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2.8k · Jul 2010
A whole piece of cake

In exchange to a slice of your head,

Fed you with excessive sweetness

And made me famish for your entire mind.

I recall the nights

Of your faraway look almost imperceptible,

The riddle of your smile

And your tales of departure.

With nicotine on your lips

And caffeine on mine,

I was the silent listener

Of your careless narrative.

Such brief moments harbored inside me,

When like your furtive grin

And sly glances, ensnared my thoughts

Craving more from fragments of your soul.

As time made its scarcity known

And fondness its urgent manifestation,

The sugar note and saccharine gift

Snatched you completely away from me.

Today in coffee city

Alone or with company,

I relive a fraction of yesterday

Out of the same blend of coffee

And from the small portion of the same cake flavor.

Smoke from cigars fills the air

Like wispy apparition of yours

I make out on every stranger’s face

Across the other tables.

A sip of coffee and a bit of cake

Serve as reminders if not comfort

Of how little you cared to say goodbye,

Leaving a bittersweet aftertaste.

I stir this cup

Divining the future,

And all I see is my self.

Over the counter today and tomorrow

My Italian tongue says, “Tiramisu.”

As my English heart whispers, “Pick me up.”

Maybe then as liquids turn

And as circles run.

I will find my own reflection

In your staring eyes.
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2.3k · Feb 2011
Lore of your Galaxies
Those twin galaxies of yours
Beckoned on my sister oceans'shores.
I swam away, I heard the lore,
'A furtive glance will ask for more.'

I hid beneath these bitter waters
heaven graciously showers,
And sank to their esoteric depth-
My treasured detaching step.

But these shrouds are latent webs,
Impalpable yet enthralling herbs,
That compelled those galaxies
Towards my oceans'caged reveries.

Astral lights came flowing
On my secret crevices - cosmic cunning.
On faint surrender, oceans reflected
Those lights thought connected.

But you feared degrees unknown,
Ceased the sailing, you will never own-
They you thought mastered the song of lorelei,
The depths you will die.

Was it that shed leering glimmer
From distant galaxies hover
Around the interval that mist covers
And stirring these waters?

My immensity is foreboding,
Your vastness is deceiving.
Would our core surface, if in mist
You linger and I in abyss?

You intoxicate me with cosmic light nothing can sober,
But refuse to drink from my oceans' water.
Your galaxies shine on infinity
But are not my property.

You are locked on a cache, no one could immerse,
Owned by some private universe.
The lore of your galaxies, a blurred maze,
An immortal quest to my gaze.
One of the poems I made for someone August 7, 2003
Edited version February 2, 2011.
2.2k · Jun 2010
In My Ideal World
I see no other endless tomorrow than

To lie face to face with you

On a bed of lavenders and violets.

The cool sun magnifies

The verdant fields in your eyes

And the radiant shadows of my hair.

Morning breeze enshrouds our bodies

Sustained by flames more eternal than Vesta’s.

Here forever after

In my ideal world.

If I felt hunger it shall not last long,

For there are nectars from the giant continent that is you.

If you knew thirst it shall be quenched,

Just drink from my hidden wells and fountains.

But remember that I’m not like the ancient Eve

And you can only be the Adam in our own accord.

The butterflies or birds won’t shame me.

The grasses or trees won’t complain.

For loving you is the only truth

In my ideal world.

My hands are here to heal and amuse you,

As long as your arms embrace me from harm.

We own only the lips and ears

Where sweet sounds pass by

To lull as to dream or memorize

We’ll not know starless night of horror,

The way the moon becomes our constant watcher.

We’ll fear no lightning or thunder of wrath

For the rain will be our noble preserver.

Come and stay

In my ideal world.

We don’t have to worry about Sunday

Or think of God to pray.

Nature is our divine link to the cosmos,

And us the perpetual worship fleshed out.

Celestial or earthly we need not know

For this is the spot where boundaries depart.
But all these remain as bright colors in my head

Unless you key in yourself in my mind

And enshrine me to your heart.

Our story can be written by our breath

On petals and foliage of existence to this place.

