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Jul 2015 · 360
sweet desire
Rodolfo Gonzalez Jul 2015
A chocolate drop that hit the spot
a swig of ale to liven those stale
a warm sweater to make things better
but a breathe of love is where lies the rub
be it gloomy and dark without a place to park
cold and wet with a losing bet
lost and broke ready to croak
from end to start, the jewel of life, is a heart
Jul 2015 · 357
a given
Rodolfo Gonzalez Jul 2015
We were given the sun.
but it wasn't to our leisure
so we created light
so we could see easier.
we were born with legs
but not quite fast enough
so made machines
so our lives wouldn't be as tough
we have minds to explore
but thoughts required effort
so we gave in to pleasure
and became sheep to the shepard
Mar 2015 · 333
Time lines
Rodolfo Gonzalez Mar 2015
Every concept of time rattles my mind
be it arbitrary measurements derived
from mankind
or the string theory of blurred lines
that dissipates into multiple lives
Dilate Ra's eye and force the universe to cry
in order to supply the ripples, waves and tides
that become our guides
Mar 2015 · 820
Rodolfo Gonzalez Mar 2015
Some quiet thoughts
while boredom's fought
since the ticking clock
can't be bought, for naught
is all efforts to swim upstream
or down or in between
we are only carried
and the results may vary
on where we stop so carry the drop
from the streams top
with care.
because life's fair is only fair
when we stop there
and enjoy the now
so many the rhythm of time
forever remind you that every tick
is opportunity missed
Jun 2014 · 400
No Room
Rodolfo Gonzalez Jun 2014
In a tranquil land
in a time of calm
where a book is followed
that preaches peace in psalms
where fits the warrior
when Gandhi preaches love
in attempts to abolish evil
and a king of no crown
seeks to make all men equal
where fits the fighter
while every life is precious
and every land sacred
a dying breed of people
are ridiculed and hated
where fits the soldier
Jun 2014 · 352
Closing Tunnel
Rodolfo Gonzalez Jun 2014
My decent to madness
is the candle that burns
and as the wax gives weigh
my sanity begins to yearn
for another sanctuary
to replace my thoughts
before i drift to darkness
and lose sight of plot
as the abyss stares back
I cope with a lost mind
yet I wade through the void
seeking any glimmer or shine
just a spark in the black
to be my new guide
for even the faintest of light
can become your life line
Feb 2014 · 352
Sinking Thoughts
Rodolfo Gonzalez Feb 2014
As I am immersed in love's sweet surrender
I embrace that which takes my life
And though my heart is hard and tempered
In this war it has lost the fight

These pools of black draw me deeper
that which has drained my will
a locked soul and its keeper
drowning in their fill

Unable to escape I ponder my fate
A futile effort, devoid of bliss
defeated I recede to a passive state
and accept her cold, eternal, kiss.
Oct 2013 · 431
Could You Fight?
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
Who among thee will try and stop me
If I were to commit acts of atrocities
The slaughter of men or derogation of women
The slander of peoples and violence towards them
Who here would take arms and intervene

Who of you has the courage to stand
Against a brother or a friend who intends to command
Despair and pain delivered in troves
Fear and terror that rattles the bones...

Who here shall fight to disarm my will
Foil my plans to insure my fate ill
Band against blood that once held us close
Relegate bonds and force death my dose
If I were to fall from the edge of moral sight
Could I depend on you, for justice, to fight?
Oct 2013 · 301
In the moment
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
live this day not in waste
lest you forget beauty's grace
shame it'd be if you forgot the face
of every desire that man will chase
Oct 2013 · 698
Who am I?
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
What defines us?
the possessions we own
or the people we trust
the silk that we've sown
or our desires and lust
our actions in life
or the words before death
adversity and strife
or what took our last breath
are any of these valid?
like pieces of a salad
or are none true
like light to a shrew
is it motivation and drive
ambitions that makes us strive
for our goals before we lose time
and meet the end of our lives
must we dive
deep past the mind
in order to find
the secret shrine
that hides its kind
is my soul me?
or does it act like me
for you see this question diminishes
any desire in finishing
this extinguishing life
for if I know not who am
how will I know who to be
what if I am a stagnant man
or erratic like the sea
what if you put a brand
with which I do not agree
will I carry this image
for the rest of days
and who are you to judge
there is no merit in your say!
our view is our own
maybe Nietzsche was right
personal truth is our home
there is no need to fight
I am here and I am me
nothing else matters
may Descartes smile in death
for my illusion is shattered
Oct 2013 · 350
Autumn Breeze
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
I watch the falling leaves
as they're carried by the breeze
and I capture and seize
the best meaning of free

