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Apr 2013 · 969
A Perfect World
Roshan Patel Apr 2013
A Perfect World!

As the sun shimmers the cloud... appears you with a shine of light...
It's going to be a beautiful day I see.. An Angel just its presence... bright...
I love seeing that smirk on that beautiful lucky am I.. to see that beautiful sight...
To Life... To Love and To Care... for you.. nor do i see distance... nor any unreachable height...

I don't see any signs of pains... neither do I hear any chants of anguish...
I see a full presence of hearts... and an innumerable souls and wishes to cherish...
The World Is a playground without boundaries... and we never get too old to be too childish...
This is To the day that starts and ends with a playful smile... and to smile...for everything that comes along with...

A helpful hand when needed one... and an extra pair of legs when wanted to walk along with some...
people that never leave when their time has come... isn't it wonderful to see... a wish come alive when asked for one?...
One doesn't need to beg for food...or lie to see happiness is some...
To those wishes that were left for wishes to be wished... and to those screams that left a few songs...unsung...

Why try to outdo others when you can outdo yourself as a human...
Look at the brighter side of you...when you are agonizing a soul just to have some fun...
Leave the life to be unexpected... but its your choice to tag along with it... when it takes the wrong turn...
To the tears that didn't get the care to dry... and to those arms who were left is bitter than its literal terms...

A "Perfect World" may be a illusive presence of mind that could never be in the realm of human reality...
As a Man runs from problems to wars and to crimes and to mischievous and finally to cruelty...
He forgets that the real problem is The Man himself, But...what could be done to apt his morality?...
Try to be a better human than you were yesterday... and see how that dream turns into a sheer...reality...

— The End —