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Silence is sunlight softly kissing your mind
Soaring like an eagle,do not feel caged
St Margarite is smaller feel assauged
I found a single room I felt realigned
Your food is better,I can eat it too
And the staff is like the best honeyed mead
When called they take care of me I am pleased
And the portions are small,nothing I can do

There are perks at last place list them will you
It has a cafe where I ate 6 days a week
A  patio covered with vines.,no doubt
It held bbq's for residences  twice a month too
The Sunshine cafe is quite a boutique
feel burnt out go to patio and chill out
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk,
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sic
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.

And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.
The past is an iron chain Trump is a crook
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.

Kamala played the same old Dem playbook
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
On Afghan and Bidenomics he scores a win
Kamala played the same old Dem playbook.

And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
Both like rotten cheese  and all of their ilk
And Trump talk like holed cheese,his time to

Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk
And Kamala approves of Tar pitch ****.
A party that supports Tar pitch **** is  sick
Politico speak that is wrapped in prized silk.
larry mintz Sep 6
Five -leaf akebia
O  Vine of Chocolate how loved. are you
And hangs by yourself on an archway.
And feat is  key of gold that. is  true
You light the  path  each an everyday.
Sweet flowers pink you  are feathery
A heap of  happiness  anyways.
Good luck is chest of gold.  Now you free
Unhappy ?  Behold the flower.,yea.
Love. love. love.  love is a  chain of gold
Fine .bloom .red-pink  lovely too bud is bold.

False Virginia Creeper
O Woodbine covers the buds of spring
You cap the pergola everyday.
And friend that sting they’re  not anything
You seek much money I surely say.
And being  lone is  a wellspring
The buds are  veiled  from the sun. yea yea.
So take much care of your welfare too
You pagan beau of the Earth true blue
Always a bachelor so you are glad
A green vine  looks like a twin not sad  .
And sunlight shining thru canopy
The buds are  shining thru darkness too.
And view the terrific majesty
The shade is slick as I speak to you.
And vines that. much practically
And vines that hang in my face, so true.
Long green vines vines that will touch you so
Long green vines sometimes they loved oh no.
These green vines  meanings lie to  thee
These. green vines. climbing all over me.
larry mintz Sep 5
(Stained Lotus Sutra)
When you **** a person you destroy their
    dignity, you take a flower rip it to shreds
    and then you **** all over it, you call yourself
    a victor!  Battered ****** bodies everywhere,
    you don’t care.
Inwardly  speaking y’all have a superiority        
    complex, the ZioNazi State of Isreal and its  
    accomplices have this complex, you think
    your  egos soar like hawks but they sink
    like sinking ships of gory glory.
  By association we **** too, we should all feel  
    disgusted.Resist with every fibre of your
    being, a superior and healthy society is
    Othala and a gold chain to the Cosmos...
Arguing with a homicidal State is like
    jumping on thin ice and expecting to stay
    dry, dream on, ‘murica your collective
    mind is much like a rotting corpse, your  
    mid  east policies make Vlad the Impaler
    look like St Thomas Aquinas..
How do you deal with their **** ? The hipsters    
    created a circle around the Pentagon  in the  
    Sixties shouting Out Demons Out ! My
    departed friend mentioned without doubt.
Team Purple are like vampires they will ****
    the life out of America and leave it burnt
    bone dry.
For Team Purple the vote is NO CONFIDENCE
To stave off their March of Madness, vote
    for the G.P,Jill Stein policies new, do promote.
Harris is Benji’s *****, she is incompetence
    Hope is the USS Missouri sinking
    Harris ending Gaza war -leery thinking.
Inspired by the Sunflower Sutra
BeatTranscendenatist Style
larry mintz Sep 3
Gaza is a burning house,no end in sight.
Diplomacy is a water moccasin .
Israel maims their victims- a horrid plight
Bitter is a rank lime ,this war a no-win.
The Nerthus folk  shout Gaza is not right.
Benji's far right politics surely a stinking sin,

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch

Benji's war talk to Congress -he is such a liar.
Biden sends troops to Isreal to fight.
AntiDems and the 'cons both conspire.
Risk is a slick road- its American might.
Palestines anger is a raging fire.
No Gaza cease fire that is in sight .
Judgement  is Lady Liberty-comes for all
The guilty combatants finally will fall

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch

I spread the news using X and Substack.
I am just one man. I do the best I can.
I spread the news using  Tribal too .
All of Humanity  could stop this fire.
Either all live as one State with equal rights.
or as two States equal else perish together.

Stop the maelstrom  Now !Give peace as an olive branch
The Bop
larry mintz Sep 3
Hearing news today,I  do want to shout
R .Bucky Fuller’s prophesy was right
We surely need a new path,do you doubt .
Our leaders ,they all  just want to fight
Drop our leaders, they care not for you
They’d let the world burn -a terrible sight.
Free style shamanism,this  Path isn’t  new
Zenarchy  as a lifestyle, I find cool
Choose your own path ,be a torch bearer too.
Go  back to the old ways,cement the cracks
The Machine pols happy ,they wanna dance  
Cracks cost much  to fix you then get the axe.
Read all of R. B. Fuller’s books today
These books will  teach you more that ,I can
Terza Rima Sonnet
larry mintz Sep 3
Jill Stein   the best rep for the Greens  to date.
A vote for the    Green  Partywould be great,
Vote for Biden , daft you are , I opine
Vote for Trump you look much  dumber by design.
You want to make America Green, do you ?
The Green Party, a breath of fresh air too.
Her politics makes America look great,
The  Party Green  policies hold much weight.
Why have  idiotic ****** policy’s  ,
  Noachian   laughable stupid  comedy’ s ,
Dems and ‘cons have  led America astray ,
The   Greens shall save America today.
Heoric Verse
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