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482 · Oct 2012
He is my everything.
My love. My life.
The way he laughs,
The way he cries,
The way his blue eyes shine.
He is my everything.

I found his love from just a small,
But, large distance.
I looked into his eyes for the first time,
And i knew right then and there
He is my everything.
When miles apart or heart to heart
I still feel the immense love for him.

He is my everything.
My love.
My life.
466 · Feb 2014
Love is a lie,
Or so they say,
My love is true,
And his is too!

"Life is like a box of chocolates,
You never know what you're gonna get."
I chose the most appealing piece,
The sweetest and the warmest.

I give you my world,
I show you my life,
I share with you my comfort,
I will soon be your wife.
457 · Dec 2013
Had it all figured out.
Where did it go?
I'm just getting older.
Slowly slipping away.
I lost myself.
Where am I?
I thought I knew.
Now I can't be sure.
What makes me happy?
What am I passionate about?
Besides my true love..
I don't have much at all.
Wanting the burden to go away.
I am stuck hiding in this world.
Lost in all the dark corners.
With all the painful memories.
With all the happy sights.
With the mixed up feelings.
I just don't understand.
Why am I lost...
During the time I need to know myself the most.
My whole future depends on me.
But i'm stuck.
437 · Apr 2013
Window To Light
I believe in beauty.
I have seen it in my darkest days.
It was when I looked far and wide.
Only to find it in your eyes.
I looked into the blue.
It was the only light I could find.
I was mesmerized into something I couldn't define.
It was like I just saw my whole life turned around and unraveled.
You revealed something that I find quite difficult to believe.
I saw what I now believe was your soul.
I can't describe everything that was there,
but I know it felt like I was flying through the air.
It was pure beauty.
I know it was there.
415 · Nov 2012
I Don't Know
How could i be so **** selfish?
365 · Nov 2012
Don't worry

I Will



343 · Aug 2013
Life is wonderful,
Not a worry in the world can change that,
The beauty of nature created me,
I feel so blessed with this opportunity,
The Opportunity of Life,
It has a wonderful ring to it,
Don't you think?
324 · Apr 2013
Blocked by words that just won't come.
They just sit and I don't know what to say.
Where are those thousands of words when I need them most?
I wish my mind would speak some words.
I guess this is what happens when life goes your way.
You have nothing really sad to say.
Maybe I should say the happy things.
That seems somewhat difficult.
I am grateful though...
I get my chance to be happy and rise above the mess I once was in.

— The End —