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Jul 2014 · 864
Smile (Introduction)
Rocky G Jul 2014

A one syllable verb to express pleasure, kindness, happiness; the list goes on. To smile is simple. Tilt up the corners of your lips, exposing the front teeth. Your eyes should be bright and shining to be more convincing that you're actually happy. Maybe you really are happy; even better. But people who are happy definitely do not need a lesson on how to smile. It comes naturally to them. Unfortunately, it's not so simple for others. Because we're not all happy. There are three types of people in this world. Happy people, unhappy people, and unhappy people who have mastered feigning happiness. If you're reading this, you most likely fit into the third category. Maybe smiling is getting harder to achieve.  You could be slowly becoming more unhappy. You could be tired of smiling, tired of pretending to be real. Your secret could be out. You've slipped up. Everyone knows it was all a lie. Now you have to accomplish a real, genuine smile to redeem yourself. The possibilities are endless. You've probably guessed that I fit into the third category. If you want to achieve real happiness, keep reading. This is not to learn to keep the facade up. That's already been done. We will go through this together. A happy person is successful in the smile and probably cannot relate to your predicament. An unhappy person needs help theirself. That only leaves us, we have to help each other. This can also benefit an unhappy person, don't feel left out. If you're happy, read this to see that the world is full of different people with different struggles that don't need YOU telling them like it is. Let's become real together.
I have been struggling a lot lately with being truly happy. I feel like helping those who have the same problem. And telling those who are carefree that we don't see it their way; we have to get there. I know I won't listen to someone who I know will never understand. But we all understand each other and can help one another. This is a series that I didn't have everywhere else to post. I hope it helps even just one person.
Rocky G © copyrighted 2014
May 2014 · 424
Rocky G May 2014
If I can hear the shouting
The rap isn't blaring
If I can hear the vase being smashed
The speakers have crashed
If I can hear the slap stinging
The rock group isn't singing
If I can hear the door slam shut
Better turn the music up

I want it loud enough to make my ears bleed
So loud I can't hear myself scream
Eyes shut tight enough
To keep the tears in
I want the vibrations to make my head spin
I can't escape the pain
I'm bordering on insane
The only way I won't lose it
Is to not to lose the music

I can feel their eyes burning through me
Everyone has an opinion of me
The pressure and stress
Got me craving emptiness
If the words get past the beats
It'll be the end of me
The louder the song
The more calm I become
Rocky Groves © Copyrighted 2014
Apr 2014 · 411
A Losing Game (Original)
Rocky G Apr 2014
I sat all alone in my room
Thinking about love
And saw that I was doomed
I have never found true love
To be honest I think it's all a big lie
Like another beating heart
Could make mine feel complete
We couldn't stand to be apart
When we're together
All our problems take a trip to the back seat
Well, I see it as lust at its worse
The way I see it, love is a curse

But maybe you could change my mind
With your charm and that smile
That makes my heart beat a mile a second
And I reckon you won't stop there
As long as you can make me
Forget all my pain and despair
You and I can become we
You'll be one of my many pawns
For you I'll take love and all of the cons

Fear and ecstasy fill my veins
I'm hoping the latter will wash away
Because now you have full control
Lighting up my heart like its coal
And you have the power to blow out the flame
And leave as quickly as you came
Originally that was my intention
And I have to answer to myself for my contravention
Because if you broke my heart
It'd be all my fault

We've gotten each other trapped
We let our wills crack
I'd lay it all down for you in a second
My common sense fights with my heart
My inner turmoil is an Armageddon
Now I'm looking for a spark
Or maybe this was just a losing game from the start
Original writings of this song.
Rocky G 2014 copyrighted ©
Mar 2014 · 466
Will Never Be Loved
Rocky G Mar 2014

These are just a handful of names used to desribe me

Because I'm slow to compassion
I find compassion as something to be cherished
Rather than just given out to anyone

Because no one talks down to me
Snarky replies and a sharp tongue protect you
Hurt or get hurt

Because getting too close is dangerous
There's a line not to be crossed between two people
If crossed, your pain is all your fault

For being an introvert
I feel like you
But not as strongly
But it's there
I just don't want you to see
Because that's too up close and personal
And because of that
You say I'll never love, never be loved
And then you wonder why I don't believe in love
You obviously don't show it
But you like to think you do

