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We both know who I could be,
You better than I.
Right now , I'm nothing but a shadow of the old me.
Stuck on what flavor wraps to get.
I use to be the boy who wanted to fly,
But this isn't what I meant.
He must've gotten wrapped up in the smoke , because I don't know where he went.
Finding him won't be easy.
There will be times where I choke,
And fall to my knees.
Because we both know who I could be,
The boy who wanted to fly.
Sep 2016 · 275
9/21; A gloomy fall
The trees,they have changed
Like the sparkles in your eyes
****, I miss both
A poem , a poem.
Whatever shall I write ?
It's just a mix of words and phrases!
Why should I fright?

It could be about the moon!
Maybe South Carolina?
No I already did that.
Maybe a girl so in love, every time she sees her man she can't help but swoon.

Well, there was that cotton candy sky this morning.
I could pull something out of that!
This is so tough.
I don't want to be boring.
Sep 2016 · 476
I wonder if you wag your tail when you see me.
But , you have no tail.
Just short stubby legs, and ears that are two times to big.
But what else should I expect from a corgi ?

I do wish you had a tail.
Then you'd look like a fox.
But, I love you anyway.
My sweet little Kirbie.
Sep 2016 · 315
I never should've let you start to pack our clothes.
I should've stopped you when you grabbed the shirts.
Now it just hurts.
I just want you, and all the things it brings.

I shouldn't have started packing the car.
What was I thinking.
Farther and farther I keep sinking,
Or that I'm stuck in tar.

We should've never left South Carolina.
I should've stopped you when you started packing the dishes.
Now my heart needs myore than stitches.
I don't even get the same high off this marijuana.
Sep 2016 · 427
9/17; To the moon and back.
I want to twirl you around the stars.
Show you the beautiful comets.
Hide you from the sun, for he will get jealous of how bright you shine.
Kiss you on an asteroid.
While we slowly make our way to the moon.
Where we can be together forever.
Sep 2016 · 319
9/16; That damn light
I sat in the rain , changing the lights on your car.
Scraping my hands , because the **** bulb got stuck in the fitting.

I don't know how long I was out there.
I kept thinking about the miles we have put  into that car.
The memories.
Good , and bad.

I couldn't help, but smile.
You see for me, there's many more miles to go.
Sep 2016 · 260
9/15, A Yellow Rose
Have you ever cried while you made love ?
Because I have.

She's French toast in the morning.
Always with bacon.

She's lounge around in her underwear on days she has off.

She's singing all of her favorite songs in the car, with the most beautiful voice you've ever heard.

She's that yellow rose , among a sea of red ones.

She's warm when you're cold;
Strong when you're soft.
Sep 2016 · 542
Waking up in the crisp fall air.
Feeling your body pressed up against mine.
To wake you I would not dare;

For how I wish we could lay there and not worry about time. 

I kiss your cheek softly;

And hope that you do not open your eyes. 

I should start coffee;

But I never want to move from where we lie. 

You finally wake; with a smile on your face. 

I hold you even tighter. 

You say "you've never felt so safe."

I hope this doesn't burn out ; like an old lighter. 

I kiss your lips, and say "Good morning."

For this moment, I've been longing.
Sep 2016 · 192
The air has started to change.

The warm summer air is gone.
It drives me insane.
The coming months look long.
Sep 2016 · 479
What happened.
I thought everything was going so good.

Now it's over.
I don't know what to do.

I feel speechless. Out of breath.
My body won't stop shaking.
Sep 2016 · 199
I shouldn't be here.

I should still be with Alyna.  
In South Carolina.
Or in our second apartment in Minnesota.

I've messed up so much.
Those girls never mattered.
Never would've gave me the love she had for me.

I was blind, and stupid.
We could've had everything.

I don't deserve another chance , but here I am looking for one. I can't handle the thought of her or Kirbie being with someone else.
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
A Red Hot Jam Sesh
Jammin to Californication,
While The Zephyr hums a tune.
While it may be to early for a Monarchy, the Roses are finally in bloom.
Aug 2016 · 172
Your face how it shines
Your lips upon my skin
Is all that I dream
Aug 2016 · 273
The Car Wash
A chance to wipe away the days messes
Sure , the dings and dents will stay, but the dirt of the day is gone.
A chance for revival, even for just one night.
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
Jelly filled donuts
Sure , these donuts are sweet in the morning , but not as sweet as you taste.
Aug 2016 · 223
A Minnesotas' Full Moon
May the moon forever shine down upon you and me.
And make us remember who we use to be.
The love , the fighting , and all the memories be stored there, where they will last forever.
Maybe one day it'll be the right time for us.
But if that time never comes be happy.
Live your life , takes chances. I hope you never lose your passion or your sense of who you are.
I hope you carry this with you forever, and read it whenever you're unsure.
The moon will always be a reminder of you to me.
And maybe we will find ourselves underneath it's light together once more.

— The End —