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Feb 2016 · 596
I'm having a creativity drought
there's nothing here but empty doubt
If I happen to pen a line or two
It probably won't make sense to you
The poetic thoughts that I have had
have all been really freaking bad!
...but I thought I'd drop by and let you know
that I haven't stopped;
I'm just going very very slow...
Hey!  I wish everyone peace and strength, and I hope I'll wake up soon.  Just want you to know I love what you do.
Feb 2016 · 652
Hello hello
I'm sorry everyone.  My dog was killed and I'm having a real hard time with it.  I didn't plan to just come drop a bunch of poems and leave.  I'm just a bit messed up for the time being.  Just about every ounce of love inside me went to my Molly every day.  Now I'm temporarily lost.
Jan 2016 · 711
On Irrelevance
My feelings are true
They are my life's blood spring
but irrelevant.

Couplets and quatrains
or free form self indulgence
It's my time to waste

Five- seven- five lines
stacked to challenge my ego
poor pedestrian.

Here I go again
my ink is not innocent
my soul is tainted

Why do we do it?
What is there to gain from this?
What is the **** point?

I undress my self,
and Adonis, I am not!
better look away

This is what it's like
to expose myself and dare
to pretend it's art.
I feel the urge to apologize for this piece.  I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps I feel like it's classic self indulgence on my part.  Here it is though.  I have to post them all as they come.  It was inspired by a stranger who said, "Your feelings are irrelevant."  It was a random declaration on a forum..It made me write this.
Jan 2016 · 475
Morning Musing number 12
The universe loves you
or it wouldn't have used your eyes
to see itself,
Jan 2016 · 755
Morning Musing number 11
We know it's light
shining through the natural prism
of raindrops;
revealing the spectrum
of primary colors,
but why do you feel the need
to remind us
and spoil the moment?

We know it is
the sound of air filling
a complete vacuum created by intense heat
ten times hotter than the sun.
when negative charged electrons
are carried down by rain
and ice pellets
Why steal the glory?

In your mind prison
of cold gray logic
there is no magic
no color
no joy or inspiration.
Why won't you free yourself,
and enlarge your world?
Don't **** the wide eyed child
inside you.
Jan 2016 · 463
" It is"
It started with a passing thought,
and soon became a word,
and then a series of words
that led to action,
and then a series of actions,
that let to an event,
and then a series of events,
that led to a situation,
and then a series or situations,
that led to life,
and then a series of lives,
that led to history
and now it's too late.
That's just the way
it is.
Sometimes it feels like poetry, and some days it feels like an awkward ****** function.  I post them anyway!
Jan 2016 · 913
The Nine
Clio, you are part of me.
Euterpe, you are too.
Thalia, you lift me up
when I am feeling blue.
Melpomene, you are close to me
Terpsichore, you were my youth
Erato, touch me secretly
Polymnia, you are truth.
Ourania, comes to me at night
and my soul she does enthrall .
Calliope, I love you most,
but see you least of all.
This poem was inspired by Rosa Aimee Irazarry's, "The Muses".  Thank you Rosa.  I hope you don't mind.
Jan 2016 · 465
Resolve (One day)
Determination strides
chest out
stomach in.
The objective is in sight.
on notice.
Impervious to doubt
or timid
Resolve Resolve
Chin to the bar.
Rock on.
Now get some sleep!
Jan 2016 · 414
That thing that Happens
So much thought, and way too **** fast.
Frustration ebbs and flows like the tide.
It's never over, but it never lasts.
I try my best to enjoy the ride.

Give it all you've got my boy 'o!
Keep your nose to the old grind stone.
Pull up the shades! Let in the light!
Don't talk so loud. Shut the hell up!

What are you doing with that shadow?
Don't sweat it. You're still here.
We just can't see you when your eyes are closed.
Another day ends.  The night draws near.
Jan 2016 · 473
What is this?
You're a demon
disguised as Melpomene
You can't fool me
I've been around the block,
and I write about it.
I need no help
from the likes of you.