I'm not like you, and that's not okay
I don't why, but it isn't
Get used to it
I don't care
Rocky Groves © Copyrighted 2014
Feb 2014 · 587
A Losing Game
Rocky G Feb 2014
I was sitting alone in my room
Thinking about love
And saw that I was doomed
I have never found true love
Honestly, I think it's all a lie
Like one beating heart
Could make mine feel complete
Well, the way I see is lust at its worse
It seems to me love is a curse

But maybe you change my mind
With your charm and that smile
That makes my heart beat a mile a second
And I reckon you wont stop there
As long as you can make me forget
All my pain and despair
Just for a moment make me forget
You'll be one of my many cons
For you I'll take love and all the cons

Now you're in full control
Setting my heart on fire like its coal
Now I'm trusting you wont blow out the flame
And leave as quickly as you came
Originally that was my intention
Now I have to answer to myself for my contravention
Because if you broke my heart
It'd be all my fualt

My heart fights with my common sense
My inner turmoil is an Armageddon
But now you hold my heart
And now I'm looking for a spark
Maybe it was just a losing game from the start
Copyrighted RockyG© 2014
Jan 2014 · 535
It Hurts
Rocky G Jan 2014
You're avoiding me
Because it hurts too much
But did you ever think me?
My feelings are important too
They're what brought us here
I can't make myself fall in love with you
I do love you
But not the way you want me to
When I'm in need of a hug
You're not there
When I'm lonely
You're not there
When I just need to talk
You're not there
You're never there
Because it hurts
Well it hurts me too
But it's not about me now is it?
Jan 2014 · 405
It Hurts
Rocky G Jan 2014
You're avoiding me
Because it hurts too much
But did you ever think me?
My feelings are important too
They're what brought us here
I can't make myself fall in love with you
I do love you
But not the way you want me to
When I'm in need of a hug
You're not there
When I'm lonely
You're not there
When I just need to talk
You're not there
You're never there
Because it hurts
Well it hurts me too
But it's not about me now is it?
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Some Best Friend
Rocky G Nov 2013
I know you better than you know yourself
I'm practically a stranger to you
I know just how to rile you up
How to make your day
When you're ready to cry, to scream, to laugh...
You don't have to tell me a thing to know what's going on
But you just know my face
My problems mean nothing to you, as if you'd understand anyway
I can't think of a time you were there for ME
You can't figure out the emotions plain as day on my face
Your life is perfect
The family, the friends, everything goes your way, your talents and a best friend who comes at your beck and call
You're not involved in my life
My life of pain, lack of trust and loyalty
I know the world for what it is
Your biggest problem is sacrificing a good time for things more important-not getting your way
You're happy with the way things are
But I can't help but think this is a mistake
That WE'RE a mistake
I'm not happy
I feel neglected and unimportant
I think we both should move on...
Rocky G Copyright© 2013
Nov 2013 · 750
I'm Losing
Rocky G Nov 2013
I'm losing
All the happiness, sadness, anger and bliss
I just exist
No emotion
No reaction
I don't feel  compassion, pity, or sorrow
But I don't see a problem
I see less room for hurt, betrayal and pain
I'm losing all feelings
If they're felt my face doesn't show it
I enjoy being numb
It's a happy life
I'm losing
And loving it
Rocky G 2013 Copyrighted©
Oct 2013 · 559
The Generation
Rocky G Oct 2013
We all have been called
To be an example to the lost
Made to be the motivation
Of searching for redemption
A whole new generation
One body moving in unison
Can't we show what true love is?
If we really wanted
We could change the world
But we run from broken places like they're haunted
Pretend like there's nothing going on
But we rep the Son
Copyrighted© Raquel Groves Art and Writing 2013
Sep 2013 · 619
Coming Back for More
Rocky G Sep 2013
I fell for you head first
Never thinking of the worst
We were perfect together
How could things get much better?
But then your mask came off
And you seemed a bit off
And now the change blends with my tears
The ones I hadn't cried in years
All come flowing from my eyes
Because out of me you've gotten a rise
To the point where I just walk away
But find myself coming back for more
You make me bend and sway
Anything you want me to say
Falls off my tongue and causes more pain
You make my heart go mundane
How do I escape you?
I'm tired of being used
All I am is your puppet
Pull my strings up and let me plummet
Into the dirt
I feel so much hurt
But find myself coming back for more and more and more....
Sep 2013 · 587
Protect You from Yourself
Rocky G Sep 2013
I am not afraid
To put you in your place
I am not below you
You do not belong here
I wish you'd shut up
What'd I ever do to you?
To make you wanna put me below the dogs
I'm not tryna cram it down your throat
I'm tryna protect you from yourself
You'll drag yourself down below
Where the fire never sleeps
And they're not satisfied unless you weep
So try and stay the way you are but when your nightmares interrupt your life don't come crying tonight
Dark can stare into your soul
As the sin takes control
And it burns you to the ground
So the band was writing some lyrics and this happened
Aug 2013 · 384
Had it All
Rocky G Aug 2013
If you wanted space
You should have said so
Then we wouldn't be where we are now
Tell me, is it me?
Did I offend you?
Well then, I'm so sorry for your pain!
And here I was
Thinking I was a good friend
Well, now I see my wrong doings
I think I'll just be going then
You've made it obvious
That I'm not wanted here
You say stay
When all I get is a bad vibe
I can't live this way
All I want is you back by my side
We were the best of friends
We had it all
Jun 2013 · 336
Rather Be
Rocky G Jun 2013
I'd rather be six feet in the ground
For sharing my faith
Than alive and well
Hiding everything away
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Jun 2013 · 479
Shake the Emotion
Rocky G Jun 2013
I can't explain this sudden feeling of sadness
It creeps into my heart
And makes a change for the worst
I sit alone and hold in the tears
For if I let them out, I'll be exposed
But I'll shake this emotion
Like I did the hurt
And I'll be made brand new
And victory will be mine!
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Apr 2013 · 447
Make Ourselves Known
Rocky G Apr 2013
When will we stop tearing our eyes away
From all the ugly things in this world?
When we have the power - the calling to make them beautiful
We're so worried about our image
That we can't even look a hurting person in the eyes

