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Rose Chastain Feb 2016
Hanging from your neck

Eyes wide

Reach long

Tears start to swell

Your expectations never met

Left with your disgusting self

Left with your oh so thought out grim background
Rose Chastain Feb 2016
Take it
Take my pride
Take my confidence
Take my power
Make me as ***** on the outside as I feel on the inside
Force your way into my thoughts with your ****
Treat me like your little slave because that's all I'll ever be
Slap the normal out of me
Pound the difference into me
Don't look at me
Don't handle me with care
Grind your ******* teeth with the physical dependency of me
Hate me because I hate you...
Rose Chastain Feb 2016
I want you to fall in love with me but I don't want you to drown.
I want you to pick me but not for these reasons.
I need to feel full but you can never do that for me because I won't let you.
I am a trap you want to fall in.
I show you I know my place by not missing you.
I don't really want what she has because I like running too much to stay.
I am the antique you can't afford to acquire.
I am an uneven chair you choose to sit in.
Rose Chastain Feb 2016
Seclusion is within my nature.
Suffering in my own skin is a happy medium.
There's just something dreamy about wanting to tear yourself to shreds.
Rose Chastain Feb 2016
I am shame.
I am small.
I am in the background of everything good.
I am cowering.
I am in constant fear.
I am pathetic and diminishing in between every smile.
I am weak and nimble.
I will fit anywhere.
I will tear this apart without meaning or purpose.
Rose Chastain Feb 2016
I need you to take me higher
To a place where plastic doesn't exist and clouds are a solid constant
I want my reality to be my escape
Numb me of everything like I'm shooting distractions and lies into my veins
I want to actually feel alone when I'm alone because your absence is the only thing I feel
Make my eyes wonder while I search for my favorite marks on you
I want you to question me because you know better than me when I'm lying to myself
Run from the desert with me
I want to feel comfortably watched
I want to be so aware that I forget what floating feels like
I need these feelings temporarily
last lyric is all I want it love

— The End —