Somewhere we can call ours,

Come and take

My ideal world.
2.0k · Nov 2015
Sometimes I envy those earphones.
They got the freedom to sing to you.
How intimate a whisper can be?
As there are lyrics in my heart
Still seeking the right notes.
How can your footsteps be so comforting?
Your whistle the sound I miss in silence.
Your voice like milk poured in a glass
And your laughter like the gentle rain in summer.
Every sound of you I memorized
But will you ever hear me?
For Rhyan Pallera, again.
1.7k · Jun 2010
Letter to the Sun-God
Dear Sun-God,

The Bel fires are lit again,
but not to rejoice as before,
for they are flames of my bereaved heart.
They are embers of manifold sadness I feed upon
the feast of handfasting.

Every Adam and each Eve
a rich union of sprouting forests
with flowers and horns to crown their wantonness.
But for the Son of Moon,
No Son-God can be held
to coronate his nativity.

The flowers are shades of November
And the horns are spikes of pain;
for I cannot hear you in the air
nor feel you in the ground near.

The earth was shunned by the hands
that strum its heartbeat
and was sent back to slumber
in the pinnacle of May.

Have you not seen the call of Pleiades
when you took flight in the heavens?
Have you not heard the semantics of  
the desert you landed on?

You left me the afterglow of you to stare
As I drink the ocean of our distance.
It might have put off the ache
if you had proclaimed the omens of farewell
and not a multitude of air for me to embrace.

If your feet touch my sacred earth again,
I will kiss you like infinity
and enfold you akin to eternity.
Be grateful I made it known
what compensation to deliver
against your undeclared departure-
your prelude to your return.
                   Love be not mortal,
                   Child of Moon
1.5k · Apr 2014
Songs of innocence
Conjured in the shadows,
Where one furry companion
Found second breath
Out of repleting absence
And petrified longing.

Childhood stories retold,
Locked away once by the rough hands of wicked awakening.
Two pairs of eyes have seen
What no one dares to look back.
One pair- pulsating blackness,
Welling with bitter waters.
The other pair- fixed granite,
Yet shining with frozen mourning.
1.3k · Feb 2011
Here in the immensity of cosmos,
I thought I knew
The oceans of stars
As the oceans of earth.
Why I believed I’d found
The expanse soul of all
To contain the enormity of wisdom
I gathered over and beneath.

But then I learned,
I was some lost poet
To a long-perished supernova,
Mislead by a glutton black hole
Feeding on everything he believed
To be pure admiration from below.
Sapping both my faith and fate
And then spewed out my love
Too foreign for his taste.

Two light years gone
And so was everything I believed in,
Now I am wandering explorer
Misunderstood by what he mastered.
But like every falling star
Accompanied by a wish;
Every quivering light
Attuned to the beat
Of every man’s heart;
I heard your call,
Out of billions of beatings
Looming above and under.

So this be my eternal vow-
I’ll be the wordsmith
Loyal to the music of your soul
To letter out your symphonies;
To muster your melody;
To memorize your tone.
And with all these,
No longer be I alone
On my journey to the cosmos.
Because you and I be
The song which shall go on
Filling the immeasurable space.
That despite its galactic
Difference to what everyone knew,
Never will we be lost.
It may not be earthbound,
But we know it’s real
Like a rare flower
Seeking affinity to the universe.
It shall bloom and be remembered
As one of a kind love
In the Milky Way.
For the Prince of Charms, Julius Nequia.
Written year 2004
959 · Feb 2011
Latent Conquest
Puzzled are my oceans
As to how Phobos fills them  like cold rains
While submerged in your galaxies'
Wine well-stored among memories.

They are weary troubled how,
Daunted to even gaze at them now.
For doubt sprung from fragments
Of galaxies' reined luster, now torments.

On what their distant lights state
I faithfully patterned my fate,
As if what to happen they have said,
But why do they seem misread.

Does a thousand light years it take
To reach me and have me awake?
Is it just  the supernova of the past
That still holds my trust?

For what really lies there unknown
Are blackholes of stars too late shone.
Ascribing me to circling swarm-
Sapping sanity to my harm.