That girl wearing the long sleeves
Watches her father pummle her mother
Instead of watching TV
All she knows is hurting people
But the only one to hurt is herself
She welcomes the blade
And we just walk away
Instead of wrapping her in the love
She's searched endlessly for

The man that sleeps in the garbage
Watched his house and family burn up in flames
And blames himself as he starves unwillingly
No one spares him a glance
Let alone some change

Its time we make ourselves known
Instead of just existing
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Rocky G Apr 2013
So we escaped the tormentors
But now what?
We can't go back home
Show our shameful faces to our Father
Would we ever be happy again?
We will know better
Than to believe that we could ever deserve his mercy
So we roam the wilderness
Dying from the frost
Being devoured by beasts
Starving, gnashing on our own flesh
We hear our Father calling for us from afar
But we run
Drenched in shame
Away from our home
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Apr 2013 · 302
She Is Free
Rocky G Apr 2013
She has given you her best
She only tries to make it work
Because you keep saying you love her
The sole of your boot leaves a mark of remembrance
On her cheek for everyone to see
She covers for you time and time again
And you let her!

On of these days shell see you for who you are
The world is hers for the taking
You'll be dead to her
And no one else could take her place
Because only she could love you
Enjoy what you have now
Because it won't last

I heard she left you
She realized you don't deserve her
She's better than what you say she is
Her beauty is beyond looks
Her heart won't have to endure you any longer
Because she is free
To all guys who don't treat women and young girls the way they should be - you're low life pieces of garbage who oughtta be taught a thing or two by your mothers!
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Apr 2013 · 359
Your Light
Rocky G Apr 2013
The sun wont always shine on me
My friends won't always be there
Life won't always make sense
Happiness isn't always there to comfort me
Your heart will always steer you wrong
But I always remember
Is that Your light will always be there to guide me
Through this harrow
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Apr 2013 · 507
You Don't Understand
Rocky G Apr 2013
You don't understand me
You see my problems as nothing
That I don't get stressed
I'm folding under the pressure
And you don't see
Because this smile on my face
Is what gives me needed space
They would crowd me
Demanding a reasonable explanation
For my broken heart
Like my life is a joy ride
When its really a harrow
I hide it because you wouldn't understand
Your life is just as 'easy' as mine
You whine and cry about your problems
So when a strong spirit can hide the pain
You contridict them
You don't have that authority
It would be best to keep your mouth shut
You're blinded by ignorance
Come back when you've opened your eyes
Apr 2013 · 455
This Isn't Me
Rocky G Apr 2013
Sitting here without a thought
Pencil in hand but nothing comes out
The paper is blank
Just like my mind
No inspiration, thoughts, opinions...
I sit in a room of small white walls
No view of the outside world
Just me and my blank sheet of paper
What now?
What good is writing when there's nothing to write?
I feel like these words are not mine
But belong to who I wish I was
This isn't me
Its who I wanna be
So I sit and write
The words and feelings that belong to her
She's seen the world for what it is
She's felt pain
She's been inspired
She's alive!
I'm in my safe house
With small white walls
Covered windows
And blank paper
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Apr 2013 · 433
Known For Being Crazy
Rocky G Apr 2013
I'm known for loving my enemies
I'm known for believing in the unseen
I'm know for being crazy
I fight on my knees
I can finally see
That love isn't always happy endings
But I still believe
I must be crazy
I believe in a God
Who can do all things
They don't believe because they never seen
But He's everywhere
They think I'm crazy
I rep Christ
I pray for my enemies
I live by the Word
I believe in the hardest of times
And I'm OK
With being called crazy
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Mar 2013 · 766
What We Left
Rocky G Mar 2013
What a sorry sight we are
Our faces are pale
Hair is ***** and matted
The "clothes" we wear are rags sewn together
We eat what the rats leave