You want rhyme?
You want rhythm?
You want structure?
Do these things not exist in Hades?
Don't send me to the Goth O matic.

I'd rather write a stinker,
than to indulge your darkness.
I know the difference
between Melpomene and you.
Off you go now.
I have no excuse.
Jan 2016 · 745
Pacific Northwest
The misty sprites in speckled shadows
dance among the ferns on the forest floor.
Hemlock and western red cedar giants
tower above the fungus jungle on the rotting leaves.
The sun alters the smell of rain,
and a light wind coaxes the wet from the branches.
I think as quietly as I can
because I am an intruder.
Jan 2016 · 346
It is
because it needs day light
but formless and cold.
it is nothing.
is the eye that sees,
the mind that processes,
the soul that absorbs.
it is nothing.
Jan 2016 · 3.3k
Universe acrostic
Under, over, between, against, something
Needful things and quarks
Infinite infinity endlessly remaining
vacuous vacant and brimming.
Everything everywhere evolving eternally
recent past and the here and now
still reveals it's non existence.
Event horizon is nothing nowhere
Jan 2016 · 456
Gloomy Wednesday here;
all aches and feeling my age.
It is my rain song

Perhaps I should call.
It has been a little time
between then and now.

My mind is blank here
all syllables and structure
keep eluding me.

The wet lands smiling
the green recovers quickly
from yesterday's frost.

Discuss the weather?
See how I am sunk so low?
Good thing there's no *****.
Jan 2016 · 431
Humbling acrostic
Hectic hearts hunt alliteration.
Understanding fear and frustration.
Many a muse will come and go
before you reach your destination.
Live your life and love your lessons
in time you'll have the muse's blessings.
Never say more than you know
Go forth and make your mute confession.
Jan 2016 · 350
Jan 2016 · 723
A passing Question
If I should die for my country,
and no one comes to place flowers on my grave,
would I make a sad poem?
Jan 2016 · 593
One two three four
Give us the blood we're lusting for.
five six seven eight
watch our fear turn into hate.

You tricked us!
You tricked us!

An injustice here,
a bogey man there,
smoke and mirrors are everywhere!

One two three four
the only answer now is war.
five six seven eight
we'll all be lost if we hesitate!

You tricked us. One two!
You tricked us.  Three four!

should have known all along
that this was all wrong,
the weak and the strong
should all belong

To what?
To what?
Lean on back and strut!

nine to the front
and six to the rear
Lean on back and strut.

One two three four
resources resources we want more!
five six seven eight
There's never too much on our plate!

Your left
Your right
Polarize em and watch em fight!

sound off!  One two!
Sound off! Three four!

You'll never guess what we have in store!
Lean on back and strut.

Ain't no sense in looking down,
globalization's coming round,
If we stay 8 billion strong
Resources won't last that long.

So there's enough to go around
let's bring this population down!

We'll make that riff raff disappear
all we need is hate and fear!

Sound off- One two
Sound off-  Three four
One two three four......

Lean on back and strut!
All I can say is please forgive me.
Jan 2016 · 766
Bittersweet Love (song)
Bittersweet love, how you warm me
thoughts of you, they cloud my mind
Although I know how much you harm me
I just can't leave your love behind.

When I wake up, alone without you,
I tremble like the aspen tree.
Why do I love so much about you,
while you are slowly killing me?

False courage for the coward.
Synthetic wisdom for the fool.
Staggering aimless..ever downward
Oh how I hate my love for you.

Bittersweet love, you've stolen from me
everything that I've held dear,
but to your arms I stumble blindly
to ease some loneliness or fear.

Sometimes I feel folks eyes upon me
judging me because of you,
but they don't know you're my one and only
and they don't love you like I do.

