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Dec 2013 · 8.5k
Life was kind
Roy Vazquez Dec 2013
When I was younger
I liked to spin and spin
I would get dizzy and fall
and I would laugh
because things were good
and life was kind

When I was a little older
I liked to follow my brother around
I would get tired and fall
because no matter how hard I tried
I couldn't keep up
but things were good
and life was kind

The day I became a teenager
I began to internalize
and I would get dizzy and fall
because I was different
things were not good
but life was still kind

When I was a little older
I made peace with my struggles
I got light headed and cried
God made me different
but things were good
and life was kind

When I became an adult
I met my first love
We would kiss and I would fall
because I knew he would catch me
things were very good
and life was kind

When  I was a little older
I made too many mistakes
I was so sorry but I didn't fall
because I had ruined his life
and mine
and there's nothing to be done
things got really bad
and life was not kind

Now the days go by
but things are different now
and when I think about it all
I get dizzy and I do fall
because not a day goes by
that I don't think of you
and how sorry I am
for the idiot I was

but life goes on
there's not too much I can do
the little that could
was done
and we've moved on

The day I'm a little older
I'm sure I will see you that day
and I will probably get dizzy and fall
but I hope enough time has passed
where we are able to smile
because things are good
and life is once again kind
Jun 2013 · 657
Roy Vazquez Jun 2013
There are those secrets we choose to pass on.
We call them secrets, but they really are  not.
We want those to hear it, we want the attention,
Because it makes us important, just for a second.

But then there are secrets that we fear to hold on.
We keep them at bay, praying to god that they go.
We want to be normal, we want to forget,
Because it's killing us slowly, our lungs drowning in thought.

With clammy hands and a dry mouth,
We clear our throat, it is time to come out.
We don't want the attention, but we can no longer breathe.
"I have something to tell you," and that's the last thing you hear.

In the silence that follows, our hearts stop beating in time.
It's all over your face, you are no longer mine.
Just my secret and I, we can't even cry.
We've lost you, you're gone, at least there's nothing to hide.

The questions we ask are only knives to our heart.
We just told you and you're scared, but can this change over time?

Putting syntax aside, We is no longer just I,  
Can you please forgive me? Mi amor soy yo, and I am more than my past.
Apr 2013 · 430
Roy Vazquez Apr 2013
My opinion maters
Because I choose to make it so.
I may be just one human being
On this planet
Therefore only getting a small pull,
But **** me straight to hell
If I ever pass on the opportunity
To stand up for what I believe.

And I believe I've had enough.
I believe I can make tomorrow
A better day
For you.

I believe in the influence of power
And the power of one.

My opinion maters
because I choose to make it so.
What do you believe?

— The End —