The scars on our arms are memories
Of what we left for this
We were scorned and persecuted
Because we were wrapped in light
Now we can't escape darkness
Our smiles were slapped off of our faces
The best we can do is paint them back on
They replaced our crowns with thorns
And we let them!
We were mocked for respecting our Father
So we ran away from home
We were fearless
But now we cower from our own shadows
We **** our dreams and devour their wings
We're monsters who once were knights
And yet our Father still holds His arms wide open
He wants us to come home
But our own thoughts hold us back
It's not our tormentors' fault anymore
They can't stop us from leaving
But we think they can
So we grit our teeth
As the b;ade greets us
Crimson tears blur our vision
Of our loving Father
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Mar 2013 · 505
Calling Out Fear
Rocky G Mar 2013
I'm calling you out, fear
You're always near
In my head, in my dreams
I don't even know what living means
My thoughts should not be a hiding place
But it's the only place I find silence
The fact that I might dream is no consolation
They make me see terror and realization
I realize that life is pain
And I hide away along with my shame
I'm calling you out fear
To slap off your snear
You coward who stops us from living
I think you should be leaving
You're not welcomed here
We've got dreams to dream
Things to see
Songs to sing
Joy to bring
To a world that's broken
Words of love that have been unspoken
We are a generation
That needs to bring them motivation
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Mar 2013 · 817
Wasn't Always Like This
Rocky G Mar 2013
Could you believe I wasn't always like this?
I had a heart and conscience
But I have been silenced
The smile I wore wasn't painted
I was filled with sheer joy
But my fragile heart grew weary and fainted
And everything I once held dear has been destroyed
You are the enemy
Who tries to justify all of your evil deeds
Well, I'm not so stupid
To let you make me the villain
Your reasons are lucid
When you think you're as complex as an illusion
You're wondering what comes next
I'm letting you know now
Your kingdom's tumbling down
I'm rising up from the grave
I'm tired of you telling me to behave
You aren't my jail warden anymore
I've been set free by redemption
I don't answer to you anymore
I'm a part of the new generation
That will bring hope
To the world
I know you for who you are
You're a coward who feeds off my needs
And you haven't gotten that far
In your attempt to make me bleed
It's time for you to leave
The world is ours
Just a song idea for me and my partner in is encouraged! We wanna know if people like our lyrics
Raquel Groves and Cathy Beam 2013© Copyrite.protected
Mar 2013 · 344
Goodbye Forever
Rocky G Mar 2013
I trusted you
Gave you all that was due
But you took that trust and trashed it
Burned it
You take beauty
And turn it into something ugly
I don't know what to do
I find another bruise
This is the last time
I let you try your game on me
It's time for you to leave
We'll never see each other again, ever
Goodbye forever
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
Jan 2013 · 491
Hold My Hand
Rocky G Jan 2013
The natural dark of your skin
The black mess of hair that shines
The sound of your low and gentle voice
Your beautifully built figure
Broad chest
Flawless face
Your hipnotic eyes
The way you hold yourself
That nothing is impossible attitude
I don't want to want you
But my hand fits just right in yours
Your winning smile makes me smile
Life is simple with you
So hold my hand
And never let it go
Jan 2013 · 766
My Token
Rocky G Jan 2013
Should I let you go,
Like you let me go?
Or should I never forget you,
As strongly as you forgot me?
When you gave me a token
I kept it, held it dear to my heart
But you left me
With nothing but a token
I feel like I should also forget
Throw out the token
Burn it, discard it
But I can't
You gave it especially to me
I'm closer to you,
Than you are to me
I can never depart from this token
The part of 'you' that will never leave me
Jan 2013 · 835
Cut. Cut. Cut Goes Willow
Rocky G Jan 2013
She had another bad day
Mom and Dad had another fight
He bruised her up again
They left her again
She has no friends
She heads for the bed, lifts the pillow
On the handle is carved "Willow"
She rolls up her sleeve
Cut. Cut. Cut.
She starts to dry-heave
Bites her lip, forgets the pain
Willow wispers, "No pain, no gain."
No pain, no gain
Drip. Drip. Drip