May the flow of the sky
not simply pass by
for my heart needs no guide
but instead, a wave to ride
Oct 2013 · 546
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
I desire liberty at heart
though I am at liberty to say
that freedom doesn't start
nor does it end, per say
freedom is eternal
take it if you wish
but like a spark in an inferno
it is very easy to miss
It is difficult to grasp
the road can be tough
but behind its blatant mask
is a diamond in the rough
through shame and pain
I shall gain and obtain
the stain of fame
that guides my brain
and though time be my bane
I shall sustain this train
from now until cane
lest my efforts be in vain
Oct 2013 · 342
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
Happiness starts with you
to find you must look
but not in the things you do
nor in the pages of a book
but in what the mirror reflects
the depths of your soul
what you masks protect
the bottom of the bowl.
Strip it all
and see what you are
fear not the fall
for you aren't far
there is no map, no directions
you're not alone, we all start lost
you notice upon further inspection
the prize is worth any cost.
Love and fear
hatred and compassion
it's all here
together and compacted
your desires to feed or starve
to lie or stay true
these are permanent scars
and this world ends with you
Oct 2013 · 570
I am human
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
I am evil, I am darkness
I am sin, I am heartless
I am human
I am good, I am light
I am nice, I am bright
I am human
I am selfish, I am greedy
I am mean and take from the needy
I am giving, I am kind
take what you want, I really don't mind
I am human
I ****, I destroy
With these bomb i deploy
I heal, I save
A second chance is what i gave
I am human
I've won, I've lost
Through fire and frost
I was born with everything
I will die with nothing
For I am Human
Oct 2013 · 362
Answer to Fear
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
We fear the unknown
and so we build walls
to cower and hide
less our fears be called
Time passes and it's grown
and these walls are not enough
so we lie and we fib
until those words we trust
It's presence rattles our bones
so we close our eyes and ears
try to drown the noise
and replace the feeling with cheer
The fear is ours to own
with nowhere left to run
we've run out of options
so we grab the loaded gun
This is the final tone
do you dig deeper and find release in death?
how did your story end?
did you fight until the very last breath?
Oct 2013 · 483
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
I cried today
and the world was better for it
from night to day
I could no longer store it
I sobbed and wept
as the sky turned black
these feelings I kept
slipped through these cracks
no one came to console my feelings
instead they blame
me for life's dealings
they say stop! and they curse
and ask why now?
as i loom over a hearse
I only wish i knew how
This is not why I want
and this is why I cry
But this is life's taunt
and I am a wisp of the sky
Oct 2013 · 991
Internal Struggle
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
In a mid summers eve
I see all I can be
I gaze upon the stars
to see the root of these scars
and wonder if the choices
are made for me
am I selfish at heart?
or am I too giving
is there happiness in death?
or just the living
these corrupted thoughts alter my mind
and as hard as I've fought
I can't seem to find
the root of my problems
this aggression i have
my one chance to solve it
all that I've had
left with my dad
yet it makes me mad
for following this fad
that I blame him
for this is my sin
it is only within
that my problems dim
I am the root of evil,
aggression and strife
My whims cast aside for they are feeble
alone I must rise, to win this fight
Oct 2013 · 517
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
The pen or the sword
force or word
respect or fear
joy and tears
means to an end
that seem to blend
as human will bends
to the thoughts of another
and as decisions come asunder
emotions are sure to blunder
what should have been thunder
is swept beneath the rug and left under
Oct 2013 · 344
A walk through life
Rodolfo Gonzalez Oct 2013
As I see the sun rise
beyond the eyes of those who try
and those who lie
my mind finds life
between the lines
of infinite time
strolling through morally blurred lives
walking blind, neglecting the signs
a shame ignorance is not a crime
for then we'd all be guilty
and finally see how filthy
our existence has become
we are all alive
but not everyone lives
every stop is a bigger hole
that each of us dig

— The End —