 347
November 29th
The cake is waxy
The candles burned
The chairs are dusty
And have been unturned

The clocks have stopped
the silence is still
The rooms lie barren
With a subtle chill

The halls are vacant
The walls painted black
No light shown
Not even through a single crack

Today's your birthday
But does anyone care?
To certain people
It's like you weren't even there.
For the greatest person I have had the privlage to know
Night after night I dream of you
And in the morning I am haunted
For not keeping you, my love
My heart is forever taunted

Every night I see your face
Your lips as red as roses
I relive your body's every curve
Until my dream forecloses

If I could sleep forever, my love
I would do so in an instant
For I know I can't truly be with you
But my heart is persistent.

Night after night I dream of you
And in the morning I am haunted
For not keeping you, my love
My heart is forever taunted.
Aug 2014 · 428
Walking Toward The Light.
Let's find some validly
Let's find some substance
Away from this material world
That has no justice

Lets's find the paths
That we all should follow
Away from these cardinal sins
That make us hollow

Let's spread our love
And spiritual graces
And make full use of the clock
That laughs in our faces

Let's find our heaven
And peace on this earth
And live our lives
To the fullest they're worth
Inspired by Into The Wild
Jul 2014 · 426
The One I Can't Get Over
After all this time
I still want you
There's nothing
To say
Jul 2014 · 407
Lovers Waters
If I could travel back with restless sails
I would navigate your waters with more caution.
You capsized my red vessel in an instant
And washed me to Barron shores

Much time has passed since I've treaded your seas
But I long to float in them once more
Im waiting to find my albatross to guide me home
But I fear it'll never show

Perhaps one day I'll be immersed in your warm your waters again
But if the storm hasn't settled than I just might drown instead.
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Mind Like a Reptile
The mind is reptilian in nature
Shedding its skin each passing day

The hollow remains seem that of someone else
Where they haven't changed, but we know they're not the same.

We slither around in our new found skins
Slowly adapting to each situation
Forever shedding to meet need after need
Sometimes to a point when we bleed

Our skin my shed and our colors the same
But some of us change skin so much we forget our names.
Jun 2014 · 426
Forever Alone
Today is the day, I died inside
My soul has finally broken
Numb and without repair
I lie upon a cold, black bed

The tears that once drowned my face
Have now dried up without a trace
Forgotten with each memory
That composed each tiny drop

Hopelessness is setting in
My heart has grown cold and hollow
I'm diseased without a cure
I wish their was a magic pill I could swallow

Ill be alone for the rest of my days
It's just how it will always be
I'm the killer of my own relationships...
I guess you can call it suicide
This is all I expect.
Jun 2014 · 483
History repeats it's self time and time again
The faces of lovers now the ones of ghosts
The faces of friends washed out, and stretched
The faces of acquaintances long forgotten

Unwanted feelings come rushing back
Unlocking the true nature of the heart
Uniting present and the decaying past
******* our souls burdening desires

Control of faculties lost from ancient lust
Contact with previous lovers now alien.
Concentration is lead completely astray
Continually history will repeat itself again
Everyone wants to be loved.
Were all searching for our imaginary partner
Women crave their knight in shining armor
While men dream of their glorious queen

We all want to feel the perfect touch
An unforgettable breath on our necks
A kiss that leaves us gasping
And a feeling of warmth that lasts forever

We all just want to let go
And give ourselves up completely
Sharing our mind, body and soul
And just loose control of our selves

Everyone wants to be loved
One day we'll find our mythical partners
Women will find their men shining armor
And men will find their sweet, lovely queens
Some say I'm a child of god
Some say of the spawn of the devil
Others say I got the 9 lives of a cat
Others say I'm as filthy as a dog

Pick an adjective
And that's my name
But don't wear it out  
It changes day by day

Some say I'm a child of the stars
Others say I'm the shadow of the sun
Some say my aura is made of gold
Others say its convoluted and gray

Pick an adjective
And that's my name
But don't wear it out
It changes day by day

Some say I have a caring heart
Others say I'm as cold as a stone
Some say they'll be with me for life
Others say I'm better off alone.

Pick an adjective
And that's my name
But don't wear it out
It changes day by day
May 2014 · 245
Life Quote
Regret nothing from your past.
If everything from the past didn't occur
You wouldn't be the person you are today.
May 2014 · 354
Made Up
You were a figment of my imagination
Not the real thing, just a cheap imitation
A lucid dream, I thought I could control
The perfect dream defined by my soul

I miss the calls in the middle of the night
Your passion burning so ever bright
Though now it's just a calm distant light
It's still something for which I need to fight.
If you could of only seem the pain behind her eyes
Drenched in sorrow and disappointment
She ran,
Far away from the tombstone love.
Sprinted away from all her fears
The man who kept the rocky road of her past a secret
The man who knew her for what she was
A wounded butterfly, that crookedly floats along life
Someday I long to be with her down her lonely road again...
A bandage for her broken wing, and the gentle breeze that guides her along.
Dark clouds and stormy skies  
are always hidden behind the sunniest of days

Even the most beautiful weather has  a chance of showers, with the possibility of hurricanes

One can never really tell if future skies hold the storm of the century or the most tranquil of seas

Even during the most perfect of days one should bring a rain coat and a floatation device in case beauty does cease.
Apr 2014 · 341
Changes of Love
He's finding his way back to sanity, again
Carefully trending through his shadows
desperate for changes, and starving for truth
He's still hanging by the moment he held on to.

