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2.7k · Jul 2010
Rain [haiku]
rohith Jul 2010
Tearing the sky
storms and thunders grunted
eliting the trees!

First rain drop fell
floating like angel, like dead leaf
rinsing my brevity.

Gestures of steams
driven the beauty of crazyness
to mingle with my soul.

Charmed by enthralling
rhythms of mismerising rain
my heart became wet!

Strokes of poetry
in the ruined part of my heart
reverberated unconsiouly!
1.9k · Jul 2010
A scene at the patio
rohith Jul 2010
At the patio i sat
gazing at the blazing blackness
of inevitable strokes of
a glorified paint brush!
Entangled by the utmost masochism
my muscles rustled with ignorance
as the sky rumbled like a **** ghost
trying to tune the infernal chaos
that got demoralized and dehumanized
in the silence of darkness
that devastated the darkness of silence!
Steams of intolerable poignancy
curled around
like ignited demons
trying to tantalize my fears!
Trying to materialize the scene
the storm flashed in rage
ravishing the darkness
dazzled the impatience of night
as it rained in my heart
whose fragrance
lured my innocence.
914 · Jul 2010
The portrait
rohith Jul 2010
I sat at the patio
seeing that portrait of a women facing ocean
discovering unsoundness of my imagination
as a saccadic thunder blazed
opening the eye of sky
as the clouds liberated first rain drops
which kissed inglorious mud
filling the air with intoxication
of romantic vapors.
Chained by the lust of intolerable fragrance
i crept along with those winds
near to the parapet as lazily as a drugged snail!
Tantalizing my dreams
a heavy wind with some dew
blew on to my face
as my lips raised in a sarcastic passion
conveying its reason to live.
Humanity overflown from my heart
as the innovative part of my brain
continued to search for the irrational logic of my smile.
913 · Jul 2010
A love poem
rohith Jul 2010
Waiting for that creaking sound of girls hostel
he waited for the entire night thinking of the day to blossom.
Devastation of those unlatching tensions
revolutionized his dreams
which were burnt alive
by those thunderous storms of love.

He remember that old odor of her tears
mingled with cosmetics on her face
whose fragrance almost demanded
unpredictable love
to which he bowed with his heart.

Breezy winds flew
as unintended emotions brewed out
materializing the enlightenment that i feel in love
wetting the brevity of my poetry with those wet dreams!

Hypnotized by the lavished love
which tuned frequency of my intolerable heart
my vocal cords to reverberate in a different passion
in a musical the direction of wind
trying to make it resonate with nature