Tell me you are no blackhole
For I'm no barren ocean you'll fall.
We are both lost in tidal capture
But groping to gain rapture.

I know my oceans set you adrift
But forbid you any dip.
Well, I'm afloat in your galaxies
That don't elevate queries.

Prostrate me by resonant shining,
Break latent conquest we're in.
You'll see their reflected glitter
As I submit to your luster.
One of the Poems I wrote for someone November of 2003.
Edited version February 2, 2011
951 · Jul 2010
Should be dead by now,

These thoughts

Shamed by the harsh light of the day.

But even the night is no haven,

For as I hide

There in the necropolis

of my broken dreams,

Your specter beckons

And impregnates me-

verse of gloom  given birth,

ghostly beat resurrected.

This bed should be the grave.

But even sleep you own-

Your name engraved

On the epitaph.

Reverie you claim-

Your story is the dismal chanting

on every corner.

And rising in the morning

Is like of a starved vampire.

No satiety is found,

For everyone walks now

Under the daylight

With cold hearts,

Including you.

Naughty imps on their eyes,

Cruel devils on their heads,

Cunning wizards on their lips.

Their violence I feel,

Harboring on silence.

World is a big necropolis,

In the guise of a glinting metropolis.

I wish to mourn,

Shed more tears,

But redemption never comes

To this warm heart

Molded it self to be filled by you.

For the way to the fire

It sought but never had,

Is bound down, down and down.

Devouring it like a quicksand

But never grants death nor life.

If time comes

That it turn to snowy pulse

Like those of the dead of the day,

Will your tears and the roses

Finally be offered mine?
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870 · Mar 2014
Silk and Dreamweaver
You are the silk, I the dreamweaver,
Spinning, turning, rolling
On my head's wheels-
You became the intricate design,
Strangled and entangled me.

The required pattern orders me
To shear your conception.
But I can't and I won't
For my wheels
Will get frozen
For the one whose name means "Serica"
856 · Feb 2011
You stood there,
On the cigarette smoke
Searching for
That distant fairy
You had and lost.

I sat here,
On the smoke of coffee
Reading the
Secretive warlock
That is you.

Entities of fairyland,
They stole your heart
And returned it to you shattered.
On empty wine you bottled up
The tears I traced in your eyes.

At all dimensions you conjure me,
Messages dressed on odd semantics,
So my heart sheds red river
Channeled through this pen, dried to dark blue
By the icy air around us- I lettered the thoughts.

Your bottled tears,
My lettered thoughts,
The potent spell
Binding us to this torment,
Let’s break it for once.

Nicotine on your lips,
Caffeine on mine,
Let’s speak the words of humans.
Abandon our depths and mysteries,
Demystify the things between.
Old poem I made July 20, 2004
798 · Jul 2010
Dreamweaver's Lover
Night time steps in

And your presence stretches out

From my head to my bed.

As I spin the wheel for me

And for the world,

I pull together your fragments.

To rediscover, to refine pieces of you.

Morning snatches you away from me,

Dissipating your image to the sunlight.

Yet, it cannot dissolute the saccharine cravings

Or the savory memories from your embrace.

But I worry not, for I recognize

Even the microcosm of imprints left behind.

I can trace your hairline

Out in the arms, head or face

Of a passenger in the bus or train.

It was no wonder where to find you.

You were no stranger to my senses.

I can draw out your eyes

From stones of garnet or granite.

I can hear your heartbeat, your laughter from Irish violins

And Spanish guitars are your private echoes, your fondling whispers.

I can split the distinct outline of your smell

From cinnamon, vanilla and caramel;

Or figure the blueprint of your flavor

Out of morning dew or spring rain.

Tales of heroes from novels or poetry

Are narratives where I retrieve

How safe it felt to be with you.

I only ache for you in every fraction of my reverie,

The incessant reminder of my liquefied reality.

And in the evening you won’t get lost,

For I am all aglow, pointing you home.

Only in your hands

I can submit without dread

And you’re the sole being that knows

The second color of my eyes,

My fingers that memorize every hair trail

On your jaw line, chest and arms.

