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28 · Aug 2020
Strawberry Songs
Ron Aug 2020
Concrete now the farmers field,
where we once played together,
Picking warm red strawberries in the sun.  
Here, where we used to search,
for the power of words and ancient mages,
Your tablet of poems diffuse peace to my pocket.
The wind has torn it and the rain has beaten,
Through the frayed binding and tattered pages,
Seeking new life upon those words you wrote.
Yet still I trace your strawberry scented breath,
Well preserved in your long past pen strokes,
Evocative memories of the Strawberry Songs,"
found within the tears with which you wrote.
I go now in further quest of words,
and warm ripe strawberries in the sun.
28 · Jul 2020
Sleepless Sun
Ron Jul 2020
Too long tonight I've lingered here,
And though time itself be intimate,
The ticking of the clock, is not.
Unlock those dreams of fate.
Old rising sun, you must wait.

If I had made of my scrawny arm
A pillow for my boney head
I may have had a moment's time
To chase a summer's dream that fled,
What would the Sun have said?

If in this troubled world of mine
I must linger sleepless in the night,
My only friend shall be the moon,
Who paints my lids a sadness shone,
As the Sun now shines a brighter light.
28 · May 2020
Memory Damage
Ron May 2020
Exiled from my own home, I walk through
A lattice of shadows in the hushed rooms.
No one speaks, but in that emptiness, I sometimes hear
The sticky vernacular of the unreal.

The scents that used to wisp around me when she passed,
Gardenia on an evening out,
are but memories past pleasant now,
Ethereal butterflies gone back to their cocoons.

Nothing relents: I deal with the damage
to my downspouts, drainpipes, the kitchen sink.
One more hard storm and I’ll be drilling weep holes
In the basement walls to let the stink out.
28 · Aug 2020
Unwise Dialog
Ron Aug 2020
Bought as a lark,
From the corner pet store,
A green and blue parrot,
vivid as newly leaved trees,
Talked always in human words.
And still they did to it then,
what has always been done,
To the oh-so wise and talkative,
They bought a cage with sturdy bars,
And shut it up inside.
27 · Oct 2020
Ron Oct 2020
I guess you could have called it poetic how by the age of 16 I had no recollection of what happiness tasted like on my tongue, but yet new well the taste of sorrow. Some might say it was poetic and tragically beautiful.
It was not poetic, nor was it beautiful, but it was tragic. It was so very, very sad, and that sadness has only expanded now that I’ve grown to see others seek glory in sorrow.
The sorrow of another is never glorious, never something to seek, unless to alleviate the source. Sorrow is not strength. It is a lump of hot iron in your chest that burns you from the inside out, and it is sour and harsh and repulsive to taste.
And yet still I have no right to think that the sorrow of another is anything other than tragic, or any less so than my own. Though it is human, it is not nature, your sorrow is your own, and belongs to no other.
Sorrow is like an abandoned building, empty and lifeless, resigned to a fate it does not know.
People never seem to pay much attention to abandoned buildings though,
until they become one.
27 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
Nightlights, streetlamps,
Convenience store glow,
Lit in a dull meaningless light.
Lives live on another decade or so
The same though, no exit in sight.
Death floats in, begins it all again,
Just as before, all repeats,
Nightlights, streetlamps,
Convenience store glow…
27 · Sep 2020
Blending In
Ron Sep 2020
Water plays
in the shade of trees
Clouds flit through
new moonlight
Alone in the darkness
stands my shadow,
completely unnoticed
in the damp twilight.
27 · Jun 2020
Crying Light
Ron Jun 2020
Last night I could not sleep
Due to the moonlight crying on my bed.
I kept hearing its distant voice calling,
Asking questions of sudden regret
And then quiet out of nowhere,
Nothing nebulous then answered “Yes.”
27 · Sep 2020
Ron Sep 2020
Boundless tall grass that carpet the land,
Will come and go with every season,
Wildfire tries but can’t consume them,
In the new spring wind yet still they stand,
Thickly pressed on the roadside edge,
Winding their way to the forest line,
Prince of fire, you'll flame up again,
I'll hear the tall grass whisper after you.
27 · Sep 2020
Good Growth is Needed
Ron Sep 2020
To the antiquated assembly,
of so-called leaders,
In this, the modern world.
I say go forth and pray,
For a healing rain,
To cleanse and disperse,
the blight of corruption,
Rooted fast and deep,
in the soil of ignorance.
And soak the mind's field,
For the best of living beings,
There where good grasses,
Now struggle to grow.
26 · Sep 2020
Eloquence of a Kiss
Ron Sep 2020
I should have kissed you
in our garden of sighs
under the deep purple sky
while you shook the daylight
from your free-falling hair
that moment knowing only
the thick stain of life
staining fingers tip to tip
colors dripping limb to limb
tasting deeply the seasons
of the whole world hidden
on your **** tender lips.
26 · Jul 2020
Empathetic Rest
Ron Jul 2020
Those days long gone,
Of my life’s living empathy
are like tranquil pools,
clear liquid jewels,
in a forest green where,
my shadow haunted dips his hand,
and cools his fevered head.
As too, the warm moist air,
Comes blowing softly,
upon his heaving breast,
Hinting but lightly,
at the sacred mystery of rest.
26 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
slender clouds.
smell of light rain
midday sun is hiding again.
within this liquid luminosity
I only just notice my clothes
are somehow soaked in color.
26 · Sep 2020
Kitchen Wndow
Ron Sep 2020
I am discontent,
and could wait until the feeling,
Becomes a haunting memory,
But I am at this moment,
Already wavering,
In my eminent need to relent.
What by nature,
Is most gracefully remote,
Transforms to bitterness,
With my distant gazing.
I turn my weary head,
to ask the passing gleam,
But the sidewalk scene,
Has grown hollow to me.
26 · Aug 2020
Turtle Time
Ron Aug 2020
MY little turtle labors alone,
All other turtles have quit this year
No one will pause to stop and praise
Its measured pace of travel I fear,
Now that my turtle time is near.
26 · Sep 2020
Grammatical Passion
Ron Sep 2020
Stories of passion,
Turn book dust to relics,
Calming short vowels,
linking verbs unconcerned,
in the stillness of a sunset suffix.

