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Ruth Boon Aug 2013
Ruth Boon Aug 2013
A bleeding smile
dry lips while you kiss me
you kiss me
you kiss me
discover and unwrap
lover, lover

my heart is an oven
inside are your burning hands
you blister so quietly
then show me your palms

your eyes are oak trees
they can't run away
no matter how hard they try
old leaves escape them
they fall to the ground
while your hands are still burning
you never make a sound

a leaking whisper,
soft eyes in the crowd
I see you,
I see you,

Your throat is an ocean,
my thoughts swallow into you,
yours into mine
and you can hear
the walls of my labyrinth creak
my body speak
in illiterate rhythm
Ruth Boon Jul 2013
Open my fist from it’s tightness
kiss the incisions that have been made
by my finger nails that should be black

my first fist reaches to the ground
my second to where my heart should be
an empty space that is waiting in the
shadows of my chest
it is waiting behind dark green vines
poison ivy
it is waiting behind dusty opaque windows

warm greenhouse

waiting for my fist,
my hand,
my heart,
a deep red tomato
inside my palm
waiting for a
sheltered house
made of glass
Ruth Boon Jun 2013
The quiet after the storm
sleeps in your chest
like gliding bird wings
after facing the wind

Your treasure chest
flows like
hidden oceans
folding your breath into
bed sheets

my tongue will travel
like ribbons through
the cages of your heart
tying knots and bows
the same colour
as your
as your secret bruises,
the ones they don’t see

The quiet after the splendid storm
sleeps in your chest
you keep it there,
it is yours
Ruth Boon Jun 2013
Let me touch your ****
I love your ****, it’s so soft
*places hand on ****
Ruth Boon Jun 2013
Making kisses like
faint dog barks outside
my house at night,
I can feel their might
in my gums,
Maybe I’ll stick a pouch
in between my cheek and lip
and instead of tobacco
it’ll be filled with words
and it’ll be filled with you,
Brown leather grasshoppers
jump in your irises
and chirp when you nibble my ear,
A purple lipstick necklace
fell onto your collar bones
from my tongue,
Little white petals jump
from your fingertips
into my mouth (very quietly)
when you place your thumb
on my lower lip,
And you brush pollen
off my skin with your
dark dark hair
which gets caught
between my lips,
Between my lips
are your lips
and your tongue
young tongue
time bomb in my mouth
deep dark and heavy
black and melting
itself onto my stomach
Egyptian inscription
encrypting on old skin,
I say old because
no cap covered my
invisible freckles,
sun scars,
if you stare hard enough at nothing,
nothing becomes stars,
if you have everything,
blow it away like dandelion seeds;
soft caresses,
back onto someone else's pale cheek
draw a map of a forest
on your back while I
hold a pen in my mouth
and ******* more ink,
You be paper for me
and let me think while we lie
and still we lie
and we lie very still.
Ruth Boon Jun 2013
When you blink
it’s like a long slow
never-ending wave
like a breath of
letting go
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