His heart was calculative and cold
But he now sits in warm embrace.  

He still knows his lovers face,
But he longs for love's new taste.

His chains have been broken
And he now walks free
He's spinning around, but hanging  on tight
This time he will gracefully fall into heaven's true embrace.
Apr 2014 · 274
A Ghost Story
I can't believe he loved her so,
She put a bullet in his brain,
She left him there, like a stone,
And let him lye in pain

His last dying wish was for her to love him
As he laid in pools of blood.
I'm not sure if it was lack of consciousness
Or that his veins were filled with mud.  

Those who slowly pass his grave,
Say you can still hear him cry,
"where are you my love...?"
"I need you, before i can truly die.
I hope one day you'll remember, how i used to be
Like the time we met, and you feel asleep next to me
I'm not crazy...I'm just a little unwell
The fact I couldn't express my passion, was complete hell

I know we had our good times, and we had some bad ones too,
But after I become myself once again, I want to make things up to you

I remember the night you cried in my arms
Sharing your every secrets, expecting no harm
I know the way it ended, I torn us apart,
But, my dear, you'll always have a place in my heart

I must admit I lost all control
This aliment was way too much for my dying soul
I broke our connection...That was something more
But I don't expect you to come knocking back at my door  

Since that tragic day I've never forgotten your face
I was completely out of line, and out of place

But if you could some how see me during my darkest hour
My heart could finally start growing sweet, and a slowly less sour.
Apr 2014 · 371
Fuck This Life
In this life, I guess some of us just get completely abanded, are self suffocating, and can never be loved...
I just wish it wasn't me.
Apr 2014 · 542
The Suffering Never Ends
I wake up every morning
Wishing I had died the day before
Life is not worth living
When everything's a choir

I put on a smile
To hide my face,
My soul rotting
At a steady pace

In six months, I'll be unknown
My face forgotten
I'll have
Decayed alone

My only regret
Is never hearing those
Three little words...

But I suppose it's something
I just didn't deserve.
Apr 2014 · 715
Ice until comforting warmth
Every day my heart grows colder
A victim of the dreaded black ice
The less I move, the more I try
The more I struggle, the more I frost

I lie in this place of snowy despair
My mind slowly slipping breath, by passing breath

I drown without with out you
How I loved you so
I guess we just killed each other
And didn't know

Until I'm reunited with your elegant soul
I suffer, and ice over more than you'll ever know

You plagued my heart
And tore it to shreds
But I still think of you
Without regret

I fear the only cure
Is your comforting warmth
Your arms wrapped around me...
More fondly than before
You caressed my soul in total bliss,

Your company...I still dearly miss.
I hope some day we reunite
To avoid this inevitable..,deadly frost bite.
Apr 2014 · 344
A Poem For a Friend
I wish I could end your suffering
I've tried to ease your pain
Don't let it get the best of you
Though it's driving you insane

Your a better women now
You've learned from your mistakes
It'll all be over very soon
Although your heart aches

The time, it will slowly pass
And the memories will fade
Till something better comes,
And new ones can be made

Your an independent women, friend Beautiful and strong
There's no need to shed a single tear
Something better will come along.
Mar 2014 · 485
A Poem Inspired by Hayley
The days grow long and the nights grow short
Emotions and thoughts have become hard to sort
There wasn't meant to be any sorrow
But I feel Your love I can no longer borrow

Though the path we have chosen has come to an end
There are brighter pastures for us around the bend
We'll remember the good times along with bad
And neither of us will forget what we had

But there was a fork in the road that we both had to face
Knowing there would come an end to our loves embrace
Soon we will find ourselves happier than before
Hopefully walking for never more.
Mar 2014 · 372
The Break of Insanity
I sit in a house with no windows and no walls
An endless blackness engulfing it's halls
The floors are riddled with corroded stones
Some of which you could say I have owned

The darkness invokes no fear inside
The emotions once here have already died
This place is tired and so very weak
Left with only a few words to speak

The foundation is rotted and falling apart
But I guess it has been from its start
Soon the floors will fall through and give way
Letting what's been cornered inside to go astray.
Mar 2014 · 362
Do I dare to disturb the balance of my nature
and destroy the creature welling up inside?