As consonants cry in the wind,
Prepositions fall,
like a predicate’s robe,
While conjunctions,
connect to their sin.
26 · Sep 2020
Tall Grass
Ron Sep 2020
I see you,
Shaking your flowers at me
with open invitation,
Then dancing away,
Deliciously trampling the grass,
Beneath your naked toes.

Let be,
My dreams that shiver under your breath,
You have the rest of the world to breathe on,
Do not tease me and prance away looking back,
I am too weary to play with you,
Let us instead make slow love,
Here in the tall grass.
26 · Aug 2020
Love and Madness
Ron Aug 2020
The west wind screams,
A hard rain comes,
Beyond the sound,  
Of this immediate need,
the noise of near thunder,
turns the sky’s great lock.
Ozone fries as lightning flies,
A tattle wind tries to escape.
Young as I peered,
through my bedroom screen,
when the gods of weather,
struck me dumb.
The love of the storm,
Still ignites my sadness,
One inch of love,
is another of madness.
26 · Jul 2020
My Shadows Return
Ron Jul 2020
This evening my shadow
Has come down the mountain.
sole company kept with only the moon.
Looking back, I see the path they’ve taken
Through twilight glass of purple in June.
With sighs my shadow flies to greet me,
Spring staines upon his traveler’s clothes.
Was 3 years and 8 months between the time I wrote "My Shadow", and this one where "My Shadow Returns". I don't really know where my shadow went during that time frame, I'm not sure I want to.
26 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
Regret has no business interfering with a person's life,
as if one could change the past by spending the future dwelling on it.
Were it not for regret,
the present might be a much more pleasant place to live,
allowing one to look forward to the future with optimism,
rather than hesitation.
Regret is useless to all but the person using it and deserving or not,
is nothing more than the disguised past tense of guilt.
Regret is a selfish act.
26 · Jul 2020
Autumn Leavings
Ron Jul 2020
Cold and dim
the year draws to its end
Sipping my wine,
I search for the warmth
of sunlight on my chilly porch.
In the garden of my house
all leaves have fallen
In the garden of my heart,
many memories lay rotten
I tip my glass
and drink deep of the dregs
I look to the kitchen
but no light there glows.
Half written poems, unread books
Still stacked beside my creaky chair
But my autumn light is gone now
and I’ll not have time
to read again this year
26 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
Can one be obligated,
for travesties uncommitted?
Can one admire the flower,
rooted deep in the grave,
Despite not causing the death ,
or ever knowing the name?
Proximity erodes,
the benefits of anonymity,
still from their silver cages,
The cowards all scream,
“If I can’t see, then it can’t be.”
I will not kneel,
But stand tall under the feet
Of those on my shoulders.
25 · Sep 2020
Ron Sep 2020
Even in this fast world  
the spirit of a friend
May live and reign
for a thousand years.
Why are friends long lost,
Always the most stable,
Of the four legs on a chair?
25 · Aug 2020
Drowning in Dreams
Ron Aug 2020
Once, while sharing some wine,
On the tranquil banks of a silent lake,
I asked someone what romance was.
And they told me she was a lone woman,
in flowing gold robes,
smoking a joint upon still listless waters.
Dreaming amid her silver ropes of haze,
she was beautiful and lovely melancholy,
in the evening of a summer's fun folly,
all enveloped by the light of the moon.

