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Nov 2011 · 14.8k
Wedding Rings
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I placed a ring upon your hand,
and you placed one on mine..
The meaning of our wedding ring
we easily define:

It means we now are one,
in becoming man and wife.
It means total commitment,
forever in this life.

It means togetherness
in everything we do.
It means our love will ever be
pure, sincere and true,.

It means as man and wife,
we commit to do our part.
This little band, upon our hand;
Is a promise from each heart.
Nov 2011 · 7.7k
Watching You
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
You never know when someone

just might be watching you.

The little things you say,

and the little things you do.

Perhaps a pure sweet child,
or someone that you love.
Or someone who respects you,
or God, watching from above.

There never is a single time
you’re completely out of sight.
It may not matter how you live,
But then again…it might!
Nov 2011 · 9.8k
Two Birds In A Bush
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
They say two birds in a bush
is better than one in hand.
Here’s the simple logic.
just so you understand…

Bird **** is, if you don’t know,
a yucky, gooey stink.
That’s why better in a bush…
don’t you really think?

Let them **** in bushes
that are very far away.
In a hand - is not that grand..
That’s all I have to say.
Nov 2011 · 9.1k
Troubled Heart
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
The moment you took your life
I felt mine ended too.
If I could only turn back time
there’s so much I would undo.

I didn’t see the warning signs.
You held them deep inside.
Struggles you were going through,
you did so well to hide.

I’m left with guilt and sorrow,
and confusion as to why
you didn’t tell me of your pain
and felt you had to die.

Every soul is precious
in the eyes of God above.
He will heal your troubled heart
with His never ending love.

I’ll put my faith in Him,
as I pray my heart will mend,
and keep you in my memory
‘till I’m with you once again.
Nov 2011 · 9.4k
The Life Of The party
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
He was the life of the party.
At least that’s what we thought.
He kept all of us laughing.
He was  full of ***** and ***.

He hopped into his car
with Gary, Liz and Fred.
He was the life of the party,
but now all four are dead.
Nov 2011 · 9.5k
The Cost Of Freedom
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
He died serving our country,
in a land  far away.
He gave his life for freedom.
They buried him today.

He loved family more than life,
and had to do what’s right.
To protect them and his country,
he joined in the fight.

Next time you see a soldier,
don’t just pass him by.
Thank him for his service.
He might be next to die.

How great the cost of freedom.
How brave those who defend.
Protect them Lord, that they may
safely come back home again.
Nov 2011 · 8.2k
Thanksgiving Table
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
The table is set for our thanksgiving feast
and all have taken their place
The meal of the year, is finally here,
and oh, how great it will taste..

Potatoes and gravy and cranberry sauce,
and rolls that are made fresh and hot.
Turkey with stuffing, right out of the oven.
Pumpkin  pie that hasn’t been bought.

Our family is anxiously gathered around
in a circle of love hand in hand.
A scene reminiscent of thanksgivings past.
A tradition we all understand.

Dad offers a prayer of thanksgiving to God
for abundance of blessings we share.
Tears touch his cheeks as he humbly gives thanks
for much more than the food that is there.

Though stomachs are empty, each heart is full
while united as family we pray,
Thanking dear God for His wonderful love,
and our blessings this Thanksgiving Day.

When this day is gone and life carries on,
may gratitude live on in me.
Lord help me, I pray, to make every day
a day of thanksgiving to Thee.
Nov 2011 · 14.2k
Sports Fan
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I love baseball and football.
basketball, and hockey too.
Boxing, golf and wrestling,
but not as much as I love you.

Never think I put sports first.
You’re more important to me.
Now bring me a drink & pretzels,
and get outta’ the way of the TV!
Nov 2011 · 6.8k
Sick Coincidence
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
A funny thing about getting sick.
As near as I can tell,
it always seems to hit us
when we’re not feeling well.
Nov 2011 · 7.7k
Satan's Lures
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Satan loves the sport of fishing.
His tackle box filled with bait,
he goes out to the lake of life
to cast his line…and wait.

The devil knows us, every one
and knows which lures to use.
In accordance with our weaknesses
he determines which to choose.

Dishonesty, *******,
pride, selfishness and hate.
False witness, greed, the list goes on..
The sin becomes the bait.