False courage for the coward
synthetic wisdom for the fool
stumbling aimless ever downward.
Oh how I hate my love for you

I think myself a decent fellow
a few bad choices, a few slips
but when my skin and eyes turn yellow
will I still press you to my lips

So plant for me, a row of barley
pour sugar and yeast upon my grave
and let your children see the folly
of what at last I do not crave.

False courage for the coward
synthetic wisdom for the fool
staggering aimless, ever downward
Oh how I hate my love for you.
Oh how I hate my love for you.
Jan 2016 · 302
Soldier Song. (song)
On a clear cold night when the wintertime
was knocking on autumn's door,
I held you close in these arms of mine
like I have so many times before.
I tried to dream the hours back
and turn the hands of time,
and relive every minute with you
to try and make my reason rhyme
but the hours pass so fast when you're here
sharing your dreams with mine
I try to make it last my dear
but you know I can't stop time.
I have to leave now for a little while
I love you girl, good bye..
There's tears in my eyes but I try to smile
cause I think it's not like me to cry.
Someday we'll close our eyes on tomorrow
and the day will finally be
when no careless whims of the government
can ever take you away from me
and we'll walk together on some sandy beach
where the waves sing lullabies
and nothing is beyond our reach
I love you girl, good bye.
I wrote this when I was just a kid in the service, so if it sounds a bit green, it's because it is.  It's part of me though, so I'll let it be.
Jan 2016 · 449
Strawberry blond

cats' eyes and freckled *******

a voice of spiders web and silk

In my secret place

the love I've made to you transcends

the fact I never have

or ever will

taste the nectar of your flower

or baste in your sweet sweat,

and warmth

If you could take

the part of me that belongs to you

and hold it in your hand

You would know

I loved you before I saw you

and I love you now

the way water loves stone
The ink in my pen is just flowing away
spilling emotions all over some page
emotions' gonna lead me to an early grave
All I get is a song
just a sound full of feeling

but, writing down feelings and the sounds they go to
is one of the only things I know how to do
the other is knowing just how to miss you
and die deep down inside
and slowly lose my pride

But some were born to be dreamers
and some were born to succeed
many were born to follow
and a few were born to lead
But, we all have this much in common
in that we all need to belong
the minstrel was born just to feel it all
and turn to a song
just a sound full of feeling
Six verses later, I'm feeling the same
though I let off the pressure on a page full of pain
So much to lose, So little to gain
but it's a hell of a price to pay
when it comes along this way

oh, but, some were meant to be dreamers
and some were born to succeed
Many were born to follow
a few were born to lead
but we all have this much in common
in that we all want to belong
The minstrel was born just to feel it all
and turn it to a song
just a sound full of feeling

the ink in my pen is just pouring away
spilling emotions all over some page
emotion's gonna lead me to an early grave
and all I get is a song
Jan 2016 · 333
Donya (song)
princess or priestess
one or both
I cannot really say
You have a star on your brow
and your eyes
they just ******* away
Belonging to us is a place
between the darkness and the dawn
perfect love
perfect trust
blessed be
let the moment go on
We could find songs on the sidewalk
and poems in the air
WE could just place
in a space
anything we wanted there
but we both knew full well
that our eyes could play tricks in the dark
three o clock in the morning
in the tunnel
in Golden Gate park

we tried
and we tried
to "break on through to the other side."
but the other side wasn't ready
for you and I
In the Fall
you answered the call
"Death makes Angels of us all."
and the last thing I needed back then
was a reason to cry.
Jan 2016 · 685
Red Yarn
Go ahead and dig your own grave
I'll be the first to shovel dirt in your face
If every lie you ever told
came true
Your devils, death, and nightmares
gas chambers and electric chairs
I'll just be glad that I'm not you.
your silver knife and that star you wear
You have your inverted cross to bare
you shouldn't play
with what you don't know
It's all healing and love
things below and things above
but you'll reap threefold what you sew
for the sacrilege that you have made
you'll trip and fall on your own blade
and throw away your chance to grow
with your , devils, death, and night mares,
gas chambers and electric chairs
In the mirror awaits your foe
So, go ahead and dig your own grave
with the profane sacrifice you gave
and all the wicked things you do
Wrong in each and every way
you missed the point
you've lost your way
Now you can't hear us calling you.
Jan 2016 · 541
Sweet Anna
Oh my sweet Anna pray for me