Much later my admiring sigh,
travelled across the water
to her still waiting form,
and shattered her silence too soon.

So I stayed up all night,
to search for that moon,
the night sky's only living daughter.
Unaware that my affection,
was aimed only at a reflection,
that my romance had been lost,
in the water.
25 · Jul 2020
Butterfly Sighs
Ron Jul 2020
Your beautiful thoughts like butterflies blow by,
With such swift colors on their fragile wings.
Some are less articulate than a sigh,
And others simply names,
of ancient songs and lovely things.
What delicate fluttering’s of escape,
as they pass beyond my grasping reach,
To leave their haunting wispy shapes,
Eluding my careful traps of speech.
And though I watch and listen and wait,
To view the colorful clouds blow through,
I’m longing for some colors escape,
To venture near my heart so true.
So maybe being a fortunate captor
Should it happen time to time,
That one be caught so trembling,
Within my mortal rhyme.
Then to you I would give in haste,
my most precious find.
25 · May 2020
The Thoughts of Leaves
Ron May 2020
The thoughts of leaves interest me,
Fragile fall, crisp with color,
harbingers of cooler times.
How fleeting flow their days,
How long lay their nights,
Memories of summers past,
Those thoughts that still drift,
Into many a fragrant eve,
hanging gently in their trees
to sing a song of rivers and streams,
and melodies,
of lemon scented fireflies.
This where the image of leaves,
is mirrored in the realm,
of my mind’s infinite summers.
Where the thoughts of leaves,
blow wild and free,
and memories past still wander.
25 · Jul 2020
Beastly Grief
Ron Jul 2020
Please hush those books
of gruesome dark beasts
page after page they tremble me
They feed on my grief
with a hunger that rivals
the sadness of sudden parting.
Yet I am nowhere without them,
those beasts who never die.
They gnaw at me like oceans at shores.
Perhaps I too would be full of beasts
if not for daylight to make them lazy.
Or maybe those books only spill the blood
Of those beasts of grief they would conceal?
25 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
It is the needing within the silence
deep down in the body,
deep and pure.
Shimmering pools of desire replenished
but never truly full.
Those shifting liquid pools of needing,
their voices calling, ever pleading,
always wanting something more,
Always something more.
25 · Jul 2020
Half Baked
Ron Jul 2020
After allowing my love to leave me
Because of my own stupid absurdity
I baked myself a humble loaf
A reminder of my missing hope
I then allowed it to sit
So daily it would startle me
Until I vowed to make it quite
So with treacherous trembling knife
I stabbed its crusty hide
And on insertion deep inside
Softly something crumbled
Sadly something died.
25 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
The pale heavens of the universe
refute a good morning to her
neither do the sky-punched stars
bother with an evening’s kiss.
This earth, where so many memories,
Among fine sentiments are buried,
could die in need of tender glance,
A cordial comment, or a little peace.
This damp blue ball is lonely,
so very lonely, as she views
the moon's cold cratered clothing,
while accusing the sun of being a thief.
It is a hot sun burning bright,
with many photons un-leased
in an attempt to pacify this earth
as the only living renter it keeps.
24 · Jul 2020
The Farmer
Ron Jul 2020
The grinding of the grain,
An intoxicating hum.
Hay bales piled high,
prickly building blocks.
We harvest as farmers,
and are self-sufficient,
Knowing the weather,
Of tomorrow will come.
Only after he ‘d stolen leisure,
From work on the farm,
Did he realize how long,
the summer days had become.
Among fresh cut wheat,
Standing there in the eve,
a cool breeze on his face,
Leftovers from the day,
To appease the nights fate.
Time to eat dinner,
And sleep.
24 · Aug 2020
Mean People!
Ron Aug 2020
In private at her they laughed,
Such laughter never more foolish!
Dwellers of this earth,
should cry and not cease.
Time's vulgarities crush us like glass,
Never to be reassembled in one piece.
24 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
I’ve just held you up to offer my hand,
And cannot help my weeping to see you wander.
Even leftovers leave to appease the nights hunger.
I will await your return with empty stomach.
24 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
This mournfulness, this restlessness
these inner convulsions,
Bound on a cloudy island,
heartache within, body still dying
all this hard fought by me.

