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825 · Jul 2016
I'd Rather
Robin Heft Jul 2016
I’d rather be called a loner than cool.

I’d rather have a few close friends who care bout my feelings than getting over 200 likes on a picture.

I’d rather spend a Saturday night by myself than doing something I don't want to do with people I don’t want to be with.

I’d rather write my thoughts into a song or a poem than into a 140 character subtweet.

I’d rather work extra hard to get what I want than rely on someone else to do it for me.

I’d rather be happy within myself and my own mind than worry about how others perceive me, because when it’s the end of the day, when the party ends and your friends home and you’re laying on your bed awake at three a.m., you don’t sit there and wonder why you weren’t good enough or what you can do to be good enough.

You sit there, in peace and isolation, and think.

Not about the boys who asked for your number underneath your selfie, or that girl who called you a name in the bathroom during your lunch period, or the rumor you heard about your ex, you sit there and thank yourself.

You thank yourself for taking the time in becoming your own best friend, because once all of the distractions leave your life, you’re all you got.

And if at night, when your family is sleeping and your boyfriend hasn’t texted you back, and the silence is screaming through your mind from the absence of social contact, if you can’t be happy with that silence,

then are you truly happy with anything?

— The End —