Many bite and are deceived.
And in a snap they’re hooked.
They learn too late that Satan’s bait
is not as it had looked.

Our Savior hopes we choose the right
for this life is our test;
and when we choose to follow Him
we truly will be blessed.

So feed on Heavenly Fathers words.
Great blessings will be yours,
as you watch and pray, and stay away
from Satan and his lures.
Nov 2011 · 6.4k
My Two Timing Wife
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I have a two timing wife,
but I love her anyway.
She’s sorry that she has
to have that name.
Sometimes she gets real mad,
and it really is quite sad
that she has to play
the old two timing game.

I find as I get older,
my hearing’s getting worse.
I’m always asking, “what?”
which brings her strife.
She repeats a second time,
in a louder voice sublime,
and that’s why I call her
my two timing wife.
Nov 2011 · 7.0k
Mother Nature
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Have you ever spent the hours
just gazing at the stars,
contemplating all the wonders
in this universe of ours?

The beauty of each flower.
Their fragrances we smell.
The magnificence of color,
and each intricate detail.

Have you looked out at the ocean
as waves crash to the shore,
and felt the awesome power
of it’s great majestic roar?

The many colors of a rainbow
as it arc’s across the sky,
almost takes my breath away.
Is it any wonder why?

Have you sat with one you love
to watch the falling sun,
spraying rays of reddish haze
to show the day is done.

All the beauty that surrounds us
in this world whereon we trod,
is not from “Mother” nature,
but from our Father ... God.
Nov 2011 · 6.2k
Lucky Rich Man
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I’m the husband of a woman
married to a lucky man.
It’s her desire to please him,
in every way she can.

No one’s better as a cook,
her home is clean and neat.
All who know her love her
because she is so sweet.

How can one man be so lucky?
He’s blessed without a doubt.
This woman who became his wife,
is beautiful, inside and out.

I know this man quite well,
and know how much he’s worth.
If happiness were dollars,
he’d be the richest man on earth!
Nov 2011 · 6.6k
I Promise
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
On this day, you and I
became husband and wife.
I promise I will love you
every moment of my life.

I promise to be faithful,
and  forever I’ll be true.
There will never be another.
The only one for me is you.

Our love is everlasting.
Until death shall we part.
   Until I breathe my final breath,
I give to you, my heart.
Nov 2011 · 11.7k
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I’ve been told that I am thoughtful,
that my feet are on the ground.
Some say that I am likeable
and fun to be around.

It’s been said that to my principles
I stand firm and true.
That I’m dependable and honest
In the things I say and do.

But the single greatest compliment
that I have ever had,
Is when somebody told me,
“You remind me of your dad.”
Nov 2011 · 9.6k
Have A Nice Day
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
We hear it at the grocery store,
from Walmart, and the bank.
From the guy at the quick stop,
when we fill up our tank.

They mean well, I suppose,
every time I hear them say,
the same old repetitious words,
“Have a nice day.”

Sometimes they even say it
when the day is done and gone
Day and night, wrong or right,
Those words keep rolling on..

Well, just in case they have no clue,
of anything else to say,
consider these alternatives,
to “Have a nice day.”

“Hey, I’m glad that you came in.”
“I hope to see you again.”
“I appreciate your business.”
“Good luck to you, my friend.”

“Be safe in your travels.”
“Come back again ok?.”
“Thanks a lot, take care out there.”
There are other things to say.

I’m glad I have that off my chest,
I’m sorry I feel that way,
Thanks for listening. Gotta go.
“Have a nice day!”
Nov 2011 · 7.3k
The Greatest Gift
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
When Christmas shopping is finally done,
wrapped gifts lie ‘neith a tree
that sparkles bright with tinsel and light
for everyone to see.

Each gift has been selected
with thoughtfulness and care.
Toys and such will mean so much
like all the gifts we bear.

But let us keep within our heart
the much greater gift than these.
One from above, with God’s great love
should bring us to our knees.

A gift of birth to all on Earth.
A gift that’s far from small.
To everyone, He gave His Son…
The greatest gift of all.
Nov 2011 · 5.5k
"Giftmas" Or Christmas?
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Jolly old St. Nicholas,
lean your ear this way.
There’s something to be said
for the Santa role you play.