Your body is just attuned to my secret dance,

Breaking and making the iridescence of dreams.

Only you can read the symbols crowning my head

And kiss me like eternity is born from world’s death.

Earthbound spirits envy this romance of ours,

As Faes bless this furtive union.

So please don’t be far too long,

For even time and distance my dear

Are painful pleasures to my soul,

My addictive links to you.

I await your return tremendously, my lover.

Hold me still and play our song to sleep.

Don’t need to know if you’re my own design,

Or a pattern I recreated.

As long as we remember

What binds us together.

In the shadows of the day

And in the glimmer of the night.
First shared in my blog
747 · Aug 2014
Heavenly Body
Tracing triangular alignment of stars,
The constellation of that heavenly body.
In this rainy morning you wonder,
Which sky do I watch now.
Look in my eyes and see
Where the comets burn in me.
741 · Feb 2011
Premonition comes
Like speedy lights
In the monitor of half-closed sphere.
Clear image of you registered
Out of nowhere,
Must be a dream, an omen.

I sat for a time to dinner with the PC
Hours to buzz the alien tongue on the floor
Where each post harbors the dagger of its original
Praise heavens the Pacific’s enormity half shielded

A thought of you is a welcomed thought to begin
Before the phoned guests blurt their rants.
A moment to play the music of the keyboard,
A minute to cast the secret codes again,
Another chance to bask in the monitor lights.

But why did the PC did not wink back to flash?
And the why the codes only I know denied?
The monitor only gave a sleepy stare
Peered and scowled to the codes,
Nullified the words two of us known.

I had to call help, the Westerners needed to come
Dialed the numerals for assistance
Then there came you are.
Clear as the apparition was.
Bless the divine,

The vision turned to be a wish
They gave flesh for me.

I offered you my throne as you tapped the keyboard
To serenade the computer who has forgotten me.
Marvelous hands are they,
The moody PC widely opened its eyes to flash its
Onto you and onto me.
Now recognizing me as before and the words we
shared for months.
I thank you.

I tell you again you’re marvelous,
For knowing as well the codes
That my own lock on the chest unbolts.
But why then open it up
If in the days that came
You closed up your own eyes from me.

Mr. IT
I have to lock myself again
Thanks for reminding me.
Written January 19, 2006 for N.A. one of the most good looking IT guy we had.
731 · Jul 2010
Vantage Point
You and I are

The embodiment of Love.

You are the bright shade

And I am the dark hue.

Embraced it or shove it,

He is enamored to both of us.

No matter how

Different and incomparable.

He sees us in two vantage points.

Either the dream of yesterday

Or the vision of tomorrow;

As he is our gift of today.

It was all about who he grants

His focus we both delight in.

Can we be merry

To share in the reflection?
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713 · Jul 2010
Parking lots are empty

Streets dragging the sun in silence.

But my mind and heart do their labor

Remaining to be occupied by you.

See me singing and dancing on the floor

But maybe hear me make no sound.

In here to fill the space of uncertainty,

Urgency passes by in short notice.

Waiting calls from men of need

Disregarding what made sacred to this day.

Just like how you stole my soul of reasons

I’m buying back with my spirit of trust.

Clocks of the World in perpetual ticking,

Golden Cat catching luck hovering in the air.

I’m wanting to break the monotony

Of my monogamous thoughts of you.

Wishing for a holiday, of short eclipses in the afternoon;

Yet you outshine them all in my darkest hours.

Sad truth, you don’t send me flowers at work,

Or love notes to cheer me up in the morning.

All I have is your sweet memory for comfort

Written in a thousand forms without end.

Just like the butterfly outside the window,

Kissing the redolent mark left by the wind.

Unspoken promise had my wings

Flutter to where heaven was embedded.

My chest and stomach brimming of your taste,

I search for respite that never comes.

Should I trace it downstairs instead,

Where I perhaps find you waiting for me?
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697 · Feb 2011
Don't speak of rainbows now,
Because if rain falls at night
No rainbow ever comes.

The band of seven colors,
Rainbow is a promise
That ends disbanded.
Dissipated in your
Empty words,
You half-blind prophet.

