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Jul 2019 · 128
Midnight thoughts
Sometimes you realize life might not be the best thing for you even when you have so many people there to help you and talk to you and care for you.
And it happens just when everything goes right, you slowly feel it .
You shrug it off “ maybe I’m tired” “maybe I need a mental break.”
Then you realize 3 weeks later when your sitting on the floor holding you favorite stuffed animal that its finally bad.
When you want to carve at your wrist,
when you want to cry and scream or sleep because feeling any sort of emotion is better than feeling lonely.
When you think of every sign that you saw or felt could have stopped you from feeling this
Unworthy of life ,
Of happiness .
Apr 2018 · 258
I lived
Fighting Life's Battles

We fight the pain
Of our own
We fight the rain
Of the stones

We fight until our last bone breaks
We fight until the last one cries
We fight until victory we take
We fight until our enemy dies

We will fight on
On until there are none left to fight
We will fight on
Through even the coldest nights

We have fought many battles
But more still await
Many more bones will be rattled
But still, we will stay

As it gets cold
We won't stand alone
We stand bold
Chilled to the bone

As it gets dark
We won't be afraid
We will keep our heart
And stow it away

Out of enemy sight
Our hearts will be
At the highest height
Tall stand we

As it gets hard
We won't give in
We will walk far
Let out bones get thin

As it gets late
We won't sleep
We will keep a steady rate
Let the hills get steep

I won't back down
I won't give in
I will stand proud
I will live

As the sunrises
I wake
To find a deadly fate
I have survived the night
I haven’t been broken
Yes I will live
Mar 2018 · 174
Blood ain't Family
Blood ain't Family
I am sick and tired of trying
all my "blood" ***** me over.

I always use to think to be a family you had to share the same blood. Fuckisasistercuzitsureaintblood
The recent hashtag that she thought would hurt me .
Slowly I started to realize I don’t NEED her
She might be blood but she’s not my family
Aug 2017 · 400
I Remember
I remember screaming the lyrics to"Don't Stop the Music" out the sunroof like the young,immature child I was.

And getting yelled at right after that because " It was dangerous and I could have killed myself if she had suddenly hit the gas."
     I remember thinking nothing bad ever happened in the world.

I remember crying on my neighbor's doorstep  because I was ready to give up on everything and my mom said she didn't care what I did.

And crying for an hour straight because she was about to call CPS on my mom , I didn't want my mom to get in trouble.

I remember going from house to house with my mom and sister.

And the day my mom actually left my sister and I to go to Tennessee to "Find Dee and I a better place to live".

And how badly I cried because she said things to me that an 8 year old should never have to hear .

I remember having to grow up fast because I had to take care of myself and make sure I protected my family.

And being mad at my brother because he never had to struggle like I had
And hating everybody because they didn't protect their younger sister, but that was yesterday.
Just thinking about the past at 2 . Y'know just the norm.
Dec 2016 · 906
The Real Me
I am fake
You see me as a bright bubbley bad girl.
That's what I want you to see.
But to be honest with you I'm scared...
Scared of what you'd think of the real.
The badly damaged ,depressed,suicial me.
The Real Me.

Nobody likes the real me.
I may seem happy but I'm not.
I'm sad.
Trying not to show it.
I put on a smile.
I've been trying to be happy so long.
Everyday's the same.
Everyday I hide THE REAL ME.
Dec 2016 · 461
"I'm FINE"
Not being able to talk about your own problems while taking on everyone elses just hide your own is depression. Smiling even through the pain. Feeling worthless losing yourself. Living in a body that fights to survive with the mind that tries to die. Broken, useless, pathetic, rejected, lonely is what you mean when you say "I'm fine"
Apr 2016 · 417
I have a RIGHT to be different to be free .
                                     I have a RIGHT to be me.  
                      For me me to be different I'm really just being me
                                   people don't understand that .
                       people judge  me for being me for being myself
                                    what am suppose to do change  for them  .
                           the only way I'm changing is if GOD himself
                                         comes and tells me to change.
                          So for all you bullies and Hippocrates (****  OFF)
                                              I"M JUST BEING ME
Nov 2015 · 377
What Were Suppose to be
Were suppose to be nice
were suppose to feel happy
were never suppose to be mean we are not suppose to ........

go against the  system but......I'm not what I'm suppose to be.

— The End —