Don't want to **** my brother

There's smoke and mud

and rage and blood

One cannot see the other

Oh my sweet Anna pray for me

I cannot bear the sound

so thick the dead and the dying be

my feet won't touch the ground

My sweet Anna I must say

but for one drink of water

I'd sit on the sun at the break of day

and sleep with the devil's daughter

On Christmas day there was a snow

the musket ***** quit flying

and a joyous noise from American boys

drowned out the sound of dying

Oh Anna quick please send me news

Of you and all our children

give me strength to stay alive

as I walk amid the fallen

My hands were made to grip a plow

and sew the corn and barley

not for the madness I see now

not for this murderous folly

Sweet Anna should I make it home

should Heaven light the way

We'll stay in bed for a hundred years

give or take a day
This song came to me in a dream.  I think it might be too many historical documentaries.
Jan 2016 · 418
There are new flowers in the garden
fresh from the black earth
where last years have gone
Don't ever let your soft hearts harden
The darkest night holds the promise of dawn
The show must go on
it's an unending song

winter springs herself to summer
then summer falls into winters arms
and all the green he's taken from her
he will return when he grows warm
there's no cause for alarm
they bring each other no harm

Dry your eyes
pick up your shovel
plant love and memories in the ground
feed the earth, and till the soil
and gently lay your sorrow down

Look with love upon your children
thank God for each and every day
be kind and true, and always willing
to help each soul along the way
to hear each word they have to say
and dance to the music that they play

There are new flowers in the garden
fresh from the black earth
and warmed by the sun
don't ever let your soft hearts harden
leave plenty room for everyone
perhaps a little more for some
Let life's will be done

Dry your eyes
pick up your shovel
lay love and memories in the ground
feed the earth and plow the soil
then gently lay your sorrow down
May bitter grief become sweet memories.
Jan 2016 · 373
Come to Me (song)
Come to me my green eyed girl

and give me something

that soothes me like a summer storm

so easily my green eyed girl

sharing my life's burdens

and keeping my spirit warm

We both rode that roller coaster

getting ****** laughing, and getting sick

but now we're home and the ride is over

Lets do it why don't we just do it

Come to me my green eyed girl

and give me loving

that soothes me like a summer rain so easily my green eyed girl

come to me girl and come and come again

I know we've both gone off the high dive

we close our eyes , hold our breath , and go

and I thank God that we're both still alive

cause we never checked the water down below

Everything has a reason they say

I know there's a reason why I'm feeling this way

Come to me and come to me again

The places that you take me

sure better than where I've been

Yeah we both rode that roller coaster

getting ******, laughing , and getting sick

but now we're home and the ride is over
lets do it, why don't we just do it

Come to me my green eyed girl

and give me loving

that soothes me like a summer storm

so easily my green eyed girl

sharing my life's burdens

and keeping my spirit warm.
Jan 2016 · 428
The Minstrel (song)
The minstrel picks up his papers

and lays them out on the table

he wants to find all the answers

but he knows he's not able

But he knows we can stand a million strong

or you can stand there all alone

It's not so much what we stand for anymore

It's what we're standing on.