Rain clouds in your galaxies
You thought
You hid them for safety.
You did not.
I found them.
I knew, I watched
Your galaxies through the years.

The wisest seer I am
I chased away those clouds away
By my resounding light.
Believing you'll send the rays back.

But failing to read my own fate,
I am here on this brimming ocean,
Forsaken by you and your story of rainbows.
Like stars abandoning their place
On dimmed bereaved heavens
Everyone looked up to,
Hoped for each night.

This is the season of rain,
And when it rains it pours.
You left me here
When everything is cascading, falling apart
While you found your own harbor.

So don't speak of rainbows now
Because if rain falls at night
No rainbow ever comes.
Light must precede it
And only I can find it
Inside me.
But rain must fall still,
This season of rain.
Written July 28, 2004
680 · Feb 2011
Lonely Cords, Happy Chords
People clap their hands and await

For your lithe figure claim center stage.

I watched the lights caressed your face

As sure as darkness embraced mine.

Tell me how you find me at your core,

I’m drenched in amazement in a  state so pure.

Imagination melts in your feather voice

As reality congeals in your liquid stare

Out in the sea of faces drinking your grace,

They knew their way to me like loud murmurs.

You are Temptation incarnate holding that guitar,

Where my fire lit dreams are reborn.

You ****** those delicate strings

Like how lovers stroke a beloved’s hair.

You spoke of bashful sadness,

But your melody is a sweet whisper.

Did you steal the sad poetries I wrote,

And hid them in this joyful song?

Perhaps you noticed the cords of loneliness

I wear like embellishments around my neck.

You took some strands from them

And attached to that guitar of yours.

How you command happy chords from them,

Is the mystery to unravel in this music.

But every song got a destined last note

And sadly the answers escape with it.

All the more when you conclude this performance

With a furtive smile and a lingering gaze.

Is it fleeting fancy to play that melody again?

Or hear you sing those lines of endearment?

Never been to such place

Where agony and repose are entwined,

And time is both brief and eternal.

But are you as brave, out of that stage,

To draw out your fragile heart?

I already mastered the loveliness of pain,

So please teach me the beauty of joy.
Written  year 2010 for GJS
658 · Jul 2010
Humdrum Escape
I slept with Mr. Worry last night,

I left him still embraced by Slumber.

And this morning I will have

Our dear Mother Nature for breakfast.

I will step out and bathe under the gaze of King Sunlight

While I sing a lullaby of sister Dream I remember.

I call for Lady Luck and beckon more of her friend Love,

They’ve been gone too long, they never last.

I will dig for my forgotten crown

And wrap myself around the arms of Kindness.

I will keep your grandfather Secret as long as I can,

But I will have my baby Visions bleed out of pen.

Tonight, I do not want Father Lust around,

Nor do I plan to bed Brother Sadness.

I only long to kiss my lover Memory’s hand

Because underneath, Mistress Nightmare is dead and forgotten.
646 · Jan 2015
Aurum Love Affair
Wish we could cement moments in honey,
And have them shine like amber
In the sunlight of our memories.
608 · Jun 2010
Feels like a soul floating,
Naked but knowing exactly
What can wrap it with joy.
Yet it remains bare,
For that happiness cannot be worn.
Doing so would be
More wanton than its ******.
I lay here on this bed
Where I return to nakedness.
As the body next to me
Had its fiery garb grew fainter,
Swift as we share it in minutes.
I watched away as soon as he fades
For my thoughts still live with the day
When your hands were enough to clad me in love.
Now, I feel cold after settling to his cloth
That dies like the petals of the morning flowers.
I miss your palms and the happiness that covers me,
Too bad I had to stay this way seen by the world
And can never again wear the joy of your love
That was never been mine forever.
I hear the girl again,

Strumming the air.

She knew the waters so well,

Of those bitter and of those sweet.

Intoxicated with them,

She strums the air

Night and day.

She retells my story,

But I never confessed to her.

She just knew.

She breathes on it

Of chosen words,

Of finest melody.

I don’t hate her,

I found on her an ally,

The girl who moves the stars.

Has she seen the rains?

Has she read my soul?