You bring happiness to children
with bikes, and dolls and toys,
and instill the Christmas spirit
into grown-up girls and boys.

But you know the greatest gift
isn’t found upon your sled,
and it isn’t all the sugar plumbs
that dance in children’s heads.

It is not one brought by Dasher,
or by Donner, or by Dancer.
It came wrapped in swaddling clothing.
Even Santa knows the answer.

The greatest gift is Jesus Christ.
The Savior of the earth.
And Christmas is the special day
we celebrate His birth

Christ was born into the world
and taught us all He could.
He knows if we’ve been good or bad,
and hopes we’ll all be good.

Santa, we’ll enjoy the gifts
that on Christmas come our way
but it’s not gifts,…It’s Christ the Lord,
we celebrate this  day!
Nov 2011 · 5.2k
A Mile In His Shoes
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
It’s said, “Before you judge someone,
walk a mile in his shoes.”
I thought, why not? I’ll do it.
What is there to lose?

I walked a mile in his shoes
and suffered all the way.
He wears size eight, I’m size ten…
There’s nothing more to say.
Nov 2011 · 6.5k
A Child's Headstone
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
The writing on your headstone
Identifies your name.
It shows dates of birth and death,
which are not far from the same.

Time has passed our little one.
The days have turned to years.
But you are not forgotten.
We still shed many tears.

We come to your grave often,
though we know that you’re not here.
God took your perfect spirit home
so He could have you near.

This special spot where you were laid
by the headstone with your name,
Is a place we’ll often visit
‘Til you’re in our arms again.
Nov 2011 · 4.5k
If Only
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
If only, my child, I could send,
A basket filled with love,
And pretty blue forget-me-not’s
To your new home above.

If only I could send a hug
Past every twinkling star,
And a suitcase filled with kisses
Up to heaven where you are.

If only I could rock you
As I did not long ago,
And sing you one more lullaby
Before you had to go.

If only’s fill my every thoughts
As my heart is aching for you.
With faith, I’ll wait until the time
“If only’s” all come true.
Nov 2011 · 8.6k
Heaven's Rocking Chair
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Are there rocking chairs in Heaven
where little babies go?
Do the angels hold you closely
and rock you to and fro?

Do they talk silly baby talk
to get a smile or two,
and sing the sleepy lullabies
I used to sing to you?

My heart is aching for you,
my angel child so dear.
You brought such joy into my life,
the short time you were here.

I know you’re in a happy place,
and in God’s loving care.
I dream each night I’m rocking you
in Heaven’s rocking chair.
Nov 2011 · 5.2k
A Time For Goodbye
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
There’s a time for us to live,
and a time that we must die.
A time to say hello,
and a time to say goodbye.

Although it’s very hard
to tell you goodbye now,
we’ll wipe away our tears
and continue on somehow.

Then when our life is over
and we leave this life we know,
they’ll be telling us goodbye
while we’re telling you hello.
Nov 2011 · 4.9k
Angel Mother
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Mom, you look so pretty today
as you lie there in sleep.
All dressed up in your best dress,
while I stand here and weep.

I knew this day would come,
but still, it’s hard to bear.
Seeing the mom I love so much
lifelessly lying there.

It was you who gave me birth
and taught me how to love.
For your life and great example,
I thank dear God above.

There’s never been another
in this world who could compare.
Rest well my angel mother.
I know you’re in God’s care.
Nov 2011 · 11.3k
Broken Chain
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
We little knew the day that
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you
but you didn’t go alone,
for part of us went with you
the day God called you home.

You left us peaceful memories.
Your love is still our guide,
and though we cannot see you
you are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken
and nothing seems the same,
but as God calls us one by one
the chain will link again.
Nov 2011 · 11.9k
Family Tree
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
There’s love within our family tree
and happiness abound.
Our roots are deeply planted
in rich and fertile ground.

We enjoy the rays of sunlight,
and endure the winds and rain,
and when a leaf falls from our tree,
together we share the pain.

God gave us earthly families
and never did intend,
that bonds of love built on Earth,
upon our death should end.

For when our life is over
and from earth our souls will flee ,
one by one, leaf by leaf
He’ll rejoin our family tree.
Nov 2011 · 4.9k
Tie A Knot. Hang On
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Life can bring great challenges,
disappointment and despair.
At times we want to just give up,
from pressures hard to bear.