Nothing seems to break me no matter hard I fall
Nothing seems to break me at all
Nothing seems to **** me no matter how hard I try...
Nothing can do me in before I do myself

Misery is the fuel that lights my Icy fire
Chaining me to this forsaken place
Forever consumed ill decay your world
So I suggest you stay away
Mar 2014 · 641
Endless Suffering
A bird is an elegant creature
Filled with good intention as they sore
They spread their wings with grace and freedom
Ever peaceful and completely free
Once a bird is trapped in cage
It is longer a free spirt, but a trapped soul
A soul slowly polluting and decaying
A bird that can not fly slowly goes mad
A rage building until they eventually snap
I'm afraid my wings have been snipped
And further into mad rage I slip
Flightless traded for elegance and freedom
Soon I'll fear a great part of me will be dead.
Mar 2014 · 367
Lust in the distance
I drown in the icy waters of hesitation
Swimming toward a green light in the distance I'll never reach
Each breath filling my lungs with more pain than the last
My brain freezing over as my extremities go numb
Straying further in to the great glowing green light
I find the strength to speed of the pace
But alas I go under, the green tinge on my blue face as I sink
Mar 2014 · 339
Some say love it lasts forever
But this idea I choose to sever
Some say there is no furry like a women scorn
That's when love gets tattered and torn
Some say love, it is a feeling of peace
But I say it's just feelings on lease
Some say there's plenty of fish in the sea
But I say there's just no one for me

One finds their soul mate and is happy for life
While another finds only pain that cuts like a knife
One finds comfort in confiding their secrets
But in the end it'll be their greatest weakness

Some say love, it is a flower
But I say it's sweet that goes sour
Some say love, it is a blessing
But I say it's just purely guessing
Some say love, it is always true
But only till your love forgets about you
Some say love, it never dies
But I say many are in for a big surprise.
Mar 2014 · 412
A Poem For A Special Friend
I never thought I would care once more
Your gorgeous face knocking at my red door.
It's hard to maintain the feelings for an ex
I would rather do what's right than have passionate ***
I don't know if it's just old simple routine
I can't figure out what you should mean
I know your independent like a soaring bird
And thought of landing seems completely absurd
But I know is I can't hold back any more
Soon ill be knocking on your squeaky red door.
Mar 2014 · 315
The Devil Inside
Only the good die young
So let's give in and have some fun
Let your primal self loose and do what you want.
It's time to loose ourselves in our cravings
Lust, drugs, and violence are now on the table
Lets give up our morals just for a while
And take advantage to do what we please
Only the good die young, so let's have some fun.
Mar 2014 · 829
Space Cadet
The more we pick our selves up the more we fall down
Our blurry smiles fading from our silly faces
Our scares only visible for us to see
In someone else's shoes it's hard to be
We deal with life by polluting our Senses
The pills, the beer, the hits, the liquor,
They say wine is fine but whiskey's quicker
We give our selves to our mistakes
Degrading our minds till they're completely erased
We defile all of our left over sanity
Purging our confidence in delusional vanity.
Well always be a slave to self degradation
We all need a temporary vacation
Take this place and burn down the walls
Vacate the stores and all the school halls
Let us rebuild from the ashes we make
I'm sure Something better We can create
Let us be like the Phoenix and rise again
For our mistakes we can now amend
Let's start a new world that's equal for all
Regardless of color or position big or small
Let us fill this new place with all we are worth
Raising all children correctly from birth
Although this fantasy can never be real
It will always carry much mass appeal.
Mar 2014 · 350
Lust V.S. Right
I have opened up the doors with good intentions
But find my self in lustful apprehension
I want to do what's good and right
But I find the emotion too hard to fight
I guess some feelings, they never change
They only fade away and get rearranged
I only want to help, and that is true
But there is still so much I want to do to you.
Mar 2014 · 513
I Won't Do what You Tell Me
Denny all authority
corruption of conformity
Never believe all that your told
Don't let your self be bought and sold
Our legal system is an utter stye
So let your ******* hang high
It is time for every soul to unite
And win this utterly ****** up fight
It is time for all of us to be free
And let a better order be.
Mar 2014 · 406
The Unanswered Question
What is that makes one man pure and another a monster?
Is it simply a predisposition or does one need to develop longer?
How can one give in to their primitive dark temptations?
While the other is chained to their morals and holy aspersions?
How can one gain pleasure from lies and desertion?
When another gains pleasure from helping and self correction?
How can utter evil exist in one mans blackened heart,
While one can be pure mind, body and soul from the start?
If we could answer this mystery we could heal what tears us apart.
Mar 2014 · 315
Remnants of The Heart
Like a moth to flame
I attract to your pain
months have passed
But I still feel the same
The memories have returned
As my heart flared and burned
I wish it was like it was before
To satisfy for what I have yearned
Feb 2014 · 303
Haunting Memories
In our golden days I came to you
And would melt in your embrace
But now your heart is in another place
Emotion used to have a home behind your hazel eyes
Your stoic gaze announcing our demise
Everything simply meaningless lies
I wish I could of done or said the thing to keep you there
But I doubt you even cared.
Feb 2014 · 442
Why is that when people break up they can't be friends?
Some of us would like to keep ties with our loose ends.
Yes, we were lovers, and that may seem scary
But I think it's quite the contrary

