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Feb 2012 · 1.3k
Soulful Valentine
Robert Potter Feb 2012
A year has gone and passed away
And still our love may yet hold sway
I wish you luck and thus consign
Our love, my soulful Valentine

So as another year begins
And so must fade our shameful sins
I raise my glass filled up with wine
To you, my soulful Valentine

I will  dream of what we had
The good, the great, the real, the bad
And as our paths ne'er intertwine
In life, my soulful Valentine

When you have a passed and I remain
And memory ne'er will sustain
I will hold on to the love of thine
Rest now, my soulful Valentine
Robert Potter Dec 2011
I am bursting at the seams
You need to know
If only these chains
Were a little looser

I cannot leave
Eyes and ears
Are ever looking
And aloft with what they hear

I write to you now
To everyone
And anyone who’ll listen

You need to know
I am bursting
I cannot wait
A moment longer
Dec 2011 · 3.1k
The Beard
Robert Potter Dec 2011
some may say a man
with a beard
has something to hide

some may say a bearded man
is a lonely man

let me tell you a law
of the known universe

all great influential men
had beards

Consider this: The Soul is set aflame by the constant ruminations of the mind that venture beyond one’s stagnant self. This leads to great inspiration and ultimately inspiring others greatly.

so you see
only the bearded man can
transcend himself

List of Great Bearded Men: Frederick Douglas, Ulysses S. Grant, Ernest Hemingway, Jesus, Abraham Lincoln, Confucius, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, John Lennon, Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, King Leonidas, Zeus, Poseidon, Billy Mays, Most notable Pirates.
Oct 2011 · 3.7k
The Fight
Robert Potter Oct 2011
What was it like?
The fight?
Well I’d say it was like…
Eowyn valiantly facing off with the Witch King
It was like Obi Wan flinging droids around with the flick of his hand
It was like saying “Hi” to Scarface’s friends
It was like the feeling Shrek got when he saved Fiona
It was like the moment when we first realize Scar will betray Mufasa
It was like watching the Joker toy with Batman’s head
It was like watching King Leonidas **** Persians in slow motion
It was like John McClane actually dying
It was like the green burst of light from Voldemort’s wand
It was like…
It was like…
It was like ******* off the Don on the day of his daughter’s wedding subsequently forcing the Don to leave a horse head in your bed.
Woah dude, that’s too far. The fight between Timmy and Johnny at recess was not like that.
Oct 2011 · 896
Robert Potter Oct 2011
Behemoths of stone
Surround us as we huddle close
The chill whips at our backs
Our numb bodies our the only hope of warmth

Still we labor on
As they are running wholly fearful
Of the sleeping giant waking
To find a world in disrepair

They took it all away
Our electricity and heat
The drone’s of the established
Corrupted aristocracy
Sep 2011 · 515
Carry Me Down
Robert Potter Sep 2011
Shadow, please!
I know you’re there.
You mustn’t run and hide.
I need you now
To share my pain
Because of what’s inside

You’re all I have
You’re all that’s left
Now that I’ve passed away
Carry me now
To Light’s embrace
Beneath that sky of grey

That final day
My soul bleeds out
I will accept the cost
I know my life
My sweat, my tears
Save sorrow for the lost
Sep 2011 · 634
Robert Potter Sep 2011
Twenty-five brothers
Of Mr. McGee
Not one had eyes of blue
Until one day
A lad was born
Who bore the name of Lou
Sep 2011 · 561
Our Christmas Home
Robert Potter Sep 2011
This winter airy scent
Within my nose ferments
A sensation of crisp wonder
The sound of choral singing
Throughout the town a-ringing
Returns the color to my heart

These are the times to be of good cheer
And remember the reason why we are all here
To revere the Savior of us all
To spread the word and heed his call
To join him now in heaven

This scent of fire warming
The children on this morning
Now sipping hot cocoa
The sound of snow ***** crunching
The children’s cheeks now blushing
Due to the frigid air

These are the times to be of good cheer
And remember the reason why we are all here
To revere the Savior of us all
To spread the word and heed his call
To join him now in heaven

The day is fast approaching
When judgment now unfolding
Will bring us finally home
For now amid this season
We mustn’t lose the reason
We celebrate the day
Sep 2011 · 613
Robert Potter Sep 2011
I am filled with regret

You were strong. You were brave. You were reliable.

I long to go back if God would allow
But who can fight time’s unrelenting tide?

I am filled with longing.

They miss you. I know they I do. I know I do.

The lack of shade. The sun’s smothering embrace.
If only I’d thought, and not run away.

I am filled with remorse.

Will you forgive me?

I am filled with regret.

