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1.4k · Oct 2013
Thimble Full Of Pride
Russell D Oct 2013
With my thimble full of pride
A stone as my heart
I'm afraid the time has come
That we must now part

A thimble the only measure
Of the pride I have left
As for the stone that's my heart
It was put there with heft

Each unkind word a pebble
Now all stacked and compressed
Transformed into the stone
I now carry in my chest

But I will bear you no grudge
Nor hold you in account
For karma takes care of those
Who pull others down
1.2k · Nov 2013
Russell D Nov 2013
I reach out to you
But you push me away
Leaving me to wonder
What it is I should say

Is there one word or phrase
That could break down your walls
Or are my thoughts better left unsaid
Since your concern seems so small

We've spoke the words of love
Gave in to our desire
Then you pull away
But my heart is on fire
1.1k · Oct 2013
A Candle's Fickle Flame
Russell D Oct 2013
Bathed in the light
Of a candle's fickle flame
My soul and yours
Are one and the same

Two bodies separated
By nothing at all
At this moment of ecstasy
Into my arms you fall

This type of passion
Most men never know
For this kind of love
Most would sell their soul

Bathed in the light
Of a candle's fickle flame
My soul and yours
Are one and the same
988 · Nov 2013
New Rome
Russell D Nov 2013
Bye bye Miss American Pie
We wish we could save you
Or even knew how to try

The greatness of our country
Seems faded away
While Democrats and Republicans
Try to keep each other at bay

Have our days of glory slipped by us
Stashed away in our checkered past
Are we now the modern day Rome
With our downfall already cast

Only time will tell
If we can save her from this hell
Or if we are just along for the ride

Together or alone
Someone must cast the first stone
In attempt to turn the coming tide
931 · Jun 2014
Lonely Stone
Russell D Jun 2014
Lonely is something
Unfortunately I know
Mocks my every step
No matter where I go

Although I am happy
In my own skin
There are many distractions
To mask the pain within

Where is the soul
That matches my own
Where is the woman
To soften this stone
676 · Nov 2013
I Am You
Russell D Nov 2013
I've been a rescuer
All of my life
Give me the underdog
With an armload of strife

I take to the lost causes
And things unattended
I have a longing to help
When the world seems ended

Strays and mongrels
Hold kinship with me
Those who hide in the shadows
The ones unseen

Wanderers and lost souls
With holes for hearts
The ones who are lost
Right from the start

666 · Nov 2013
Setting Light
Russell D Nov 2013
The sadness has killed the light
That once lived in your eyes
Resentment has taken hold
The hatred wells up inside

Trading shattered dreams
For a broken heart
Now the best laid plans
At the seams come apart

All the seeds that were sewn
Become stillbirth at best
Can there be no relief
Besides the illusion of death

Could I polish your heart
With the grace I have left
Please open your eyes
Before your light has set
611 · Feb 2015
Lonely Is
Russell D Feb 2015
Lonely is
As lonely can be
Where is the soul
Made just for me

Missing parts
And wasted years
Broken heart
River of tears

Trapped outside
Looking in
Jaded fears
Thin my skin

Stiff upper lip
Smile through the pain
Hiding in shadows
Left by the rain
560 · Nov 2013
The End Is The Start
Russell D Nov 2013
Words and their meanings
Seem duly parted
Where love is concerned
For the brokenhearted

Never mind the lines
The truth lies between
Though seldomly spoken
And rarely seen

Pain colors the world
In eerie ways
Makes me long for the palette
Of much happier days

I don't know if time will heal
My broken heart
The only thing I know
The end is the start
545 · Nov 2013
Russell D Nov 2013
I find myself
A broken man
With broken heart
And broken hands

A thunderous love
Just whispered away
What could have been
Now starting to fade

The words you spoke
Suddenly ring untrue
Those three words you said
I Love You
530 · Oct 2013
Russell D Oct 2013
All of your walls
Keep me in the dark
And so block my attempts
To win your heart

I've had escorted tours
To the edge of your life
Bunt never allowed too close
To the feelings you hide

You seem to keep your emotions
Tied, locked, and bound
Afraid to share your soul
For fear of being let down

I have come with hopes
I can find my way inside
That you see who I really am
Let me breathe love into your life
513 · Oct 2013
Heaven In Your Eyes
Russell D Oct 2013
I feel your touch
Here in the dark
The flames of love burn
I see the sparks

Heaven in your eyes
:Passion in our hearts
This longing desire
For you from the start

