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May 2010 · 1.0k
Simple Love Advice
Robert S Eilers May 2010
Show your love to her everyday.  
Prove your love will not fade away.  
Dance a slow one on a whim.  
Although without music, it'll make her grin.  
Be sure to give her flowers once in a while.  
Trust me, my friend, it will bring a smile.

Your love for her must forever stay strong,
Even when everything seems to be wrong.
In this day it's easy to say quit,
but you must never have any part of it.
Sometimes love takes work to progress,
But you'll be glad you didn't digress.

Yes love is a beautiful, magical being
binding two souls, as one, with a string.
Never let go of those first feelings you had
Remember them daily, don't let them go bad.
Heed my word, this advice is so true;
Show her love each day and she'll show her love to you.
(c) 2010  

This was inspired by the Sean Keane poem "My Modest Morrighan".
May 2010 · 770
Robert S Eilers May 2010
Rain has a beautiful sound
Making its journey to the ground.
A wonderful chorus of hitting leaves,
Sliding down pedals, filling up streams.
It relaxes the soul and the mind
As if all cares are being washed away over time.
It draws you in with its melodic drone,
Easing and mellowing to the bone.
Natures symphony, an operatic song,
A harmonious blend, a child's sing-along.
(c) 2010
May 2010 · 1.0k
Sunrise Disguise
Robert S Eilers May 2010
What can I say about a sunrise
         except that it is God in disguise.
Breaking the night and the still,
          the darkness submitting to His will.
Pushing back the oppressive veil of black
          with colors beyond a painter's knack.
Red and orange and yellow hues
          all on display for the world to view.
There is always somewhere a sunrise,
          it's God smiling, telling the world hi.
(c) 2010
May 2010 · 1.9k
A Morning Poem
Robert S Eilers May 2010
The wind blown trees
Make the rustling of leaves
Fill the wood with sound
From the top to the ground.

Birds of the morning flitter and fly
Singing songs to nature, telling it hi.
Squirrels race about, going to and fro,
Hiding nuts away for an upcoming snow.

Bursting from the horizon come the sun’s rays,
Painting vibrant colors on a new dawning day.
A palette of orange and red on the sky,
A glorious morning, a new sunrise.
May 2010 · 1.9k
Dry Barren Land
Robert S Eilers May 2010
Winds blow across a dry, barren land,
Bringing a darkness, a cover like sand.
Grit in my mouth, grit in my shoe,
There is no sky, there is no blue.

The grit forbids the opening of eyes.
They hurt and water when it is tried.
I am constantly hit from all sides,
There’s no place to run, no place to hide.

Forward I trudge through this nightmare,
My lungs fighting for an ounce of air.
How did I get here, how’d I get caught?
If I stop now it will all be for naught.

I must fight on though it hurts me so,
“Be strong, be strong just take it slow.”
My heart beats fast from this constant beating,
My mind is weary, my muscles aching.

Voices of death invade my mind,
“Giving up” is the name of this kind.
Swirling shadows grab at my soul,
I push them off, I must be bold.

Onward, yes onward I must go,
Through this trial, this fire, this heavy load.
Each step, each foot in front of the other,
Always moving so as not to be smothered.

I stumble, I fall, but I will get up.
Try as he may I will not drink from his cup.
Though I am lashed and bitten by the wind,
I have made up my mind I’m not giving in.

There is One I cry to, who is called the Rock,
The wind, though it whips, can never him mock.
A solid stone on which I can stand
When the wind blows across a dry, barren land.
May 2010 · 608
Bad Work Day
Robert S Eilers May 2010
The dust of the day flies in my face.
Annoying and bitter dissatisfaction stinging my soul.
Fury raging in my gut from the barrage on my case.
A jumble of voices filling my cranium bowl.

Why must I let them take me down?
What makes them think they wear a crown?

My esteem has been drugged down into the depths.
Into a pit where not one can here me scream,
“I am a man, I am a man only doing my best.”
But it’s not good enough for their demented scene.

Why must I carry this continual load?
This ongoing torment, for my soul has been sold.

But there shall be a time, a time coming soon,
When away from these dictators I shall fly.
My soul set free from the constricting gloom.
Yes, I’ll let out a great and wonderful sigh.

— The End —