Life on earth can be beautiful.
We must never give up hope.
Tie a knot, and hang on for dear life,
when you’re at the end of your rope.

The rope represents our earth life,
whether happy, sad, or fraught.
Our Savior’s great atoning love,
represents the saving knot.

If we will but have faith in Him
when our rope is at it’s end,
He’ll be the knot that stops our fall,
and helps our lives to mend..
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
The mine boss needed three more men.
Several showed up at the mine.
He saw a big strong German
and said, “You‘ll do just fine.”

Your job will be to take a pick
and scale the walls of ore.
The work is hard but you are strong.
You’ll certainly endure.

A Swedish man stepped up out front.
“Sir, if you’ll hire me…
You’re sure to get your money’s worth.
I’ll do the work of three.”

“You’re hired!”, said the mine boss.
Grab a shovel from the back.
You’ll shovel up the scaled off ore
into the mine car on the track.

With one more left to hire
The boss looked down the rows
and saw a little Chinaman,
all dressed in Chinese clothes.

The last job is an easy one,
“Mr. Chinaman , I choose you.
You’ll be in charge of all supplies.
When low, we’ll come to you.”

Off they went into the mine
to do as they were told,
A German, Swede, and Chinaman,
into this mine of gold.

As supplies needed replenished,
the Chinaman could not be found.
The mine boss went into the mine
to take a look around.
Anyone seen the Chinaman?”
The Swede answered, “Ya sure,
The crazy man run down the mine
and no come back no more.”.

The boss man, now a bit upset
grabbed a light so he could see,
and through the dark, went deeper in.
Where could this Chinaman be?

He’d gone, it seemed, a mile or two
with great concern and fear.
There, hiding around the corner,
The Chinaman sensed him near.

He jumped out from his hiding place,
this Chinaman so wise,
and nearly scared his boss to death
when he yelled out….”SU-PLIZE”!
Nov 2011 · 4.0k
The Battle
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I’ve entered the ring and I’m ready to fight
I’ll need all my strength, and I’ll need all my might.
The opponent is big, and so very  strong.
To win seems impossible. This may not last long.

In a tension filled room the bell rang aloud.
My family was yelling; “Win. Make us proud.”
My opponent came quickly over to me.
He was  big and strong, and  I wanted to flee.

He hit me so hard  that I fell to the floor.
I lay hearing the count,  … 1….2….3….4.
Should I try to get up, or stay down and wait?
The count kept on going,   5….6….7….8.

Then piercing my soul came a voice to my ear;
“Son, reach out to me. We can win. I am here.
It hurts Me to see you in such agony.
You are my child, and are precious to me.”

Tears came to my eyes, and new strength to each glove.
I knew that the voice was my God, from above.
I jumped to my feet just before the count ten,
Committed to never be knocked down again.

With the Lord in my corner, the opponent looked small,
My opponent’s not man, but drugs and alcohol.
Though he’s determined, defeat is my vow,
He trembles with fear, because God’s with me now.

The fight is not over, but my foe’s on the run.
A fight that seemed hopeless is soon to be won.
With the Lord on our side every battle we’ll win
With victory assured when we turn to Him.
Nov 2011 · 2.8k
The Awaited Visit
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I decided to go to a rest home
to see an old friend one day.
I stopped to speak to a lady
who I noticed was looking my way.

She was happy that I came over.
There was something she wanted to say.
She smiled and said from her wheelchair,
“My boy will come visit today.”

It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen him,
He’s always quite busy you know…
He doesn’t live too far from here,
And he knows that I love him so.

Each morning as I rise from bed
My prayer is the same as I say,
Father In Heaven, I ask but one thing,
That my boy will come visit today.

He was always such a good boy.
And the only child we had.
He was only 10 years old
When I lost my husband…his dad.

He married soon after college.
And got a great job with good pay
He calls me at times on the telephone,
But I know he’ll come visit today.

I’m lonely here in the rest home.
How I long for my son to come by.
They tell me my health is now failing,
But he’ll visit before I must die.”

