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1.0k · Feb 2012
Bukowski where are you?
Rocky Loder Feb 2012
as I cling
to my section of reality,
the gutters are full
of ink,
thoughts, dreams, nightmares,
the degradation of humanity,
hides no more,
flows free,
as I sit here,
sipping iced tea,
laden with lemons and sorrow,
waiting for Bukowski to arrive,
the shitzu by my side,
guarding me,
from hordes of mosquitoes,
without fear,
waiting for a nibble,
of sweet butter pecan ****,
the world so alive,
as I write,
to regain my sanity,
i admire the lone tree,
in a meadow of pity,
rustling in the wind,
the birds singing,
the cat pretending to be part
of the tree,
the whole while,
me nursing the fable
of a broken heart,
to be a poet,
writing my sorrows away,
hiding from humanity,
i wonder,
Bukowski where are you?
987 · Nov 2011
Ashen skies!
Rocky Loder Nov 2011
Ashen skies

she smoked,
columbian gold,
in the belly
of the cougar,
pledged allegiance
to no mans flag,
so beautiful thought I,
as the milky way,
took me on a journey,
beyond reality,
but who am I,
to think such thoughts,
just a poet?
searching for a pulpit,
a preacher
without a cause,
a prophet,
thoughts frozen
under the weight of reality,
dispels the ink,
touches the soul,
keeps me sane,
all in the name of the pen,
the tears flow free,
as I walk away,
refusing to kiss,
her corpse.
865 · Feb 2012
this side of tomorrow.
Rocky Loder Feb 2012
Black rain descending,
silver skies so blue,
little red angel,
my lies surround you,
lilith beware,
a storms on the horizon,
the fig tree so bare,
sitting outside the silver gate,
avocadoes in the sky,
chickens on your plate,
who controls your destiny,
angels or demons,
resting wearily inside
a dead mans dreams,
I tell you my dear,
believe me baby,
its ohhhhhhhhhhhh so true,
all beware,
lazarus is rising,
his soul by his side,
tears stop falling,
for love is denied,
mother mary,
cry no more,
your ship awaits,
he stands at the helm,
the pulpit is crushed,
as transparency descends,
what have you done,
waiting for eternity
in the heart of the sun,
little red angel,
I beg of you,
for I see it my darling,
in the heart of the
851 · Feb 2012
Tent city.
Rocky Loder Feb 2012
Tent city.

Do you see?
Do you?
Do you?
Do you care?
gaze into the future,
fear the past,
walk on by
without even batting an eye,
nose raised high,
only the high and mighty
can sniff the sky,
are you immune to the razors edge,
wiping the blood away,
as lost souls
watch with contempt,
slowly dies,
sorrows everywhere,
laying on curbsides
filled with pity,
full of puke,
gutters flowing in memories
no one cares for,
never to be treasured
or kept close to the heart,
not even to be carelessly
cast one side,
for whooo really cares,
its just frozen tears,
for who wants the
the anger,
our hearts are full
of unbridled happiness,
we need no more,
we have enough,
we know,
that those that walk this earth alone,
have no beauty,
no song,
just fear of life long gone,
hell passing by,
give me a nickel, a penny, a dime,
better yet,
give me your time,
an hello,
a goodbye,
an handshake, a tear,
a view of the sky,
tell me its ok,
tell me its ok,
even if you have to
841 · Feb 2012
Rocky Loder Feb 2012
What can I say my friend,
you were born,
two years overdue,
under a seasick moon,
the clouds were full of spite,
the stars were ablaze,
the sky still evolving,
the universe
was unhappy,
as were you,
such an unhappy slob
you are,yes!
It must be terrible,yes!
but you like it,yes!
you embrace it,yes!
carry it with you,
like an unborn demon
attached to your soul,yes!
a lifetime of pain follows you,
as old man death,
patiently waits your demise,
I pity you,
but what can I do,
I think,
If it wasn’t for,
ten to twenty five,
maybe I could release you,
of your misery?
822 · Nov 2011
Fools Gold!
Rocky Loder Nov 2011
lets get out
of here,
come on,
I tell you,
put your silver
on the nightstand,
put your pain
in my tortured hands,
look up,
watch the ravens
play tag with my soul,
give me your heart?
keep your heart,
for I possess,
your silver and pain,
its all I need?
791 · Nov 2011
Coffee shop.
Rocky Loder Nov 2011
Coffee shop

I feel a glimmer
of hope,
as I stand here,
nervous as hell
on a cold October night,
what some consider poetry,
to a few,
as I watch you sitting there,
sipping green tea,
absorbing my broken words,
for just a second,
I am part of you,
as I stand here,
reciting bad poetry,
just a little,
less nervous,
on this cold ,
October night.
687 · Nov 2011
Lonely road.
Rocky Loder Nov 2011
Lonely road

Dead, useless,
carefully, lovingly,
packed in a wooden crate,
stored deep within my soul
for eternity,
without hope,
the smell of oranges,
citrus dreams,
clears my mind,
as I sip green tea,
and read my ham on rye,
I look at the gun,
still smoking by my side,
the ghost still linger,
within my mind,
I walk out of the darkness,
I see the light,
I smile,
I’m happy,
almost alive,
for the sun is real,
the sky filled,
with sadness,
the eagle glared
and cried,
its not your time,
the crow lost the ability
to speak,
erratically stumbling,
through a sky of words,
the raven cried,
for he knew,
the beauty was gone,
the heart dead,
the soul lost,
the muse banished,
there’s a lonely road
between me and tomorrow,
but **** it all,
I will write ,
my own songs…………….
629 · Nov 2011
Just outside my window.
Rocky Loder Nov 2011
Just outside my window

Dogs barking,
Birds chirping
Thunder roaring,
From beyond,
Echoing in my mind,
Horizon reborn,
Once again,
Looking towards another day,
Mind alert,
As the hand of god,
Drips ink deep into the sky,
Paintings bleeding,
Dreams fading,
Remaing true,
Etched upon the psyche ,
Reality succumbs,
Tattooed souls,
Tattered hearts,
Rebuilding dreams,
Splashing remnants,
Just a small part,
Time  conceptual,
Universal chaos,
Surrounds this world,
Oh so blind
Eyes tightly shut
Life left behind
To nature sing,
Melodies  filled with bliss,
Open ones eyes,
Look deep within
Your surroundings,
Let go…………….

— The End —