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Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
Silence that bleeds
And breathes across
The cavernous void
Dividing us.
Consuming our words,
So haltingly uttered.
So fearful they fall
Ripped unwillingly
From this broken whole.
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
Heavy grey sky
Irrepressibly looming,
Descending, a sheen.
Cleansing the houses,
The streets.
And I,
Another wan figure
An aspiring dove,
So crushed,
Now only a poor pigeon.
Another watcher
With no part to play,
But to release my breath,
Pearlescent clouds
Ascending to the grey.
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
A vast unfeeling sordid breath,
That scalds my naked doubt
Grazing the space unfilled.
Lost in the waves
The summer an oppressive embrace,
Infecting this town.
And I am alone from here.
The stagnant tsunami,
Creeps up from the depths
Untiring in its attempts to overwhelm me.
But I'm already so tired,
I give up on my fight to the heat,
To the eternal god that glares
So balefully from beneath heavy clouds.
Have done with me now.
Leave me to the tide.
To the uncaring winds
Anywhere beyond the sweat of bodies
And incessant hate
Of the sun.-
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
She is long dead,
Her secrets lost,
But still they hang to you,
As faint as her perfume.

You are matched with others now,
Though they have no excitement,
No secrets.
They have no scars.
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
A breath that that bled through days
Seeping between our bodies,
Hushing my skin to fire
And laced with smoke.
When did air stand so solid
Between intimacies of another?
Lightly greased with desire,
A soap bubble barrier.

Oily futures chase each other
Across violet hues.
It is only so briefly whole, untouched.
Your breath caught
And me with it.
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
I am flawed,
An inner fault, though I appear whole.
I can feel it grind with each breath,
Glass on glass.

One look and I am young again.
A thousand doubts to build a girl
Who refused to cry
And ran through fields

One word and I am crushed
Beneath half a life of memories.
Layers of varnish, too many to dry
Too many to breathe.

One touch and I spiral,
The fragments descend.
A rain shower reflected in your eyes,
Hot with desire.
A hitched breath that rounds the edges,
A balm of boiling water
On ice.

The shard between us shatters
With your fingers on my skin,
Tracing constellations in my freckles.
It's as if the years never existed,
But the splinters harden,
Crystallised with lies
And growing milky with
things unsaid.

Despite the night,
I grow colder with secrets
That choke me.
Robyn Lewis Aug 2013
Where we were then,
Beyond the fields
Beyond the ideals of our parents
And their ceaseless appeals.
Where did we get such strength,
To flaunt our freedom so readily?
An open rebellion of wheat.
We were golden in our abandon,
Escaped from our dark houses.
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