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A glass shattering
on a tile floor,
pitcher of beer
knocked over into
fresh cut grass.

Yes, an egg
struck against
the edge of a bowl,
never to be
whole again.

And so goes trust
when shattered,
knocked over, struck.
“All the king's men...”
can never put it
together again.
to the end of love*
you, only recently gone
one more time *dance me
Your cat told me that
in your sleep you said
when the time comes, you
will kiss me goodbye.
Yes, I caught
your glance.
Held just a second
too long
to be casual.
More to ask -
Don't you see
my troubled heart
my lost love?

I would have tipped
my hat, given you
a wave,
but one hand held
my umbrella,
the other held
a box
filled with
my broken dreams.
Ehyeh Osher Ehyeh
  God to Moses
  Exodus 3:14*

I am who I am,
and I am not
when I am not.
I have given up
on those I made
and now an attendant
in Hubbard's parking lot.

I turned you over to
my only son, but he
found you spiteful
and not much fun.

So this is just
to let you know
that neither of us care
much for you anymore.
From Cold Tea Blues
            Cowboy Junkies

He brought her
hot coffee
each morning.
He poured her
a glass of wine
each evening.

Now, she sits
on a barstool
with another,
sipping martinis
and eating
green olives.

He stares at his
cup of tea as it
slowly grows cold
Along with his hopes.
Does a butterfly
dream and is that dream of me
as I dream of her.
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