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Oct 2010 · 1.0k
Robert Clapham Oct 2010
Awake! With morning darkness burst
Cracking rich eye crusting sleep
Ignore the strident bell of life
Outward cold warm snuggle deep
Ward against the nagging throng..
Heavy somnus dragging down

Yet buried in the fogged dark mind
Stirs nagging tendril hazy thought
Waste not the day the moment bright
Life much holds more than lazy sleep

So lift mind's eye to misty height
Great life romance spread out before
Adventure waits rich quandary cries
Mountain steep ascend short breath
Summit reach proclaim rapport
Plunging deep crash water roar
Piton ***** stretch rope zing out
Axe bury thud strain upward reach
Snow underfoot sharp crunch give soft
Peace vista birdsong rise aloft
What journey waits?
What dreams?
What Fates?
Agonise decision ........ wait!
Heavy lids snap open gate
Hah! Exclaim loudly joyous shout
Burst upwards throw aside life's wrap
Brush away veil laden doubt
Cast aside all thought save one ....

Awake the dawn of comrades share
Banish prison walls of toil
Embrace the spice rich life before
Lost freedom of existence glory
Live the life few dare to hold
Climb cragged rock - Trek lands far flung
Forge white streaked waters sheen
Cross the desert dry and bright
Brave wilderness dark verdant green
Stand wind whipped face brave peak stand out
We know what it’s all about

So-Facilitate deep need within
Live the life all seek few dare
Complete existence venture far
We pass this way but once - bemuse  
Grasp this opportunity or lose
©2010 Robert Clapham
Sep 2010 · 2.2k
A Wedding Thought
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Two pilgrims tread the trail of life
Hands entwining heads held high
Strength together striving forward
Eagerly stride into light
Future paths extend before them
Myriad choices at their feet
Ahead the ground may lie uneven
Storm clouds rolling over head
Bonds of marriage defend strongly
Pro-tect through all hardship flung
Growing close through life’s unfolding
Protect inward leaning hold
One mind one thought defining purpose
Each support defend uphold
Strength of heart and resolution
Adventuring .........  two lives as one!

Perinion Dwy cerdd mas i bywyd
Dwy llaw yn gafel pennau lan
Gyda'i gilydd yw y Cryfder
Awyddus cerrdd i golau claer ....
Llwybur yn dyfodol estyn
Efallai *** y llwybyr’n creigiog
Tu blaen eu traid mau dewis glan
Cumylau stormydd dros ben pennau
Cryfder priodas bydd y calon
Cadw’n dau mewn pob afrwyddineb
Yn tyfu’n ddau  dros gyda  n’gilydd
Cyd gafael iawn am cymorth  glir
Un meddwl rhwng y ddau su’n priod
Cariad glan cyfnogi llawn
Calon gryf am penderfynnu
Gyda'i gilydd yn bywyd mawr!
Written for a wedding with Wesh translation

©2010 Robert Clapham
Sep 2010 · 1.4k
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Mirrored thought full breach horizon
Yearning drawing bridging cry
Intimate complete attraction
Now the moment true imply
Cast aside mendacious forethought
Resolute round purpose fly
Epiphanic thought emerging
Doubts foul gibbous banish say ....
Insp’ration resolute within here
Bursting forth bright intellect
Loosing dogs full purpose forward
Encroaching far reach treaded path
Resolute’ness biting grasping
Endless boundless seeming lost
Blazing purposeful grasp grimly
Energise strong inner soul
Capa’bil’ity strong purpose
Clear thought con’quering foul
Abandon dissolute mist darkness
Intersperse directive steer
Levelling where once lay mountains
Onward pushing prancing laugh
Voices raised fair joyous chorus
Ethereal reaching hands entwine
Yearning warmth transcending distance
Over hill and Moorland track
Understand where strength in thought lay
Accomplishment find perfect peace
©2010 Robert Clapham

Written at a time when I doubted my abilities
Oct 2009 · 1.2k
Robert Clapham Oct 2009
The first few steps
Faltering and low
Increase to many
First to South and then to West
Cross the mountain stream and trail
Road and track and gritted path
Alone the tread far measured pace
Onwards relentless
Walk each one another says....
Think of the others
Ten million strong
Who walked this path
Who thought your thoughts
Trod your steps
Believed your mind
Bled your blood
Shed your tears...

Where am I now
Where is that life
That passed before
My trail worn eyes
The thoughts of home
The warm glow of
A land where all
My troubles lay
Far distant shore
Land where my birth
Passed unseen moment
Long and twisted
Trail to a nexus far
From any sight that knew me
Striding onwards
Twisted thought
I am travelling
But not moving
Through the dust and
Inset memory

I am a pilgrim
With my tread
I make that mark
Where others follow
Thinking thoughts of home and fields
Eyes bright tears
Lip a quiver
Where am I now
Upon those fields
Sat in that land
Of once I dreamed
Sat in that land
And not content
To walk the fields and smell the earth
My feet stride forth
My thoughts reach out
I am not here
Where am I
I am not here
I walk the Camino still
©2010 Robert Clapham
Oct 2009 · 1.3k
The Hill
Robert Clapham Oct 2009
Thirteen thousand strides progress
Blind leathern tread with gritted teeth
Stride hard rough bracken heather strive
Incipient thought embrace the scarp
Bent shoulder strain web strap entrench
Sharp body lean oppose the wind
Slow pitch forward cold lash rain
Pause..Shrug pack .. Lurch on again

Rough rock scrape pass
Sharp edge hand scrape
Each tread ascend dull lactic ache
Stone eyes cast up
Embrace dark peak
Surge on .. Dig in..
Embrace the pain
Aggressive stance.. find strength begin
Engage the enemy entrenched within
With comrades in adversity

Side glance reveal
Grey brother tight
Mordant ploughshare gleaming bright
United thought strong purpose right
Grim grimace glower grinding on
Helping hand support and share
Exchang-ed glances sing the pain
Relentless climb advance distain
Strong ******* stride bogged into mire
Grappling cragfast handclasp dire  
Entropic  spirit brief despair
Revelatory cause unswayed
Each cloistered personal crusade
Burst upwards into sunlight flame

And stand with vision intertwined
Each grim companion lasting friend
Eyes meet brief recognition shout
We know what it’s all about

These clasping minds
Empath embrace
Profound cognitive self aware
To follow where few others dare
These comrades in adversity
©2010 Robert Clapham
Oct 2009 · 1.9k
Robert Clapham Oct 2009
True tangled Gordian thoughts entwine
Amid labyrinthine paths that wind
Sliding sledding serpentine
To assay value and extent
Braid a mind a shoreward end
Seeking weeping thrashing send
Infused with knowledge deep and sound
A consciousness cogitabund
Within the portals self confined
Disconnected judgements breed
Diffuse journeys often made
To darkened places
Where no light
Of vision lucid sparkling bright
Will penetrate and seem so safe
Writhing heavy leaden womb
Elusive dissolute abound
Reclusive and so moribund
But in the darkened space there seems
A distant tendril sparkling white
A reaching focal point to strive
To make that leap
Great grasping bound
Wrapping arms so safe around
Clasping forgone lines abandoned
Sublimating impasse upward
Strength of purpose
Welling forward
Great eruption spewing outwards
Lava flowed eureka moment
Spreading outwards
Flowing downwards
Cogent sentient live born
Brewed in darkness
Drinks the bright
With clarity and strength unite
Dazzling brilliant shining moment
Cleft asunder glorious light  ....!
©2010 Robert Clapham

— The End —