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Ron McKenzie Jun 2016
Truth is, the world needs more people to love.
Love is so rare now because everyone wants to play the tough guy. Truth is you're hurt on the inside and need LOVE, but has a fake "savage" persona.

Truth is, everything is about likes, follows, views, etc., but no one has morals. We are willing to do anything to get the above listed. Think.

Truth is, we are QUICK to bash people instead of help them become better.

Truth is, we are quick to reject correction and become FOOLS.

Truth is, we need to stop worrying about what people think. Love yourself and do what makes YOU happy.

I don't know who made it cool to be "cool".
Be yourself. If people are not f-cking with you, for being yourself, then so be it. They obviously don't need to be in your life.

Truth is, we need to focus on becoming better as individuals.

Peace and love.
                        -Ron McKenzie, @ronomckenzie
Ron McKenzie May 2016
Back's against the wall now.
What am I to do now?
The pressure is weighing down on me,
the masses surrounding me.
with their mouths open, guns loaded.
mouths going,
guns blazing.

I don't wanna hear it but my ears are wide open.

Their Mouths are loaded with malicious and poisonous utterances.

Their Mouths are filled with hatred, ready to be spat on my face.

Whatever I choose to do, isn't enough.
It isn't good enough.
I am never enough.

As I'm getting older, I'm realizing that Their Mouths are of no significance.

Their Mouths and presence are only here, to TRY and bring me down.

Self love and self confidence is what I'm working on, but the feeling of not being good enough overshadows my realization,

I am enough.

— The End —