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rochie lapoza Oct 2010
One day i will be the man you want me to be
But it is to late for us
the man i will become you might never meet
You mean the world to me and i never want to let you go
But the word is not big enough for us my love
We might never know what is over the hills we are facing
We can reach the peak
We will be happy and we can sleep
I love you ___ with all my heart.
rochie lapoza Apr 2010
Were has it gone
It’s gone, it’s gone away
Where, where has it gone and will it return
I do not know, can’t say yes, and can’t say no, so maybe
But not today, today it remains away, it continues to allude
Tomorrow perhaps
Perhaps tomorrow is a new day bringing a new perception
A new day to wait to hope to pray please come back tomorrow

Waiting silently for its return,
To the horizon gazing
Cry out come back, come back, come back please
Only a whisper is heard through the racing of thought
Please come back
829 · Oct 2010
rochie lapoza Oct 2010
Don’t you cry for me
Not one tear
Don’ you cry for me

Who am I to make you cry?
Why is it me that makes you whole?
Why is it me you love so much?
You deserve better that what I give
I’m cold and dark and rude and mean
Although this was not how it used to be
But still you stay and cry for me
There is nothing here anymore
Nothing but an empty shell
My sole I fear is down in hell
And still you cry for me

There is an end you have to see
There is an end to your agony
Its coming soon
You’ll be fine
Now its here your no longer mine

And so you leave and say to me
“This is the last drop I spill for you
I’ll cry no more
I have lost all hope
I loved so much and tried so hard
My heart is smashed
Here take this shard
Hold it tight and keep it safe”

“One last kiss”  
Your sweet lips press to mine
I feel you love I feel you cry
A tear runs down your cheek
Your eyes begin to swell
You take my hand and hold it tight
“I know you feel it I feel it to
I only ever wanted to be with you
So out that door you go

I know I lost in side my mind
It’s a maze I used to know
I will again find my way  
Ill find my self
Then find you
We’ll live for each other
Just me and you

— The End —