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Romantic Poetess Jan 2011
If love is a vast sea
Can it be nirvana
As it is oblivion
Noisy as it is silence
Calm, harmonious as it
Softly brushes the beach
Stormy, tumultuous as it
Angrily smashes the rocks
Pulled by the moon
To ebb
Tricked by the sun
To neap
Yet every day
High and low tides
Bring magic
To our landlocked lives
Hidden behind
The smiles
We try to suppress
As we feel the joy
Of those so brave
They dare to ride
In the tube
Of love’s giant waves.
Romantic Poetess Jan 2011
I used to be adorable
but now I do the adoring

I used to be precocious
but now I want my flowers to bloom slowly

I used to say the cutest things
but now I temper my wit with knowing

I used to be so smart
but now I am trying for wisdom

I used to pose for anyone
but now I am camera shy

I used to think the world was so huge
but now it is at my fingertips

I used to wish I was older
but now I am happy I am not

I used to insist I was always right
but now I give that gift to others

I used to feel greatly loved
but now I am a great lover
Romantic Poetess Dec 2010
Your voice lifts me up
As chill air pounds my windows
I am loving you

Who gives me his arm?
Who seeks rainbows in the snow?
Holding close tonight

We will call love home
Watching snowflakes light the sky
Auspicious delights

Who is your lover?
Who holds the reins on winter?
Kiss me, kiss me now

Happiness thrives here
When trees put on coats of white
Loving joyfully

Holding you closely
Crisp snow crunches under foot
I feel so alive

Rising to your touch
Winter wind blows outside in
Magical moments
Romantic Poetess Dec 2010
The birch leaf whispers
Telling the wind
The secret of
How it feels
To push your roots
Through layers of soft and rock hard soil
Seeking earth’s core.

The hummingbird whispers
Telling the flowers
The secret of
How it feels
To hover, pulsing wings
Stroking swiftly in figure eights
Seeking infinity

The lotus whispers
Telling the deep dense mud
The secret of
How it feels
To push ever upward
Reaching through murky water
Seeking the sun

The cattail whispers
Telling the red wing blackbird
The secret of
How it feels
To taunt the reeds
With ******* seed heads
Seeking fertile ground

We whisper
Telling each other
The secret of
How it feels
To please each other
Starting with a kiss
Seeking connection

— The End —