If you hear her voice,

She speaks of me,

Strumming the air again,

The girl who moves the stars.
***For the best composer and friend Gladys V. (written 9/01/2004)
604 · Feb 2011
I Know You
Don't say that I don't know you,
That twenty- lettered name I know too well,
Eventhough I'm not the one
Who'll share it from you
Or present you its heir.
If you still doubt it,
Your middle has twelve,
Making it thirty two.

Do you know my chosen holiday?
It's the seventh day of the third month.
But does the fifteenth day of spring
Held significance to you?
Not if it is the twenty fourth of each month.

I know you even if I rest my sight-
The air tells me your presence,
For haven't the hands of your hair
held my fingers?
Or didn't I memorized
The scope of your waist
And the pattern followed by the hair
on your back and arms?
But do you remember the hands and eyes
That set the quest on them?

I only failed to learn
The legend of that scar on your forehead
And under it,
Or the fantasies kept by your palms.
How I crave to fasten myself to you
The way your specter clutch my chest
night and day.

Should I press what I beseech?
Do you sing your song to me?
Should I ask?
I only tell you
I know who gave that ring
Which binds you,
The same way I'm sure,
Once you step in,
I'll never drive you away.
Another old poem I made for someone November 18, 2003.
Edited version February 2, 2011
601 · Feb 2011
Winter Comes in March
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

They say it’s spring,

But winter just started with me.

March is when the trees

Shed their leaves for me.

Have they heard my heart

And wept their foliage back to earth, our sacred one?

People stain their foreheads with mark made of dirt.

I knew their muted presence,

Saw the last grip we shared.

Their unseen eyes have read,

The silent goodbyes in our final stare.

Too bad you can never hold nor kiss

What has fallen to the ground.

            *Dusk to dusk, autumn to winter.

Recall this month.

Remember the date.

When I abhor what used to be adored.

A cursed time that brings life

To the one who brought my death.

I could still trace the nights of mourning

For unwanted love sent to grave calling from under.

Birth brings death as death brings life.

Today I can hear father screaming,

A dismal prelude to his coming departure.

Feeling the torture from our ****** blood.

Mother could only weep as I,

Weariness marked our faces

As we speak of impending end.

The earth will take you back.

Should we set the premise

For the soil that claims him?

But father wished to be burnt

And let us keep his ashen form.

It hurts to speak of it as early as now.

He has to suffer still like trees of March.

What has come up must go down.

Has the leaves breathed in

My grieving whispers?

I wish you’re here holding me

As I cry like the trees

And father fades like the leaves.

For winter comes in March.

            *Everything that has fallen shall rise again.
Written Match 16, 2006
596 · Apr 2016
To Smile Again
I want to smile again because of you,
Just a little more please.
How I wish we can wear a scar when we're happy
Like when we get wounded.
Happiness is a fragile thing
We need a reminder that we once were.
And I wish I could wear my heart on my sleeve
To let you know I love you
So I don't have to make excuses.
If only I can change my colors
And let you know it is true.
In a world afraid of shadows
Maybe we can appreciate our real shade.
550 · Jan 2011
Rain taps the earth
and fills it,
But there's a chest
Of your galaxies'

Against the coldness,
Couples reached,
Feeding each one
With fire they held,
While a soul
Sought warmth
from the cold memory
of the brief chance
you touched.

Rain taps the earth
And fills it--
Loud to the ears
Of that sole listener,
When others are gone deaf
By the dreams
They sing
in pairs.

Rain taps the earth
And fills it--
The road is not lonely,
Only that soul
Under the umbrella
Which could not
be shared
with you.

In the tapping of rain
That fills the earth,
You are remembered
By the soul
Whose own angel
Is called
With a thousand others
To bring you home
Blessed with the
***among the oldest poems I made year 2004
547 · Feb 2011
Between the fading child and the surfacing man is the pulse of hope.*

Hear the oath of the waning child

And the vow of a struggling man,

They were fastened on this shell

For two decades and a year.

They shared the same eyes of loneliness

Behind the smirk against all pain.

They felt the earth’s diverse beats

With the same feet.

