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IT is truly the SCOURGE of Humankind.

Copyright 2016 Robert William Gruhn A.R.R
Jan 2016 · 410

Close behind;
Something there
is gone
when I turn.
Still, it is there,
can feel its eyes
picking carefully
at my clothing.
Each step I take,
it does too.
Each time I stop,
the silence is frightening.
Afraid to run,
I know it's faster,
so I walk on.
a sound I hadn't heard before
crawls up my spine,
breathing, louder than mine.
My heart is pounding now,
mind whirling in panic.
What did it want?
Does it know me?
Then, a hand on my shoulder,
I freeze in horror.
A familiar voice laughing,
says, honey,
you forgot your jacket.

Copyright © 2014 Robert William Gruhn - All Rights Reserved

"A poem to me is the essence of any thought,
Being built from its foundation into tower scraping sky.
It can fly like no other bird to places never seen,
Even spaceships can only dream of taking its place."

© 2015 Robert William Gruhn
Verse 1

First time I saw you under that summer moon
Your eyes blazed me promised tomorrows in June
Baby that smile melted this man's frozen heart
We drowned willingly in love never drifting apart

Verse 2

Those lips of yours beckoned so sweetly to me
Golden hair flowed so gently in a soothing breeze
Alabaster arms reached out pulling me to your face
My injured spirit invited within that loving embrace


Yeah there you stood girl
Dancin' without dancin'
Floating into my eyes
There you stood girl

Verse 3

Ya know darling, you spoke a thousand words
All the while only a moment passing I heard
My wonderful angel you flew to me that very day
Your voice ringing over vast oceans asking to stay

Chorus: Repeat Twice

Yeah there you stood girl
Dancin' without dancin'
Floating into my eyes
There you stood girl

Tag: Final Fading

Yeah, there you stood girl
There you stood girl

Copyright © 2016 Robert William Gruhn - BMI - All Rights Resserved
Dec 2015 · 893
Words Said In Anger
....Can fall on deaf ears:

And if not,

Can hurt more than you know,


Regrets hanging out on a line,

Waiting to be forgiven,

Some will be,

Others left blowing in a lonely breeze,

Have to be even more careful,

In a small town like this,

These walls have ears,

The windows have eyes,

Greeted by empty streets when you appear,

Friendly neighbor now your judge,

All his sad secrets,

Safely tucked into his vest,

Heaven forbid should his past be revealed,

Voice now speaking quiet lies,

Raised only in righteous accusation,

Of faults you've never dismissed,

Yet want to hide,

From those with no compassion,

Reveling in your shame,

Having buried their own,

In the backyards of their minds,

Such cruelty,

No other living creature would bestow,


Only humans with their free will gift,

Of thought,

Draped in pathetic robes,

Of hypocritical truths,

Living in their lies,

Sight lost of understanding,

Worshiping the almighty dollar,

Blinded to their eternity,


Only a word to be despised,


Copyright © 2015 Robert William Gruhn - All Rights Reserved

"A poem to me is the essence of any thought,
Being built from its foundation into tower scraping sky.
It can fly like no other bird to places never seen,
Even spaceships can only dream of taking its place

Copyright © 2015 Robert William Gruhn
Dec 2015 · 376
Under This Pounding Rain
Angry unseen tears pelting me in the darkness,

Cold falling droplets splattered and screaming their loneliness,

Soaking my clothes in clear clinging abandonment,

First striking at me yet now embraced by them,

My body more than willing to warm their chill,

Knowing as a whole they could swiftly drown me,

Still I welcome this brave shower of ocean,

Delivered to me by their dark cloudy mother,

Her lightning eyes blazing and voice of soft thunder.

Copyright © 2014 Robert William Gruhn - All Rights Reserved

"A poem to me is the essence of any thought,
Being built from its foundation into tower scraping sky.
It can fly like no other bird to places never seen,
Even spaceships can only dream of taking its place."

© 2015 Robert William Gruhn
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Flying through a world of broken dreams,
Broken promises still whispering in my ears.
Morning screams from a broken coffee cup,
Broken hopes lying shattered within my mind.

Even nothing is so broken I can imagine it,
Broken heart still beating in wondrous thumps.
Peeking through a broken keyhole that never opens,
Broken comfortable bed that doesn't fit anymore.

Drove downtown last night on broken roads,
Broken smiles greeted me in the bar.
Walked home because gas pump was broken,
Broken house welcomed me.

So here I sit a broken man,
Broken memories that heal no more.
Wishing for something better than broken,
Broken everything all around.

Copyright © 2015 Robert William Gruhn

— The End —