Blood dripping down to her hips
But next she moves to her throat
She can't take life anymore
There must be something more
Where she hasnt looked
The same thought she got
When she first smoked
But what is there?
Suddenly there's a feeling in the air
He's wrapped her in His love
His undying love
She drops the knife
She's been given new life
She sees the book on her dresser
A book that could save her
She reads it by the window
And writes inside, "Willow"
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Puppet Master
Rocky G Jan 2013
I'm hung on the same shelf
Night after night, that shelf
That old, dusty shelf
My strings bundled up
So I can't leave this retched place
But in the morning you come for me
Untie my strings, and drag me away
The floor is cold under my feet
The lights burn my eyes
The cheering crowds hurt my ears
Then...the curtains open
And so the show begins
Master pulls my strings
I jump, dance, wave, kick myself and fall
But does anyone hear my cries for help?
They can't over their laughter
The humility is hurtful
The strings agonizingly painful
At war with the puppet master
But once again have failed
The curtains close
And I'm back on that old, dusty shelf
Jan 2013 · 706
Rocky G Jan 2013
Your life has no meaning without it
It's that thing that follows you everywhere
That place you escape to when your real life is tragic
That friend that tells you everything is possible
Your life is a bare canvas that's waiting to be painted
The idea that turns old, broken houses into mansions
It's the picture that explodes on your paper
The words that exit your pen
Your view of the world
What you see when you look at something and want to make it better
Your descision: to hide it, or let it soar
Jan 2013 · 365
All For Me
Rocky G Jan 2013
I can't wrap my mind around the thought
That the Lord of lords would leave His throne
And step unto this world of pain
To give Himself up willingly
To be nailed to a tree for me
So I could have a chance
Jesus pulled me from my trance
I thought I was living
When in reality I was slowily dying
An IV of poison was coursing through my veins
I thought I was being revived
The Great I Am showed me the truth
That my "truth" was really a lie
I asked Him, "What is the truth?"
And God spoke to me, "I am the truth."
Now I'm free as can be
With nothing to blind me
No one to chain me
My spot in heaven is secure
By my rescure
Jan 2013 · 408
What We Got
Rocky G Jan 2013
I asked for love
You gave me hate
I asked for roses
You gave me thorns
I wanted you
I got the idea of you
I wanted happiness
I got sorrow
You asked for contentment
I gave you complete satisfaction
You asked for lights
I gave you the stars
You wanted okay
You got perfect
You wanted to survive
You get to live
Dec 2012 · 527
That's Life
Rocky G Dec 2012
Life can be described in so many different ways
Some describe it as a lemon drop
Sour, bitter, something you hate
Life can be described as an apple
Tempting, but a poison
When you're asked to describe life
You may say pain
You're hurt all the time
By everything, by everyone
Or you may say hate
Love is nowhere to be found
Perhaps dark?
Where's the light?
Silence overtakes you
And you just close your eyes
We all have bitterness,
Some poison, hate, a feel of pain
And darkness in our lives
Things we need to deal with
Think of it this way
If you're going through it
You're strong enough to handle it
The worse your life seems to be
The stronger you are
Yes there'll be pain
But that's life
You can either live, keep your head up
Or suffer through it all
It's your choice
Either way, it's life
Something we all have to face
Dec 2012 · 452
Rocky G Dec 2012
You're chained from head to toe
You can't get free
Darkness wraps you in silence
You're begging for my help
When I've always been there to help
Except now
You've just realized you're a prisoner
I've always seen it
I would rip the chains off
Turn the lights on
Break the silence with these words
I love you
But you wrap yourself in it all over again
Don't you see my sister?
You do this to yourself
And I've always been there
To clean up the mess
To ease the pain
You pushed me away
You wanted this
Thought it was love
Well now you have it
Everything, but me
You promised me forever
We were sisters for life
We fought, we hugged, we laughed
I didn't leave, you did
For darkness, hate, silence, knives and drugs
But you're back, you've realized it's a nightmare
I can't help you now, I won't
I'll never forget you, but I can't help you

— The End —