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Route AN Aug 2016
I know that their killing me slowly, chest squeezed, heart squeezed can't breath, doctor said everything is alright, but it's never alright, legs hurt at the end all I was doing was training for a fight. Please someone hear my call, for help.
Route AN Aug 2016
I live in hell, no better poem
Route AN Jul 2016
Help that greatest call of all time. Seen it all.
Route AN Jul 2016
Nightmare is my life, day by day without anyone in sight, a struggle to live and survive, now they have my heart pain like no other, O Lord I pray for my cry cause the battle has become never ending.
Nightmare is what I face on a day to day basis,
Route AN May 2016
I said, my dreams are rough, tough love, that brought nothing but this short poem.
Just my feelings
Route AN May 2016
We live in a world of sin, a indigo blue when I close my eyes, a calling for back up, a note to myself to let things go. Necessary changes, and the same old faces, what a triumph.
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