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298 · Nov 2015
Can not sleep
Rodrigo Nov 2015
If words could describe the deep seething hate settled into my heart, maybe in some foul say I'd have peace of mind. Naming my demons one by one, giving the grotesque form as a reflection of the sins they embody. Would their presence further cloud my distracted decaying mind? To have such raw emotion so close to the surface, begging to be leg free to act on impulse and blind date. These beasts will slowly erode me away regardless of my fight to hold them at bay. I am human after all and none of us escapes our base instincts in the end.
283 · Apr 2014
Rodrigo Apr 2014
In my deepest depths, places darker than words worth describing
You lit a torch to find your way out, your eacape from a hell you envsioned
Before you there was no light, never a dream or glimmer of anything but dark abyss
After you disappeared the memory of your torchlight stirred new demons
Mixtures of envy and pain swirled amongst fleeting thoughts of joy and elation
Empty and hollow pains began to mix with the fleeting warmth you so hastily left
A light began to shine in your absence, darker now, more dead than ever alive
Glowing if anything as an affront to the joy it might have once been in life
Each shadow it cast a grim and sickly replaying of memories it couldn't understand
It grows in me daily, this darklight not quite dead and cold, but never warm and loving
This sick abomination of a heart that could have been is your legacy inside me
Every day it cries out in constant torment, everday I feed it lies.

— The End —