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Oct 2017 · 257
Rodrigo Borges Oct 2017
Sentenced to Solitude,
I ask the Gods why.
I am somewhat humble,
Or at least I try.
But no love has come my way.

Those of fast flames, burning sins,
They do not satisfy me.
It's not lust that I look for,
But love pure, graciously.
The sweet caress of soft a hand.

Alone in this room I stood
Fallen in despair of all to have.
Alas, no fair maiden did love me,
I am dying of love unfed.
Reduced to crumbles, grasping the bed.
I'm feeling unlovable.
Jun 2017 · 2.2k
The Love I Never Had
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
Rest my sweetheart,
Yours truly will hold no grudge
Nor hold your mistakes against you.
Rest now in the night.
I who will dream of you,
Not dreaming with you,
Will keep on loving,
Having no regrets.

I feel no shame
Can't control my soul,
Forever blessed
For knowing you.
Never will I forget those eyes.
Nor a single tear I shed,
But keeping my smile
For the love I never had,
And dying was worth the living.

It will be on you,
The weight will land on,
Later will come regret,
Darling I assure you,
For knowing me
Might've been the world.

Dreams were molded
Only to fade
Burning to ashes
Returning to the world
Forever and always,
Love and laughter
On the eternal circle
Never dying,
Becoming something else.
Still Heartbroken...
Jun 2017 · 378
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
Softly surrender to defeat,
Laying your dreams bare
To be swallowed by nightmares
Forsaken and bleak.
Jun 2017 · 307
It is I for you
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
It has been so, my fair madden,
That I must let you go.
In secret bewilderment
Say you "fare the well".
I must fight your spell.
Fallen too deep
Out of proportion,
Re-arranging my thoughts
Younder lost, unredeemed.
Outlinning the reasons to feel this way,
Unanswered, the feeling remains astray.

Bella, two faced, Madonna
Enchanting my heart so,
Agony you devised from the start.
To plunder my heart,
Robbing soft spoken words,
Irregarded my soul.
Zero to one, darling, I must withstand.
Jun 2017 · 328
Why you leaving?
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
Leave me floating
On the endless stream of lies.
Broken, walking the night
Between branches and stars,
Closer to you than your skin
But it was just a dream.

Alternative state of mind,
In distorted reality, a haze.
Save me narcotics,
Dull the senses,
Open the eyes.
Color the soul heartbreak blackened.
Jun 2017 · 372
The Sky Is Blue
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
The sky is blue.
The green branches in disguise.
I search, I persue.
For those romantic eyes.
Who are these strange souls,
Surrendering to desire?

The little details
Unleash my soul,
My mind adrift
While others sail.
Arrive at last
When hope still grows.
Jun 2017 · 365
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
My senses bring me my Reality.
My thoughts and opinions define me.
My feelings present me my fidelity,
My imagination is what makes me see.
Now!    Where or what is the real truth?
Jun 2017 · 245
Time and Life
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
If Time is al we have
What becomes of it?
Blessing or curse?
Suddenly struck by existence
I become one with the world.
There is no death, only beauty.
Jun 2017 · 296
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
If it was,
Like a dream it would be.
Through the haze
A solid image I see,
Sudden shades of matter
In the pure snow of clarity.

And upon the fallen entrance
A thousand chariots, decaying
Portraying the awesome lost charm
Of a time forgotten in memory.
Buried through the ages,
In a cloth of velvet white
Through which ,like a vessel
Time flees, taking my might.

It'd be, in the old manor,
Where one, tearing through the light
It was me, he'd awaken
As of a dream in the night,
Knowing not if real or a sight.
Jun 2017 · 239
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
If you rise
You must die.
What if I'm dead,
Will someone read?
Countless winds,
Dreamy nights.
Roomy tents
Fire lights.

She exists,
I got my prize.
For what is death if not the reflection of life?
Jun 2017 · 194
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
Little scar
On my hand,
***** nails,
Smelly feet,
Good days,
Bad days,
Come rain,
Come shine,
I'll share
My golden pride,
Mother - Love
Funeral - Loss
Jun 2017 · 214
Writen Back In Time
Rodrigo Borges Jun 2017
The Moon is pale,
The few clouds that float
They reflect sharply the lights of the metropolis.
The trees, in a far, bend over the strong winds,
Which to me is the soft breeze that caresses my face.

The strange noises and the games of the shadows
Torment my mind,
Fragile and Paranoid.
Nov 2014 · 465
Rodrigo Borges Nov 2014
There is something i'd like to say.
Words that I mean, I know no other way.

Suddenly it struck me:
To life, strangely, death is easy.
There is no ****** escape.
God made a mistake.

Me? I live through my memories.
That way I can take a thousand eternities.
Sometimes sad, sometimes mad,
But never in sorrow.
For I know there's no tomorrow,
But at least I'll be fulfilled.
And the rest of you?
Are you ready to be just a grave in a field.

— The End —