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Oct 2015 · 351
Schrodinger thoughts
Roger Bray Oct 2015
wonders whether Schrödinger, upon postulating his cat, considered the "moment of observation" for Mary and the disciples upon discovering Jesus' tomb both open and empty...
Oct 2015 · 284
Roger Bray Oct 2015
ephemeral images coruscate upon the inner eyelid of the somnolent mind...
Feb 2015 · 336
Roger Bray Feb 2015
"War!", the cry still echoes
From the mountains to the sky.
Mothers and their children
Weep in huddled masses "Why?"
Each man forges forth from home,
Tools rusting in the field.
Fealty to his lord requires,
The enemy must yield.
The masses group,
Supplies arrive,
The army lives,
A buzzing hive.
Tomorrow morn the battle cry
Will sound across the meadow.
Now it’s each man for himself,
Forget your friends and fellows.
They toss and turn throughout the night.
Each one dreams of love and home.
Who will make it through the fight,
And who will die alone?
At last the night is over,
The conflict drawing near.
Captains have their final orders,
"Lines will form up here."
And as the sun climbs in the sky,
The tableau then unfolds.
A chance for those with might
And faith, a triumph for the bold.
The sun glints on the sharpened sword
Proud  lances blaze with light.
Burnished armor gleams in glory
Ready for the fight.
Chargers stamp the grass below,
Hungry for the battle.
A trumpet sounds the awaited call,
For knights to test their mettle.
Archers launch their winged plague,
A cascading rain of death.
Piercing bone and sinew,
The dying draw last breaths.
Lances shatter and armor clatters
As knights crash to the turf.
Steel-shod hooves crush steel-clad men
Into the bloodstained earth.
Swords clash and ring as anguished
Screaming echoes in the air.
Men fall like wheat before a scythe
The carnage breeds despair.
And at the dusk, the conflict done,
A single man stands high.
Then, looking on the havoc wrought,
He quietly starts to cry.
Feb 2015 · 260
Roger Bray Feb 2015
Awake each day with hopes and dreams,
Thoughts of how your life could be.
Hoping for your health and comfort
Dreaming you will learn to see.
I wish that I could pass the wisdom
Learned from years of strife
And save you all the painful lessons
One must learn in life.
Each day you leave the place we live
And strike out on your own
I wish that I could still protect you
And bring you safe back home.
I love you son, with all my heart
I’m always there for you.
In pain and loss and broken dreams
For I have been there too.
Spread your wings, I know you must
And learn the ways of life
But please keep coming home to me,
Your absence is like a knife.
This, then is my greatest fear
That you will soon be gone
Making choices that lead you away
And leave me here alone.
Feb 2015 · 319
Roger Bray Feb 2015
Somehow I’ve lost my way
Wake up and find it’s a new day
And I don’t know, where I’m going

Memories flood my mind
And I’ve lost track of the time
Where I’ll end up, there’s no knowing.

Years go by, seems we drift apart
All our dreams have turned to dust.
Can we go back in time, or make a new beginning
Is there hope or have we lost.
Lives divided, desires collided,
All our passion faded with the wind.
Is everything we had, lost and gone forever
Or can we find it once again.

We started out so strong,
Thought it would last for so long,
Now I’m desperate and frightened.

I dreamed we’d last forever,
Facing the years together,
I see the end now, deadly silence.

The heart that used to sing, every time you came to me
Now weeps in endless agony.
Pain within my soul, feeling I’ve lost control,
Can’t find a place for me to breathe.
Holding onto the past, can’t seem to make it last,
Darkness closes in and leaves me blind.
The sky dawns dark and gray, I mourn the loss each day,
The tattered shreds of love we’ve left behind.
Feb 2015 · 442
Castle Walls
Roger Bray Feb 2015
My loftiest dreams,
My deep desires
Seem sure to fall and crash
Upon the waters’ dismal shore,
Beside the ocean vast.
The countless grains of sand that stretch
Beyond my eyes’ perception,
Represent the broken hearts
Destroyed by man’s deceptions.
I cast my mind ‘cross the dunes of time
Not finding life, yet seeking mine.
I get turned back by castle walls,
Finding that all reason falls
Far short of my expectations.
Feb 2015 · 314
Roger Bray Feb 2015
The light of a newborn star
That’s seen by only two,
Majestic in the heavens,
A light that burns for you.
In the darkness fiercely flaming,
A light that leads the way
To everlasting happiness
Where in my arms you’ll stay.
Set your eyes upon that star
And follow it to me,
For it’s the light of our true love,
And there I’ll always be.
A simple love note I wrote to my wife

— The End —