They mourned the history

Of  a clan driven away, divided for years.

And carried the crown

Of both curse and blessing.

Sins of the past,

The hunters they run from.

The punishment of today,

Their gift of endless battles.

And they reach out to the fleeing tomorrow

As atonement for the olds and the littles.

They weave at night from the strings of tears,

They spin at day from the  orbs of bubbles.

They long for their knees to fall in concession

But it all ends in a prayer

As the distant faces of kin

Supplicate on them through their smiles.

Inner voice,

Higher voice,

Swirling on them.

They speak of never faltering.

For us the other dilutes

And the other projects

They will mold in to one.

Soon they will find

Their union

on me.
Written June 2, 2005 ; the year I turned 21.
541 · Feb 2011
Scribe’s written prelude to what is to come...*

Soon today shall be marked yesterday,

But our locked hands have known forever

In the mortality of this moment.

This is the past to come we shall hide,

But I will have impressed within me

The grains of your hair,

The light darkness of your eyes,

The story of your face

And the firmness of your hands to mine.

Called for is the spell of forgetting

But more enchanting

Are the whispers of remembering.

So I ask you to keep in your heart,

The safest place to hide them,

All that has to end tonight.

The feelings only us know of,

I will to materialize in words

To be the secret lines

Of our heartbeats

Attuned to this time frame

Soon to fade.

After this,

The present shall be sealed

For I shall only want to live by this memory.

To be awake with a part of me still asleep

In my last sweet evening with you.

And therefore the future remains unknown,

For it is married to the past to come.

We vision another one,

A beautiful one for us,

But we know it does not breathe here.

It will come

In the last breath we draw someday.

Hidden past.

Sealed present.

Unknown future.

Are other peoples’ guess.

No one, nothing

Can open them.

Like the sadness I will keep

Behind my eyes to smile.

Though this verse reflects that pain,

It is only half of what is inside.

Only your hands can unlock them all

Together with happiness I have known.
Written June 30, 2005 for J
527 · Jun 2010
Screaming Whispers Say
Break the hush
Son of moon,
Lover of sun eternal.
Have you lost your cloth
When the night fell?                    
You let it be stolen
And the earth grieves
For what you has and had.

You finally dug the sunshine
From the heap of ancient rain.
But why does the sky weep again?
Both inner and outer shade of yours
Are frozen gray photos of each day.

Screaming whispers say
You have known your nakedness
Like a childhood story rediscovered.
Brought emancipation on to your mind’s stretch
And an exile to the magnitude of your senses.
The void gave bleeding to awareness
And knowledge to a deeper need.

It was long been admitted,
You search every pieces of his broken mirror
To each face, to every tale and to each morning.
And at night you call the letters he owns
But no one came as you become a living decay
Where everything grows as his reminder.

You know that sun lives in an ephemeral sky
On the ground where your pain is felt.
But it only exists as eternal to a latent corner
Of your head where joy is kept.
But if you trace it back to earth,
It is some faded forgotten painting,
Yet, a deeply etched detail on the other side.
520 · Apr 2016
Goodbye Mr.Grey
Goodbye Mr.Grey
It's the end of your day.
Even this ice cream can't console me
I want to go where you'll be.
It reminds me of cotton clouds and you.
I look at the flavor and it says Tiramisu.
I know it means "Pick me up."
But for me it sounded more like "I miss you."
**** the heart so into you.
It just won't give up.
499 · Dec 2016
Senses Benumbed
The times when you know which elevator will open,
The moment you can guess what's inside the box
And those days when you know what color he will wear.
Some amusing talent of sort.
You also wish you can read his mind
Or feel what is in his heart
But all you are left with is mist.
So you chose to tap the shadows
Embrace the darkness within.
For a moment you don't feel powerless.
Tempt all danger and pleasures hidden away.
And then let it leave you sore and numb
So you won't wait for the morning
And sleep off all those cravings to know him.
477 · Nov 2015
Pinned Wanderer
Sleepless afternoon in Manila
Staring at this metallic blue sky
Enduring this crazy heat
Thinking of you and you.
One has gone to dreamland
While the other lost in his books.
Right now I can't follow either one
I'm pinned down here
But my thoughts are wandering
And I can't find where my heart ends and begins.
For RQP and RJV
452 · Aug 2014
Heartache and Headache
Maybe I was not looking for a friend,
Oh baby just one sweet lover to burn.
Yes I feel cold being away from you,
For in my soul there are hand prints of you.