And they were vast,
those tears, those pleas, those hearts that bleed
great walls of steel, calamity,
harsh words, and promises,  
Of spring to be,

Life undone by a stubbornness mine
Destruction achieved in perfect rhyme.
Some gray mornings
the wind and I,
Still wish for a sun to see
24 · May 2020
Ron May 2020
In my mind,
I hold the words,
that life denies me.
Words sweet words,
speak love sweet love,
if only to grow wings instead,
if only to rise above.
Words are not speaking,
as songs are not singing,
words to wound,
words to please,
words to bring me to my knees.
All day I have written words.
My subject has been just that:
And I am wrong,
and the words are wrong,
and so the words I burn.
Cerebral pages of them.
Desperate I ask the moon,
to gather her moonlit words,
and those too I burn.
But a poem still remains.
Of the words, with the words,
in the flame, that is now the words,
I disdain.
So I burn the words to contain,
Those meaningless words un-heard,
my words,
and am then burnt,
by all I cannot save,
all I cannot love,
and all I leave un-made.
But the words,
the words remain the same.
24 · Jun 2020
A Momentary Lifespan
Ron Jun 2020
How long would you have loved me?
A lifetime?
Ah wait, but that was too long?
Let us say just a moment.
Life is best but a moment,
If life is scarcely a day.
Might you have loved me then?
Perhaps while you drank,
From my life’s delicate cup,
with your sweet face turned up,
To love's exquisite taste.
Just one rapturous moment,
While my love inhaled you,
Like the soul of a flower,
For the space of a breath,
Within the breath of my space,
Where my words had no power,
But did their best to express,
Something so divine, so enchanting,
As your souls lingering scent,
Thrilling through all of my mind,
But at last in a sigh,
to be breathed out and spent.
Just one moment no longer,
and then all of my strength and desire,
all my passion exhausted,
With nothing left of my fire,
Gray ash scattered in the wind.
But then would you have clung to me?
Would you have then loved me?
Or would you have loathed me,
and scorned me,
And ruthlessly flung me away?
Yet again?
This maddening moment, I beg let the next,
Show what it chooses to reveal.
Is it enough that you loved me but a moment?
It was I after all,
who let fate spin her wheel.
What though from my dream when I awake?
My love a mere frolic it does seem.
What is life at best but a dreaming sleep,
And what is love, but just a dream,
A brief fleeting thought,
Only for fools to keep?
24 · Sep 2020
Who's There?
Ron Sep 2020
There's a gleam of green in the sunset red,
There's a stir of blue in the quiet mood,
There's an odious glow in the dusk outside,
Tonight, I’ll have my wine inside.
There’s none but me in this empty room,
Drinking lonely in in a swoon,
And yet still I hear a ****** voice,
Where moonlight fingers the window ledge.
Shall I calm the thoughts within my head?
No, I think I’ll drink my wine instead.
23 · Jun 2020
Fleeting Sense
Ron Jun 2020
I have a tulips sense today,
soft and sweet, but short to stay
and where it goes no bee can say.
I have a tulips sense today

I told a daisy’s tale today
her petals damp in a sudden shower
that blushed bright pink within the hour.
I told a daisy’s tale today

I pinched a roses bud today,
she pinched right back and used her thorn
To draw my blood and show her scorn
I pinched a roses bud today

I had a tulips sense today
the bloom in mind
was one of a kind
then sadly it faded it away

I had a tulips sense today.
23 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
Today I ignored
This stale old world
To better refresh my garden
23 · Jul 2020
Forgotten Blooms
Ron Jul 2020
I saw a blood red paper flower today,
barely nourished by a forgotten stain,
it’s leaves blackened in shadow.
Too much neglect will do that,
slow the sap’s passage,
blacken the leaves,
dry the green to gray,
and the heart.
It may have been saved,
If only someone had listened.
But nobody I told believed,
in its odd color or scent,
or the way its leaves grew,
in fragrant splayed rows,
down the entire length of the page.
In fact, the very page itself,
smelled faintly of spilled red wine,
dark chocolate, and treachery.
And something else,
something hard to describe,
the mustiness of the sea,
on a foggy day perhaps?
The odor of truth it was,
Wilted words in shades of red
so familiar,
yet so strangely new.
Words you could have almost,
wrote yourself,
if only in your dreams,
there had been a pencil,
a pen, or even a paintbrush,
a thought presented paper thin,
If only there had ever really been,
a flower to see.
23 · Aug 2020
Ron Aug 2020
Strung tightly he remains
Like a violin in mating season
And the banal carpet
His two bare feet do stain
Solemnly still he stands
In his kaleidoscopic rain
Until mystery dissolves him.
All in perfect poise somehow.
23 · Aug 2020
A Bit Keyed Up
Ron Aug 2020
Just as I locked my door, and pocketed the key,
I glanced over my shoulder only to see,
My tortured soul staring back at me.
'Look, I said,
"this name is your name, this door is your door,"
And though I accept that now; why did I put the key,
in the back of my mind to hide it from me?