Sometimes his good friends they avoid him

because they've heard it for so long

seems like every time they turn around

He's workin on another song or trying to right another wrong

But he knows we can stand one million strong

or you can stand there all alone

It's not so much what you stand for any more

it's what you're standing on it's what you're standing on

The minstrel sings about his heroes

from Jesus Christ to Dr King

He hears the war drums getting nearer

If every loving soul would sing

We could sing away the hatred

we could sing away the fear

If we could all sing loud enough

even the fool on the hill could hear

And he'd know we can stand six million strong

while he stands there all alone

It's not so much what he stands for any more

It's what he's standing on It's what we're standing on

The minstrel picks up his papers

and lays em out on the table

He wants to find all the answers

He knows **** well he's not able
Still wet behind the ears

still playing the fool

For God sakes you better wake yourself up

and for a change do something cool

You can do it for money

You can do it for love

for your brothers and your sisters

and the good Lord above

I'm learnin the hard way

don't ask me why

If you don't do a little livin while you're livin

You might as well lay right down and die

lay right down and die

sometimes it seems so silly

I don't know where to begin

what difference does it make

what kind a dirt you're lyin in

You make your money, you play your games

but when you deal your last card

don't it all turn out the same

I'm learnin the hard way

Don't ask me why

If you don't do a little livin while you're livin

You might as well lay right down and die

lay right down and die
Jan 2016 · 364
Get Little (song)
I hopped on a south bound

with my head in the clouds

thought I'd prove a few wrong

maybe make a few proud

but just like every other time

there's no rhyme or reason

just a reason for a rhyme

I must be out of my mind for crying out loud

I'm gonna get little Lord I'm gonna get small

Gonna keep on shrinking till I'm not here at all

just me and the molecules with plenty to spare

won't take up too much space won't breathe too much air

I never meant to be "touched in the head"

It's seldom clear to me, what i just said

I know I'm better off living and breathing instead

cause I already know what it's like to be dead

The baggage that I carry with me

I just bring along,

for my daily dose of self pity

and the occasional song

Honestly I'd love to be

what everybody wants to see

but all these years have made it so clear

that it just ain't me, it ain't never gonna be

the right, the left , the middle and the status quo

Have in no uncertain terms given me the old heave **

time to go now

I'm gonna get little Lord

I'm gonna get small

gonna keep on shrinking till I'm not here at all

I won't have to hide what I ain't got

won't have to worry bout who I am not

I'm gonna get little Lord, I'm gonna get small

Gonna keep on shrinking till I'm not here at all

Just me and the molecules floating in the air

won't take up too much room, won't breathe too much air.

I hopped on a south bound with my head in the clouds

thought I'd prove a few wrong maybe make a few proud

but just like every other time

there's no rhyme or reason, just a reason for a rhyme

I must be out of my mind for crying out loud.
Jan 2016 · 338
Like the Seasons (song)
Sweet lady I remember

doesn't seem that long ago

we were both so young and alive

in love's new born glow

laughing in the sunshine

we could love away the rain

don't you think there's a chance to bring it back again

Started mixing our whiskey

with something much too strong

we both made a turn somewhere

and we both knew it was wrong

I know I left some scars on you

I know how you must feel

Don't you think with some time those scars could heal

but we keep changing like the seasons

and we get uptight for different reasons

but that would make my song too sad

If we gave up on what we had"

Now we both settled down some

and loves' sweet glow is gone

If there ain't some way we can bring it back

I don't know if we can carry on'

There's no fire burning now

but there's still some coals I swear

I know we could get that fire burning

if we gave ourselves some air

So I'm sorry I upset you

I'm sorry that I made a scene

I'm sorry that I got uptight

and said things that I didn't mean

but I never will forget you

and how the time has been

If there was someway I could make it right

I would do it all again

but we keep making up excuses

and it seems like trying would be useless

But I can't picture life without you

I still love everything about you

And we keep changing like the seasons

and we get uptight for different reasons

but that would make my song to sad

If we give up on what we had

sweet lady I remember

doesn't seem that long ago
Jan 2016 · 374
Song for Nancy (song)
I don't know if you realize

