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roy d bryant May 2010
What is are friends?  Friends are people who will listen to your problems.
Friends are people who will stand beside you through thick and thin. Friends are people that you can cry on their shoulder.  Friends are people
to hang out with and have fun with.  Friends are the best things that can happen to you.  Friends are the people that will always be there for you.

    This gos to the ones that has gone on to RIP like my mother-in-law (Bonnie)   WE MISS YOU  WE LOVE YOU
roy d bryant Mar 2010
When I was growing up moms, and dads would fight for their babies
now a days a mom or dad would **** their babies, or they would
find some way to get rid of their babies ~no matter what it takes
to do so.
When I was growing up a friend was a friend. Friends stood by each others
side. A friend would never turn on you. now days friends fight and turn
on each other.
When I was growing up a man and a woman that got married, stayed
together~ no matter what happened. they didn't fight. they would work
things out, But now a days a man and a woman are married, don't
stay together long~ they fight and can't get along for anything.
when I was growing up, you could cry, and tell how you feel ~ you
could hurt. Now days if you cry & tell how you feel or if you hurt,
people will make fun of you .
see things were better when I was growing up, But things now bays
are so bad, I don't know about you , But I wish that I could  go back
to when I was growing up, and not be here for these  days
roy d bryant Mar 2010
As I look at everyone and at what they are doing, I keep looking and I think how lucky, we are to have MEN AND WOMEN to fight for us.
They are  not just MEN OR WOMEN, they are the MEN AND WOMEN of the USA!
I don't know about you, but I tip my hat to the MEN AND WOMEN who are giving their lives up for us, and I want to say thank you to MEN AND WOMEN , but most of all I want to thank their families for letting them fight for all of us.
I want to thank those MEN AND WOMEN that have died for us.
Just because of the troops we are in the land of the free- I've said it once before and I'll say it

                                   GO USA

— The End —