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581 · Apr 2017
How Does Love Thrive?
Robert Wallace Apr 2017
So strangely hidden, love will seldom be found
Few grasp the true nature
Then promising nothing,
elation abounds

Caresses once here and then gone, will visit once more
The heart binds every moment While uncertainty pounds a souls shore

Two that are separate, yet equal, emerge
Immersed in love passion
Reflect sunlight that will swelter and surge

One will deepen the moment, the Other, change captive time
A new life uncovered, leaves memories behind

What was given by each will be nourished and grow
Ten fold they will render whatever they've sown

333 · Apr 2017
A Story of Love
Robert Wallace Apr 2017
By a quiet peaceful stream, on a day like any other, a gentle child huddles close to inquire of his mother

You've given me the wisdom he whispers, of Earth and things above, but yet I yearn to know life's secret... tell me what is love

She sweeps her hand so tenderly into the calming brook, come close my son, see what I hold, see what my firm grasp took

There's nothing here, no dream to hold, no essence to caress, love is like this water, a substance no one can possess

It can cool our thoughts and cleanse of fire and even bring us life, but water flows past steadily and quickly leaves our sight

We can drink it in and pour it out to Souls in need of Grace, give others drink, restore their hearts and show them Love's embrace

But it's only in love's sharing that we can truly know, that love is not ours to keep, to hold, it is not ours to own

And as it calls, our lives are changed, our Seasons wax and wane, so now give ear my dearest one, the knowledge is yours to gain

Like water flowing endlessly, when all is gone...

It's only Love that will remain

RW  &  JW
308 · Apr 2017
Why Poetry
Robert Wallace Apr 2017
This writer ponders questing voices, made by gentle hearts

And does unveil souls sleeping hope, fashions visions

And so departs

Robert Wallace Apr 2017
The Angel Series

This is a series of poems about two Angels that find a new gentle love

Amid time turbulent from distant shores, cast down from the Forsaken life before
Two lovers lost begin the search, each hidden, not knowing their own Souls worth
Creatures Divine and Angels fair within their wings such misery bear
To find a life, the heart complete
to know Love's love a moment sweet
The eyes of each fill distant Stars, no longer loves embrace afar
A single thread becomes their song tied tightly to the heart grown strong
Within themselves and not the world the vision same was then unfurled
And now sprung forth the joy uncaged made manifest amidst griefs rage
A  promise born of Two Souls wed with hands entwined, their passion led
All fear removed they touch as one, the journey near is now begun
A spotless hope calls both to deep it's now the Vow the soft heart keeps
Arise Oh Love and greet the day the sun calls forth, our wings obey

Rw & JW

— The End —