I leaned over and gave her a hug
And the tears on my cheeks wiped away.
She smiled and said, there’s no need to cry,
My boy will come visit today.”
Nov 2011 · 4.8k
Stand Proud, Stand Tall
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
The flag of our nation, a flag under God.
To our flag we will always be true.
Stand proud, stand tall with hand over heart,
as we honor the red, white, and blue.

A symbol of freedom. A banner for all
who reside underneath it’s proud wave.
Though battered and torn, shattered and worn,
It flies, o’er the home of the brave.

Stand proud, stand tall, with hand over heart,
with respect for this flag we so love.
May this land always be, strong and free,
and protected by God from above.

We are a proud nation. One under God.
It was He who gave us this land.
Free we remain, to praise His great name.
Rise up, and for God make a stand.

Our flag has flown high over battlefields.
Covered caskets of daughters and sons.
Great is the cost, through lives that are lost.
We we’ll gratefully remember each one.

Stand proud, stand tall, with hand over heart,
with respect for this flag that we love.
May this land always be, strong and free,
and protected by God from above.
Nov 2011 · 2.9k
On Bended Knee
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
I ask my love on bended knee,
“Sweetheart will you marry me?”
To which I heard a quick reply..
“Yes, as soon as pigs can fly.”

So I looked high, and I looked low
for a real smart pig, and do you know.,
I found that pig sitting in a sty,
And in a week or two taught him to fly.

I showed the pig to my love, and then,
Asked her to marry me once again.
She said, “I’m sorry, but I lied..
When hell freezes over, I’ll be your bride.

Now, this next part Is sad to tell,
She got sick and died, and went to hell.
Her cold heart, turned hell to ice,
She’s waiting for me. Now ain’t that nice?
Nov 2011 · 3.5k
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
In the very beginning
when God made woman and man,
He noticed some were smarter
and devised a glorious plan.

He gathered them together
and solemnly  commanded,
“You, my favorite children,
will henceforth be left-handed.”

So when you see a lefty,
please give your due respect,
and try not to be offended
by their greater intellect.

Although you are right-handed,
for which there is no cure,
remember God still loves you…
He just loves lefties more.
Nov 2011 · 2.6k
How Old Am I?
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Someone asked how old I am,
and this was my reply;
“I’m about as old as the dirt
that’ll cover me when I die.”

I’m the oldest dead person living,
according to Guinness’s book.
A record once held by a bible guy,
but one from him I took.

Friends who have all gone before
                  wonder if they should fret.
They think I’ve likely gone to hell,
‘cause I’m not in heaven yet.

I have grandkids in rest homes.
They don’t mind it there.
But when I go to visit
you should see the people stare.

Went to a senior Citizen’s club
‘til the day that I was told,
“Sorry, but you can’t come back
because you’re too **** old.”

At my last birthday party,
all the candles lit the sky
Fourteen cakes to hold ‘em all…
Three fire trucks stopped by..

So, you want to know how old I am?
Well, that’s just too dang bad
At my age I can’t remember squat,
and really….I’m kinda’ glad.
Nov 2011 · 6.5k
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Age 18
Friends are all getting them.
It seems the thing to do.
Besides they are real cool.
I think I’ll get one too.

Age 19
I only have one tattoo
My best friend now has three.
I think I’ll a couple more,
No one can outdo me.

Age 20
Tattoo’s are pretty awesome.
More awesome the more I get.
Why do all old people
Think one day I will regret?

Age 30
I kinda wish I didn’t have
This ink all over my body.
Instead of cool, I feel like a fool
Because I look so gaudy.  

Age 50
What happened to my tattoo’s?
The artwork had detail.
Now I can’t tell what they are,
They really look like hell..

Age 65
If I were just eighteen again
I know what I wouldn’t do..
I wouldn’t decorate my body
with even one tattoo.
Nov 2011 · 6.9k
Meenie & Moe, & Mistletoe
Ron Tranmer Nov 2011
Eeenie, Meene, Minie, and Moe

all stood under the mistletoe.

Eeenie kissed Meene.

Minie kissed Moe.

Meene got mad…

She loves Moe.

Minie told Eenie,

“Meene should know,

kisses go ,with mistletoe.”

Meene was mad

at Minie and Moe,

and shot them both

by the mistletoe.

Minie survived

but you must know

this story is over…

‘cause there ain’t no Moe.

— The End —