Here in the shadows
Skin upon skin
My life begins now
As you let me in

Take me as yours
If you dare
In your darkest hours
I'll be there
490 · Nov 2013
Darker Still
Russell D Nov 2013
Can you tell me now
Of the darkest color you know
Is it as black as the night
Or as murky as my soul

Is it as dark as the space
Where all your demons hide
Or as black as the box
That you keep your happiness inside

Is it darker still
Than any color that's seen
Or even darker than that
The color of a nightmarish dream

Into every darkness
There must peer a little light
I wish I could be that ray for you
And be perfect in your sight

I long to shine the light of love
In to the places you don't dare go
I want to split the darkness
So I can make you glow
444 · Oct 2013
Is There Still An Ember
Russell D Oct 2013
Have the flames of love gone asunder
Has your fire finally gone out
Will I truly ever know
Or just live my life in doubt

Is there still an ember
That could spark to flame
If I could just manage
To find the right words to say

I never knew love
Then there was you
My heart sprung to life
As your light shines through

Is there any way
For you to love me again
Or am I left in the breeze
Like leaves to the wind
441 · Oct 2013
Russell D Oct 2013
Seems I've fallen to pieces
and they've all gone astray
Do you have enough pockets
To carry them away

If you notice something missing
Pay no attention if its my heart
For it was gone long before
I ever fell apart

Patch me back together
When you find the time
If you have the desire
And if your of the mind

Maybe you'll have some use
For a partially fractured man
Maybe you"ll see the light
In my weathered hands
433 · Oct 2013
Fate And Change
Russell D Oct 2013
Truth or dare, electric chair
There was something in her eyes
Leaving home we start to roam
As we're falling towards the skies

Death and life through the strife
As we rush to meet our fate
Breaking stones across our bones
We try to wipe the slate

A mountain of guilt already built
Of the sins strewn through the past
Dark and strange, though trying to change
Afraid the mold has been cast
432 · Oct 2013
I Wish
Russell D Oct 2013
I wish you could give me shelter
But not keep me from the rain
I wish that you could need me
And not be overwhelmed by my pain

I wish I could be desired
And wanted from time to time
I wish I could capture your heart
And have you by my side

I wish I had all the answers
Or even some sort of clue
I wish I had your heart
I wish that I had you
414 · Nov 2013
Slipping Away
Russell D Nov 2013
What do I do
When I feel your love slipping away
Do I just let it go
With so much left to say

Do I fight for a love
I can't make you feel
Resign myself to sorrow
Return my heart to steel

Do I stay to the bitter end
Until all hope is gone
Or do I just lick my wounds
And try to soldier on

After all that was said
And promises were made
How can I live my life
In a world where your love fades
371 · Oct 2013
What Good
Russell D Oct 2013
What good is a life
If you are afraid to live
What good is a gift
If you refuse to give

What good is a heart
Where there is no soul
What good is the sun
When you are buried in your hole

What good is the rain
When the seeds haven't been sewn
What good are directions
When there is no way home

Just live your life
And give your gift
Cleanse your heart and soul
Bask in the sun for a bit

Dance in the rain
While your seeds of hope are sewn
Remember this bit of advice
Eventually, all roads lead home
349 · Oct 2013
Can I Call You Mine
Russell D Oct 2013
The look in your eyes
Makes my soul melt
My love is on fire
Something I've never felt

Wanting and needing
Desiring your love
You are my woman
Sent from above

A lifetime isn't enough
To fulfill our needs
Can I have forever
With the love of my dreams

May I have forever
Or the rest of time
Will you be my love
Can I call you mine
343 · Oct 2013
Russell D Oct 2013
Can I hide myself in the spaces
You have left in your life
Is there enough room for me
Or are my hopes just too high

For I have a burning passion
That warms me to my core
With love that will outshine forever
A love to surpass evermore

So some day if I seem to fit
Into a corner of your life
I hope I will get the chance
To share this love I have inside
339 · Oct 2013
Wanting Heart
Russell D Oct 2013
Can you hear the sound
Of my wanting heart
Crying out for you
Here in the dark

Every fiber of my soul
Screams out your name
There is no doubt now
I'll never be the same

Led from the dark
Into the light
You are ever so lovely
Here in my sight

You could be my fantasy
Wrapped in a dream
My one true love
Forever indeed
310 · Oct 2013
Can I Hold You Tonight
Russell D Oct 2013
Can I hold you tonight
So I can feel your heart
We can melt together
No separate parts

Could I tell you you're wanted
Just everything I need
You fill my every thought
My soul is now freed

May I steal an eternity
And spend it with you
Showing my love
Is so very true

— The End —