So my soul let me go,
but my name has been lost,
Along with the key.
23 · Jun 2020
Colors of One
Ron Jun 2020
Some go in search
of chromatic white shores
where they might see
their pale heart lying about
like a long dead fish.
Some look around
at the brown uneven ground
Fervently searching
The piecemeal earth
For their missing hues
of humanity

I however,
will sit on my blue couch
And drink black coffee
while staring intently down
into my green mug
at the time streaked reflection
staring back at me
Loneliness does not come
in only one color
but spans the entire spectrum
of humanity
23 · Oct 2020
One Night Stand
Ron Oct 2020
I am blind in your eyes,
Pupils enameled hard,
against your glow.
When moonlight grace,
through treetops trace,
Our hearts then twined
still shine dark within our souls.
You are elusive as perfume,
a wavering gust of wind,
Not long will you remember me,
Nor those secret places I have been.

I am a solitary light in your sight,
a shadow short marked
for our rapturous flight.
I cannot ask,
for the cast of your body.
I cannot ask for the taste,
of your tongue.
You leave me from under the sheet,
your dark eyes drinking me in.
Now alone and awake I lay there,
Tangled damp in the silk of our sin.
23 · Jul 2020
Ron Jul 2020
It sparks lightning,
and broadcasts thunder,
Canceling drought,
in the calendar leaves.
It weeps for all the trees that stand
and for all the stones that sit,
Unclothed and dry their open grave
It may give life
but then could drown
my will to live.
I have tried on all the climates
and rain is the one hat
that never seems to fit.
23 · Oct 2020
Ron Oct 2020
All assertions.
Are defeated by time.
And yes, there has always been
more meaning in what's left untouched.
The passing time does turn to dust
amid my solitary and loveless nights.
Such lack of touch still leaves me yearning,
For sleep to remove me from my plight,
with a subtle singing of liquid sighs,
Reflecting loves lake with lonely skies.
Silent I remain, forced to abstain,
From those human pleasures of life,
That most basic need of human touch.
23 · Jun 2020
Ron Jun 2020
It’s raining outside, once again.
Water leaking on my head.
As I lie here soaking
In the sorrows,
Of this miserable life I’ve led.
23 · Jun 2020
Ron Jun 2020
I am not inherently anything,
but born as a blank canvas
on which my life’s choices
have been splashed.
I am the writer of the words,
that I reflectively speak,
of the artist of my inborn paths.
My feet leaving prints of life
wherever I’ve stepped,
my words staining the ears,
of many hearts of mediocrity
or all too similar to those of shame.
But still life owns the power
Of my good morning smile
to all those lone wanderers
who would come after me.
23 · Jun 2020
Dragonfly Dreams
Ron Jun 2020
I found a fairy on a yellow rose along a silver stream.
The rose must surely dream I said,
to raise an emerald leaf, and have you lay within its bud,
to touch and taste your sweet.
This budding bloom she did reply, this slender flower with its dew,
all memories of the rain its blushing petals hold within,
so now this lovely rose and I,
Today we dream for two.

What of the rain I did reply, do drops of rain fall down in dreams?
Happy to leave their cloudy sky?
The rain she says in its defense, makes pools where poppies drown,
They float upon this silver stream to enter a land of flower dreams,
where all our fancies sprout and spring,
Only to return again next year to sing the lyrics of the trees,
And give the bees their buzzy sound.

The fairy stretched her gossamer wings and caused the blooms to blush.
Why must you ask such trivial things,
in delicious moments such as these?
Your questions they are all remote,
and cause the ladybugs to sneeze.
The mystery now I put to you, as a hush fell over the trees
Is have you now, or have you ever
Dreamt a dragonfly dream?
22 · Jun 2020
Ron Jun 2020
The one whom I thought of as a teacher
Passed deftly like the shade leaving no shadow.
He drank all the inertia, all the lethargy,
And waited himself in vain for fame.
He was his own omen, and the warning,
compassion for all, breathing torment,
Until he endlessly suffocated himself
On the nothing for which he waited.
I have learned well of his teaching,
It has become me.
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