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I'm the wronger

a wooden soul
destined to stoke for eternity

I better start smoking again
maybe the harder stuff  

to get my soul used to breathing in ash
my lungs will be black and caked full

chugging deer blood and bull
to erase
the feeling of me

you tell me I'm an un-thinker
superfluous thoughts of a prosthetic heart

I had a dream once
I was peeling
never ending oranges

pulling the skin from the sweet juicy
drops of tang slipping from my fingers

but never sinking my teeth into

orange suggests so many contrary things
trees indicate life

but eating an orange means separation

tie me down
batter me

I think it unwise
you chasing me

to the un-pearly gates
those burning barriers
you circumnavigate

while I will smell of citrus
for eternity
Thick and curdled

dreams slip past me inebriated

tell me lies that bind my back

and fill my skies with sonorous bruised


like cracked eggshells

splintered across an age set before me

the horologe weighs me down

only numbers seem to count

Most seem unable to calculate

one life set apart from the ticking

oh let me be styled by my own reckoning  

set aside from the domain of economizing  

free from lingering gazes in a fishbowl

I want my own homeostasis
my own diluted
*an attempt at intertwining words about numbers and time, as well as a little post-grad angst, I believe...

-Angst, often confused with anxiety, is a transcendent emotion in that it combines the unbearable anguish of life with the hopes of overcoming this seemingly impossible situation...Angst denotes the constant struggle one has with the burdens of life that weighs on the dispossessed and not knowing when the salvation will appear.   -Urban Dictionary (if I may)
peach fuzz caught on the curved back
of my little curled creature.

carved in clay
chirped from the dust

timid sculpture
weathered crisp

at the cusp of your

drool dews the downy where dreams dip
and dare brews of white lullabies
into static

your wet balmy breath drags and plucks my
rhythmic drum

a beat so wild
my little angel one
winnowed away
from heaven

gasping mud
the soul
came from
With iron and honey I glaze both cheeks
while two bees bumble up each cascade

pressing curvy pumping abdomens
with points plying as they scrape

each presses into a cheekbone producing
blossoms of irritated wine and grape

pixilated with  pyrexia I collapse in a
webbed hammock perplexed

and wait and wait

my mouth blazing I gaze up and despise

the puffy diluted masses in  fields of blue
my cheeks dilated threatening to thunder

and then a pause as sweat brings honey
tumbling uncontrolled  

out from within
*an ode to her style
My high

       beams reflect on the violently

fluttering wings of a moth

       right before my engine consumes its life

and I wonder as I drive

       towards your captivating light


      what possesses me

That night I dreamt

      bay leaves flew out of my mouth

I  remember playing them like cards

     stacking them in brittle piles

I dealt them out

later all crusted over and awake

     you and I looked in the dream book

bay leaves: considered a symbol of prophecy

     We laugh

I was once many women

     over and over

from chrysalis to flying form

but once your brightness found me

    I saw you illuminated me

I inhale sweet abandonment

     and exhale vulnerability

I am different

     but proverbial

in your rays of white

— The End —