You were the best dog a family could have.
Sep 2011 · 553
A Beautiful Lady
Robert Potter Sep 2011
I don’t know what other men think of
When they see a beautiful lady
They fill my mind to the brim
A raucous soup just waiting to spill forth
I must take heed not to let it pour out.
Only a taste is what she must have
Lest she be overtaken.
When I see a beautiful lady,
I don’t know what to think
Sep 2011 · 556
A Summary
Robert Potter Sep 2011
I’m not sure you’re aware
Of the inner turmoil inside me
Each glance conveys words
Each choice speaks feelings
Into the atmosphere

Do you know what you’ve done?
Do you know what has happened?
Something has changed.
For worse or for better,
I guess you’ll decide.

I see your smile that says
Our world is fine
But deep down we both know
That cannot be
Something’s off

This spiral keeps going.
What’s done is done.
Is this how it’ll end?

Or maybe I’m just over thinking things…
Sep 2011 · 1.3k
An Undeserving Christmas
Robert Potter Sep 2011
As all children were sleeping
I crept through the night
Nobody heard me
There was no one in sight

I snuck along quiet
To the reindeer den
The North Pole’s frigid air
Gave me a chill now and then

As I entered the cave
I beheld quite a sight
The big red man himself
Gearing up for his flight

My goal was quite simple
My mind was quite clear
Stopping this man was my focus
Christmas would not be this year

Why? You might ask…
What’s this day done to you?
I ask you the same
If only you knew

So I snuck up behind him
With all of my might
A swift bonk on the head
And he was out all right

When he finally came too
He was tied to a chair
He didn’t even struggle
He didn’t even care

“Oh,” Santa said,
“I suppose this is good
I could never keep up
With the lists like I should”

“Each year it gets longer
The list of kids’ wishes
And if I don’t keep the pace…
Well faith is scarce as it is”

Surprised by these facts
I paced back and forth
I must consider my options
Before the light of next morn

Now the time came
For me to explain
The reasons I traveled
To this northern domain

“Three or four years
Have passed since that day
That I vowed from then on
To make Santa pay”

“For on that bright day
I woke up very early
Expecting to open
Presents quite worthy”

“Of a man like me
And all I deserve
Boastful you say?
Not at all, I reserve
The right now to stop
This year’s Christmastide
Each child will face
The disgust as I did”

“For coal is no gift
To a man who is rich
And has all he wants
With the world as his niche”

Santa listened to me
He did not say a word
Till finally he spoke
And only this was heard

“You humans are the same
You think the world owes you much
I’ll tell you this now
We weren’t created for such”

“For I too am a man
Hired to keep the mass calm
Consumerism is the way
It spurs many on”

“There was once a time
When this day meant much more
Then the gifts that showed up
By the tree on the floor”

“Being together was king
Of this secular tradition
But that time is long gone
Replaced by pure ambition”

“Above all else
We remember the name
The brought peace on earth
And forgiveness through pain”

“This was the time
When he appeared in the earth
To go to the cross
And return us are worth”

“So I applaud you now
Though your motives aren’t true
Maybe what this world needs
Is a year bid adieu”

I listened intently
To the things he had said
And a lot of things then
Went on in my head

I wish I could say
That the world plus myself
Could survive a year
Without new things on our shelves

Even if that’s a dream
I will constantly remember
The things he had said
On that day in December
Sep 2011 · 496
Anne Marie's Night
Robert Potter Sep 2011
The engine’s off. The headlights fade.
We amble to the beach.
The waves crash as the howl of the wind keeps us company.
We find a spot
And settle there
Her perfume mixes with the sea to intrigue me.

The sand beneath us creeps along our skin.
Our voices fill the night sky as we talk about the depth of life.
The stars twinkle as we stare and wonder.

A wave crashes. Lightening strikes.
The conversation fades.
My tongue is caught.
Whether it’s by the salt of the sea or my inability
To say what I need to,
I don’t know.
Robert Potter Sep 2011
A man went forth, mangled and maimed
Limping along the road in quiet shame
His eyes blood red blinking in the light
He trudged on and on unaware of this blight
That plagued all the land of this quiet sojourn
Yet still he walked on probably never to return

On and on this man went in the dark of night
Never once considering what horrors would alight
Just out of reach of the torch the man held
Waiting for the day when the dark would rebel
Against all he held dear and all that he loved
His reality stood as frail as a dove

That fateful day came when everything shattered
The horrors captured what all really mattered
The man seemed lost all alone in the darkness
Facing a world that seemed rather monstrous
Those horrors dragged him to the edge of a cliff
And threw him over as his last dying wish

Everything stopped or rather moved quite slowly
As the man fell he saw his life detailed wholly
The mistakes he made and the acts committed
Left him feeling he deserved this end life had given
He felt like his choices left him to far gone
For any and all to sing him love’s song
Stop and think for a moment, are we this man?
So far down death’s road that we cannot span
The Bridge built for us between life and salvation
A Bridge built for us to avoid one’s damnation

Is humanity lost and not worth saving
Even if only one human is still praying?

— The End —