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Time grows in silence.
Dream awakes in distance.
Pleasure thrives in secrecy.
You impregnate me with poetry.
Maybe I was not looking for a friend,
Oh baby just one sweet lover to burn.
Yes I feel cold being away from you,
For in my soul there are hand prints of you.

Our long kisses melt this distance,
Soak ourselves knee deep in this dance.
Soon moonlight meets sunrise,
Staying at this moment seems wise.

Night gives in to morning,
As sadness to drinking.
Fill my hungry heart enough
That headache matters not.
I keep you inside my heart
And have you live a thousand moments
Inside my head.
Finding your pieces in the air,
Your voice in the shadows
And your hands from the stars.

I see myself leaving kisses to your beard, to your ears,
Whispering thoughts I hid in the night.
The same sound you hear from where it ends and begins
Is your endeared name.
Tracing triangular alignment of stars,
The constellation of that heavenly body.
In this rainy morning you wonder,
Which sky do I watch now.
Look in my eyes and see
Where the comets burn in me.
Songs of innocence
Conjured in the shadows,
Where one furry companion
Found second breath
Out of repleting absence
And petrified longing.

Childhood stories retold,
Locked away once by the rough hands of wicked awakening.
Two pairs of eyes have seen
What no one dares to look back.
One pair- pulsating blackness,
Welling with bitter waters.
The other pair- fixed granite,
Yet shining with frozen mourning.
I won' t keep you
Like a fish in a bowl.
I learned that long time ago.
Never will I let your dreams
Be diluted in a glass cage
Nor blend your image
With mine in obscure reflection.

I offer you my oceans
Wide enough to run your fantasies,
Clear enough to see their twin.
So in time you seek refuge
You know where to swim back.

I don't want you
To run in circles
Or let the world
Peer to your naked soul.

No owner
Has found happiness on that.
Because outside the cage,
He is the real prisoner wondering,
"Do you ever remember my face?"
This poem came with a painting and were given as gifts to a Pisces. 3/4/2005
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