Our long kisses melt this distance,
Soak ourselves knee deep in this dance.
Soon moonlight meets sunrise,
Staying at this moment seems wise.

Night gives in to morning,
As sadness to drinking.
Fill my hungry heart enough
That headache matters not.
450 · Aug 2014
My Jeffrey
I keep you inside my heart
And have you live a thousand moments
Inside my head.
Finding your pieces in the air,
Your voice in the shadows
And your hands from the stars.

I see myself leaving kisses to your beard, to your ears,
Whispering thoughts I hid in the night.
The same sound you hear from where it ends and begins
Is your endeared name.
427 · Jan 2015
Heart Elements
Love dancing in frozen light.
Anger drowning in liquid shadows.
Pain fading in luminescent air.
Joy getting pure in cold fire.
420 · Jan 2015
Origins of You
Time grows in silence.
Dream awakes in distance.
Pleasure thrives in secrecy.
You impregnate me with poetry.
384 · Mar 2014
Fish in a Bowl
I won' t keep you
Like a fish in a bowl.
I learned that long time ago.
Never will I let your dreams
Be diluted in a glass cage
Nor blend your image
With mine in obscure reflection.

I offer you my oceans
Wide enough to run your fantasies,
Clear enough to see their twin.
So in time you seek refuge
You know where to swim back.

I don't want you
To run in circles
Or let the world
Peer to your naked soul.

No owner
Has found happiness on that.
Because outside the cage,
He is the real prisoner wondering,
"Do you ever remember my face?"
This poem came with a painting and were given as gifts to a Pisces. 3/4/2005
377 · Apr 2016
Torn between the need to commmunicate and the need to hide;
The desire to go on and the desire to forget.
Yet I search for you in other people's skin.
Piercing every kiss,
Dismantling every touch.
And if they only read me, they'll find you printed all over me and under me.
355 · Nov 2015
Follow Your Bliss
There must be more wisdom
Caressing your tiny white hairs
Than to care who is right or wrong
Or argue about who makes excuses or truths.

I'd rather trace the map of your past
On your unshaved face or wrinkled forehead
Than to guess the answers
In your wordplays or wordwars.

I think it is better to enjoy your food
Than think about how your belly got bigger.
I still find something **** in your dancing steps,
In your silent smile or whispered words.

I would rather imagine your arms around me
Than your absence on my weekends or my tomorrows.
But I also enjoy the safe distance when our eyes meet
Or the dangerous proximity smelling your presence.

I got pictures in my head of your romanticized image.
Memorized by my heart beating louder than your colorful watches.
Why should I think about possibilities of regret?
When I can just follow my bliss here with you.
For Rhyan Pallera
352 · Nov 2015
Cold Hands, Warm Body
My hands are cold,
They were made to be held by yours.
My body is warm,
It was made to lit yours.
Your eyes are clear
They were made to make things perfect.
My eyes are misty
They were made to see the good in you.
Right now I don't want to care about the world.
I only want to care for you.
But I find myself alone here,
Yet neither one of us asked for this.
I only know that above all things I hoped for
I actually wished for someone like you
341 · Jan 2015
Dark Child
His eyes drank too much starlight looking skyward.
But it was not enough to blind him of his shadow.
The stark background to a glittery dream.
333 · Apr 2016
I just make excuses sometimes
To have the chance to let it be known  what you meant.
But you outsmart me with a better excuse.
You might have no idea or care to what length I go through
Or how you fill my sleeping and waking hours.
Whatever the case it does not seem to matter now.
And maybe I should not even feel this way.
However, no reason can outweigh what I feel now
For it is weighing me down.
323 · Jan 2015
Sense of Time
You became the Sound of the Real Past,
The Smell of Imagined Present
The Sight of Remembered Future.

— The End —