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1.6k · Jan 2013
Predator and Prey
Ron Philip Jan 2013
A predator studies his prey prior to attack...
while the prey lacks the ability to even fight back.

The weaknesses of the prey are easy to see.
Sometimes the right questions are all that you need.

Sneak up quietly, use Facebook if you must...
because a face to face attack would probably be a bust.

Care not if she is married with small children in her care.
What matters was lost long ago due to your own mother's "care".

You were able to grab a hold of her heart without care for her life.
This happened in church and that prey was my wife.

The fact that you have a job that pays minimum wage should have been a sign.
But you had blinded your prey and anyways Starbucks "is only for a short time".

I don't know what she was thinking...she said you were fat and probably gay.
You could definitely play Santa Claus but the facts told me your way.

The predator you are has killed a marriage.  I hope you are happy.
I must move on for the wife I knew is now dead and hope for better in what lies ahead.
850 · Jan 2013
To be free
Ron Philip Jan 2013
I want to be free
Free from worry

I want to be free
Free from too much responsibility.

I want to be free
Free from people of mediocrity.

I want to be free
Free from celibacy.

I want to be free
Free from relationships that eat away at me

I want to be free
Free to be just me

I want to be free
Free we will see
529 · Jan 2013
FU Sancho
Ron Philip Jan 2013
You got through to her on Facebook.
In the real world she wouldn't have given you a second look.

She said she could talk to you about things she couldn't talk to anyone else about.
In the real world she wouldn't walk with you anywhere she could walk about with me.

Singing is something you had in common.
Children is what we have in common.

Your duet with her in church was mediocre on your part.
The wedding day she and I shared was wonderful and created something someone like you should never have been able to part.

You live a dream that will never come true.
So you destroy my dream that came true.

Someday I will forget that you exist.
Sorry Sancho but reality does exist and some day you will wish you were able to resist.
517 · Jan 2013
Mommy Why?
Ron Philip Jan 2013
Mommy why does daddy live somewhere else?
I needed to be "me" and could care less.

Mommy who is this man in your bed?
Not sure but he "understands" my head.

Mommy why is daddy so sad?
Mommy was it because you behaved so bad?

Mommy, when I get married who will give me away?
Sorry daughter but I just did that for you anyway.

Mommy why does you friend touch me that way?
What are you talking about? You sound like daddy with what you say.

Mommy where did daddy go?
Was it your fault that he is a no show?

Mommy why?
488 · Jan 2013
Honey I'm Home
Ron Philip Jan 2013
"Honey I'm Home"

To many it was just another pint of ice cream.
To me it was the beginning of a dream.

The ice cream was lumpy but there was a reason.
The lump contained something that represented love and was beyond reason.

We ate that wonderful ice cream after you said yes.
What laid ahead was anybody's guess.

What a wonderful pint to enjoy with delight.
We hoped that for the rest of our lives there would always be light.

I can still taste that ice cream and how wonderful it was.
I know that what was will always be as wonderful as that day you said yes to me

Honey I'm Home.
392 · Jan 2013
You Love Someone Else
Ron Philip Jan 2013
You love someone else it is clear to see.
I can tell that you don't really want to be with me.

I see right through you. I know who he is.
You lie and take cover to "protect" us from this.

You say you need time to find the real "me".
When really there is somewhere else that you would like to be.

He has opened a door but and it is hard to see that really it is a cage made just for you.
Locked out is your husband wishing for help and very afraid of the war to be waged.

I will not fight your war. You and your lover are free.
I wait for a time when I can be me.
Ron Philip Sep 2014
I wonder when you fell asleep.
I no longer ask the question why.
I have a life that I shall not keep.
I am not scared that I may die.
I need to move on so as to sleep.

My eyes weep but I don't cry.

— The End —