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Aug 2016 · 255
Killing me Slowly
Route AN Aug 2016
I know that their killing me slowly, chest squeezed, heart squeezed can't breath, doctor said everything is alright, but it's never alright, legs hurt at the end all I was doing was training for a fight. Please someone hear my call, for help.
Aug 2016 · 212
Aug 2016 · 189
Route AN Aug 2016
I live in hell, no better poem
Jul 2016 · 204
Route AN Jul 2016
Help that greatest call of all time. Seen it all.
Jul 2016 · 204
Route AN Jul 2016
Nightmare is my life, day by day without anyone in sight, a struggle to live and survive, now they have my heart pain like no other, O Lord I pray for my cry cause the battle has become never ending.
Nightmare is what I face on a day to day basis,
May 2016 · 907
Short Poem
Route AN May 2016
I said, my dreams are rough, tough love, that brought nothing but this short poem.
Just my feelings
May 2016 · 249
A Note To Myself.
Route AN May 2016
We live in a world of sin, a indigo blue when I close my eyes, a calling for back up, a note to myself to let things go. Necessary changes, and the same old faces, what a triumph.
Apr 2016 · 181
Route AN Apr 2016
Feel my pain, Feel my pain, Feel my pain, is there anything else to say.
Mar 2016 · 344
I'm on a Polar thing.
Route AN Mar 2016
I'm on a polar thing, I'm on a polar thing, I'm on a polar thing, from the north pole to the south pole, stuck in a maze, so I went out and Mazed talent out. With my name in the middle, with double T left, where I'm from means you, and nothing comes easy. Just check how dark my hallway was, till I found the light. O Glory, O Glory stay with me, a bayberry root to find my love. Feel the passion, chasing the spotlight, this is where my Demons are. All I ever hear is that is very rare, the eye of return. It could be because of the Isolation mysterious, in a ration of stations, a formation of God's creation. I'm on a polar thing.
Mar 2016 · 295
A small Holy Quote
Route AN Mar 2016
Holy poems, Holy Storms, Holy life, Life is good,
Life is great, Life is light, Life is Dark but what's Life without Happiness of another soul? __Nothing
Mar 2016 · 285
Gods Call
Route AN Mar 2016
"Gods Call"So I write every morning to remind myself, to never sacrifice these three things your heart, your family and your diginty, cause I woke up out that comma I was 23 and I know god, going through hell and back almost everyday, God is the only one to turn to a sinner's plea, at the end don't we all sin..........
God's my hope and faith.
Mar 2016 · 237
Route AN Mar 2016
I'm a Artists of starvation,
            Every Artists has a story,
        To find the story it's the inner,
            Self that's need to felt.
Mar 2016 · 268
Halloween In March
Route AN Mar 2016
Love is a Halloween game, it can treat you you right or scare the living hell out of you now you pick, A treat or a Nightmare, but never fold, my poem Halloween in March.
Mar 2016 · 238
Some words
Route AN Mar 2016
My spirit is bigger than a lion stronger than a tiger,
Motivation is my dectication to due right. God is the only word I got. I sometimes need to remind myself that I am the one who knows me best. Stressing but maintaining, a profound dilemma. My drive is to be a man. Some words.
Mar 2016 · 223
A Midnight Dream
Route AN Mar 2016
A midnight dream, a blessing or a curse, an undiscovered soul of the northern stars, to the noise of the towns touch, all said in the sky, clouds and the ground.
Feb 2016 · 300
Traped House.
Route AN Feb 2016
From a traped house, to a traped mind, to a lost soul. I'm just another fella finding his way home. What can I say all of it sounds crazy. The story of my life. All the nights I was loosing myself, a crazy song cry, a bounty hunters life style.
Feb 2016 · 516
Form of you and Me.
Route AN Feb 2016
There is no form that I'm not attached to, the spiritual or the real world. Love the lyrical world, and the historical world I find myself attracted to, to the form of it all being metaphorical.......
Feb 2016 · 280
Route AN Feb 2016
Choices, I'm afraid to live, but afraid to die, stuck in a box, I boxed to much and lost myself,  now I'm afraid to even try. A result of losing something. Now remember when, I lost myself to them pills, now I'm glad that they lost them self's from me. Then I found a war, that I can't lose myself from.
Feb 2016 · 218
Route AN Feb 2016
Lord protect me from me and have me not do what I use to. Draw me a path to find my way, and draw my enemies away from me. Amin.
Jan 2016 · 228
From Within.
Route AN Jan 2016
Garland, hanging in the loops, Chip the tooth. Have no feelings a certain region. A Brick House of fillings what a feeling, and one bad chapter doesn't mean the book is over. Remember keep moving and improving, cause there is a poor soul out there that has wrost than you and I. Faith is all we have, to give us the truth the cause of it love. A feeling from within.
Jan 2016 · 228
Lets Set It Off.
Route AN Jan 2016
Let's set it off in this spot, My only way to survival is my wish to stay alive, A prayer. Now Mirror Mirror on the wall Era, Era, a baseball sign, now what is going on, meaning like what's up Hi how you doing Miss Thang. But I have to thank you for a world that people don't give dam about,  With gods giving talent I'm going to make it happen, never came for a fight but I'll fight to the end.
Jan 2016 · 252
Route AN Jan 2016
Work hunted me today a pulling and janking day... If this is what grown up feels then I don't like.....
Jan 2016 · 285
The Butterfly Effect
Route AN Jan 2016
We all walk around with the Butterfly Effect in our pockets. Influenced in our own dependence, All of these consequences follow us around, Like Glue to the Atmosphere, Where Magic happens everyday. The picture of our life.......
Jan 2016 · 831
A Cry.
Route AN Jan 2016
Blood vessels burst I watch them heel. A outdoor game brought inward of my stay. A Intern of a Doctor I Need. Destructive on both sides. Ironman, Ironclad, Cannot penetrat a straight nightmare Rated R, not to watch a cry.
Jan 2016 · 285
Remix (Take Care)
Route AN Jan 2016
Take care, when I say make it your own, be your own, follow your own. Know your own lane, Rock and Roll the key Idea, To hang with the Greats, to wave my hands with the vows, and my whole town looks abandoned, like that's the band now. Super sane make them go Insane, I have seen way to much. Staying clean and lean the only way the Godly way.
Jan 2016 · 322
God is Good
Route AN Jan 2016
God is Good, God is one, God is All, The Holy Spirit of Us all. Cause the holy Spirit of God Stands in us All.
Jan 2016 · 276
Route AN Jan 2016
Pain here pain there,no matter what i  try the pain won't go away,  I walk with a limb and talk with a link. It's me myself and I, even in a cold night to the Hotness of a Winter night, my dreams are Domestic, a deck masters light, Pain

— The End —