Who knows you better than your ex?
The person who everyday you used to text
Who else has kept all your secrets?
Not shedding light on any of your weakness
Who else cares about you more
Arms open, never showing you the door
And who else will love you when get old?
No one because your heart has grown to cold.
Feb 2014 · 323
Ghost Wings
Now I know I will never be free
These angel wings were not meant for me
Ive tried to soar with all my heart
But the thought of you just tears me apart.
I've tried glide above the ground
But in my head your always found
I spread my wings and heave a sigh
Perhaps I can never say goodbye.
Feb 2014 · 297
Only You
I wish I could wash away it all
The love, the hate and every pit fall
I wish I could drown the memory of your face
Every line of it still can trace
I wish we could submerge our sleeves in waters a new
Creating better memories, ones pure and true.
I wish we could swim in the clear waters of trust,
But I fear you never left the shallow end of lust
I wish one day I can wash you clean
Bringing out in you your beauty unseen
I wish one day I could again playful sink
In your waters so delightfully pink
In your arms I was the safest of all
A feeling so grand it had no name to call
The times I was with you seemed like a dream
I don't think that i'll ever know what you mean
I still hold your secrets and you hold mine...
Hopefully our souls will meet again in time
Feb 2014 · 374
What will you do, when the boys in blue come looking for you?
They claim to be keepers of the peace but it's just not true
They commit constant purgery and lie on the stand
For the soul purpose of putting money in their greedy hands.
They're your high school bully come to say hello
Still empty inside with nothing respectable to show

They disregard all of our rights  
Trying to crush us before we fight
They pretend to be our friends
Always trying to make amends.

They wear their false smile
Trying to **** us for awhile
But Without taking us on a date
It's nothing more than ****
Feb 2014 · 3.8k
I Wish I Never Met You
You are the poison that pulses through my veins
Making me question my sanity and feeling insane
I wish I'd never seen your haunting face
I wish the memories would vanish without a trace
I hate you, but I love you, I was scared of you, but I know you

I wish I could say it was all a dream, I wish I could say it wasn't true.
I long for your happiness at the cost of my own
Maybe one day I'll now longer reap what I've sown.
Jan 2014 · 364
Nature Is Our Only Escape
Prisoned and shackled we are
The truth visible through our every scar
Our Hands chained and our legs bound
Forever tightening us to this concrete ground
Our condition has been inherited from our parents before
From the filthy rich to the struggling poor
This despicable state is decaying our mind
Our only hope is to leave this world far behind.
Jan 2014 · 566
Inspiration For Tomorrow
It is our duty as human beings to inspire
To spark in others an undying desire
So let us pick up our pens and pencils
Our paints, chisels, and stencils
Our microphones, drums, and musical tools
And our books, beakers, and new found rules.
Let us make a path for greatness to follow
So we can make a much berighter tomorrow.
Jan 2014 · 435
What Is Love?
Love is a merely a fable of fairy tales
A simple mistruth that propels our wishful sails
We invest ourselves in this lie
To convince us that we won't be alone when we die
We think of love as some heavily bliss
Something to be cherished and missed
But it is just a tale to keep us warm at night
It's better to give up now than loose an unwinnable fight.
Jan 2014 · 736
Feelings On Lease
Hey there stranger remember my face?
I think we knew each other in a different time and place.

There was even a time I think you knew my name
But you may have forgotten it because of the pain
I think there was a time you knew all my secrets
What made me strong and what made me the weakest
I think there was a even a time we locked lips
Eyes closed with our hands on one another's hips

So hey there's stranger do you remember my face? must have been another person at a different time or place.
Jan 2014 · 397
A Heavy Heart
There are many things I I wish I could make you see
I wish I could show you I'm sorry
But I have to let you be
I wish you could see how much I've changed
But to contact you now would seem deranged
I wish I could show you that your still my friend
But to you that chance is at an end
I wish I could tell you I never gave up your secrets
But to you it's probably just meaningless
I wish I could make you see you should forgive me
But I know your thought of me is empty
There are many things I wish I could make you see...
Jan 2014 · 514
Death of Red
The color red is dead
A made up primary that came from our heads.
An evil marking of false trust
Not of love, just of lust
It consumes our thoughts and our hearts
Bringing us together and tearing us apart
It brings us no where,
But back to the start.
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