852 · Jul 2010
Gallows of nature
rohith Jul 2010
Walking into the midnight
through mist feeling
softness of
tangible tickling of silverly shining
lunatic glow of rain drops
that tarnished my soul
rinsed imagination
as i moved towards the womb of night
like an invisible spark
glowing tenaciously in the midst of darkness.
Winds mooed
thunders rumbled...clapping applause
ravishing silence
as the divine being within trembled
spurted out in an instant
as my body flinched with lust
and it burst out laughing...thinking of its grave
on the gallows of nature
808 · Sep 2010
I as a poet
rohith Sep 2010
I am the ice sweating in the
midst of a surreal desert.
I rise as a wave in unbelievable
imagination of ravished lunatic.
A jingled chortle
of thundering sky,
a contemplating flower under bodhgay.
I am a mere rogue
tattering at the flowing time
in the ruined temple of life-
hearing the obscene truths sung by cracked skulls.
I sprout as a black cat in darkness
letting the reality to shudder
transcendentalising fantasy.
Sowing soul in the unlimited land of poetry
i water my emotion.
I am the silence of swaying lamp
the inevitable stream of its resonating music.
The songs sung by a million stars
the warm glow puffed by the moon
fills my soul with fluid of purity.
I am a pillar in a church
burnt by a ranting fire
punched by a vehement wind.
I vanish in the fugitive mist
varnish the blazing creature in oppressed slave heart.
I am the space between the doubtfully raised hand
of a poets pen tip,
i am his colorful idea
that has power to devastate the earth.
I howl with dogs
on my knees
in the streets letting everyone to watch my insanity
with uppity sarcasm, superciliously and pitying my senses.
I am a shrilly shriek articulated involuntarily
by a labor carrying 100KG weight,
cruelty of giggling pain in his heart.
I am the suppressed tear
screaming in a lovers eye
trembling tone
of last heart beat.
I am the idea of uncertainty  
in Heisenberg's theory
i am that tone of Einstein's piano
which tugged the nerve
that can pronounce E=mc2.
A myriad universes flow in me
as i am smaller than an electron.
I am unbelievable
i am poet.
786 · Jul 2010
rohith Jul 2010
Listening those melodies of winds
on the top of a hill
where no human traces could ever exist
except those scribbling of lovers on rocks
strengthening the ******* of their love.
From the top i can see those small houses
appearing as the scattered drops of paint
on the background of greenness!
Those monkeys,
being enlightened seeing the upgraded species
welcomed our hard breath with utmost sarcasm
showing me those tricks in climbing
notating the life i lost...being a man.
A very lonely place it is...very lonely hill
those rocks
unmoved since some years became tangible for our senses
as we took those lifeless things
and tried to relieve those rocks from their tyrannical posture.
No foot mark...not even a small trace of human existence
not even a good road to reach the top of hill
so adventurous
and those clouds...those frantic...freak clouds
moving like tortoise...on shore
trying to escape from the eagle.
I babbled in my inner tone
with utmost insanity as i walked along this uncommon road
and all of a a particular instant
i found that irrational resemblance between the world of mine
and this world...
from which one can look at the remaining world
a splendid experience
and at lost
a water drop tickled my exhausted muscles
leaving no idea
if its a rain drop or a sweat drop
which rinsed my soul
and gave birth to a news poet!
*Devarakonda- name of the hill
736 · Jul 2010
rohith Jul 2010
I laughed away my life
its the way i express my grief!
I sliced it to pieces
like some flesh torn by a lion.
Everything became vain
even the emotions became lame.
Traveling in the train of thoughts
in that cave of unconscious brevity
as ink brewed
from the corners of my mouth
forcing my vocal cords to babble
and all of a sudden
an imagination
as my inglorious eyes took a saccadical glimpse
at the redness of a soft rose
which filled my eyes.
716 · Jul 2010
8:55 or even 9
rohith Jul 2010
8:55 or even 9:30
but surely Pm...
I dont remember the time
i never dont remember it!
Its crowdy over there
some mobs moving from shop to shop
listening to hip hop music of babbling society.
I sat on that rock beneath the pillar
waiting for the bus...watching the time[but i dont remember it]
listening to the silent tickling of cruel watch
innovating the ideas to **** time.
A man sat infront of me
i dont know from how much time he was there
i dont even remember if he was there before me
but he was there.
He wore white dress but its not white...
its ashy black.
His stomach is more like a bowl
liberating starving howls of hunger.
Beside him is a women
who is as thin as a grasshopper
and she wore no pant or anything covering
but she wore a long shirt...long enough...
and she got that secret ingredient
in long pocket of her rusted shirt
that gummed his interest from the beginning.
Give it to me- asked he
she ignored
Give it to me...he raised his voice
he raised his spirits
she...moved a little like a worm
and taken the thing from her long as her hand
as her eyes scintillated like an angel
an angel trying to reveal her glory
she took out some powder
a black powder...not gun powder
some tobacco powder.
She powdered it...even powdered it with her thumb
grinned it...and finally
raised her neck and opened her mouth...ate it
...i can see the flow of powder through her pharynx
and then she smirked...she didnt noticed me seeing
she didnt noticed anyone seeing her...but she smirked.
I love her smirk.
Then the man asked him to give him this powder
but she ignored him
forced her to give it...but she repelled
then she gave it...gave it being helpless
and then she smirked...not caring the loss of her property.
He wrapped it in a paper
and kept it deep in his pocket...a corner
where everyone keep their gold.

your attention please
bus number 6712 arrived at platform number 3...
we raced... towards the bus
following the rhythms of horns
and thats it...
thats the final time i saw her...materially!
628 · Jul 2010
Heart beat
rohith Jul 2010
Silky robe
covers a timid heart.
She is looking up...
is she looking the sky,
no her eyes are closed...
is she looking the sky within
that she painted in her imagination
then why is she leaning back...
why is she trying to cover herself...?
is she mad...
she is she
she is

Heart beats
leaf dries...
for a person like me
for a *******, a mad one like me
there is no difference
when i see the moon
or the naaa' no
mighty ocean
nor a difference between the pleasant music
and your heart beat.
545 · Jul 2010
Once there was a country
rohith Jul 2010
Once there was a country
which was clean and green
when it rains!
This country...
is a once upon a time sorta country
and its still here...
here on this land...but its not ours anymore dear
its our vaporized tear!

They said we are Jews
and moved away from us
they are not those whom we see one time in life time
but they are our neighbors and our cowardly Christianized
friends and relatives.

Oh dear!
They removed our name from the list
they said...we were OFFICIALLY DEAD
we lived in those holes...when it rained so cruelly
a nasty was
and those children cried with pain dear
not sure if they are crying with hunger
or seeing the scary thunder!

It not at all clear
the way the things went here
the cat meow's
the dog bow's
and us...we are reducing dear
not even meows or bows of our cats and dogs.

We are reducing dear
he is harvesting the
dear...we are reducing...he is killing us
and there is no one ever dared to raise voice
supporting us!
Inspired by Auden's-

— The End —