but when I look straight in your eyes

I get a little scared because I love you

Don't know what's got into me

You can call it insecurity

but I'm afraid it would ruin everything

if you knew

You're the lady in the garden

so soft but somehow hard

I'm just a guy who buys your time with conversation

but the pain I feel is pleasure

for the times with you I treasure

in any given simple situation

but upon my life I swear

there is nothing for you to fear

no complications or storm clouds of emotion

though my heart's on overtime

I know it's no ones fault but mine

a little less burning a little more devotion

I can be somewhat cynical

because I've had a belly full

of being the only one in love

but It's not quite the same with you

I've done my time and paid my dues

I don't believe push always comes to shove

so should you rather walk alone

this world that we're walking on

it won't be all that much worse for the wear

I'll put my heart back on the shelf

and from time to time console myself

that I was the only one who ever cared

but upon my life I swear

there's nothing for you to fear

no complications or storm clouds of emotion

though my hearts working overtime

I know it's no ones fault but mine

a little less burning a little more devotion

I don't know if you realize

but when I look straight in your eyes

I get a little scared because I love you
Jan 2016 · 470
Dead End Road (song)
Well I wouldn't want nobody'

to be standing in my shoes

Good Lord I love a woman

with a love that's bound to lose

Ya know she makes me feel so good

Oh she makes me feel so fine

There's just one little problem though

This woman isn't mine

Lord I think it ain't her fault

and I hope it's not mine

But good Lord either way it goes

it'll happen sometime

something bound to happen sometime.

on a dead end road

Sometimes I wonder if it's love

that makes us take the chances that we do

Sometimes I pray "Good Lord above

won't ya make her say she's through."

but when she goes on down with me

Oh I tell ya it's the living end

I throw my clothes on the floor

I kick the dog out the door

I throw my guilty conscience to the wind

Lord I pray it ain't her fault

and I hope it ain't mine

but Good Lord either way it goes

It'll happen sometime

somethings bound to happen sometime

on a dead end road

Oh I can't help but worry some

when she's lying in my bed

When the old man come busting through the door

and put a bullet in my head

I know my common sense and values

more than a little out of place

I tell myself when that day comes

I'm gonna die with a smile on my face

Lord I pray it ain't her fault

and I hope it ain't mine

but Good Lord, either way it goes

it'll happen sometime'

somethings bound to happen sometime

on a dead end road
Jan 2016 · 355
Alcoholic Dancer (song)
On an imaginary pedestle

before imaginary crowds

I'm astounded that it's taken me so long

to learn to take the hard knocks

and not to cry out loud

and not to make excuses for my songs

but I'm sorry if my sanity

won't fit the mold you made for me

and my manifold iniquities

have exceeded your ability to forgive

Just let me live until I die

let me laugh until I cry

let me stop and ask you "why?"

then interrupt you in the middle of your answer

just an alcoholic dancer

stepping on your toes

I should learn to keep my mouth shut

I should learn keep the peace

I should learn to walk on water

and make the tempest cease

I should learn to be more considerate

torwards a world that's trying to sleep

maintane diplomatic apathy

with right wing fascist creeps

but I'm sorry if my psyche seems a little out of touch

and I'm sorry that I'm sorry that I apologize to much

just let me live until I die

let me laugh until I cry

let me stop and ask you "WHY?"

then interrupt you in the middle of your answer

just an alcoholic dancer

stepping on your toes
Jan 2016 · 413
For Ace (song)
Leathers ladies and insanity

that's all that old fool needs

ride to hell and **** the smell

living by his own creed

Your brothers belly's are full of beer

their hearts are full of pride and power

flirting with death and crystal ****

and toking on that wild wood flower

but he ain't no different bro's

He justa whole lot further down the line

Just thought I'd call to let you know

He'll be coming in late tonight

Pool ***** are crackin

and the beer is guzzled down

a couple more lines of whatever that was

and he just gonna hang around

Don't know where he's going now

and frankly he don't care

some other dimly lit smoky bar

probably waitin for him there

but he ain't no different bro's

He justa whole lot further down the line

He said to call to let you know

He'd be comin in late tonight

A diesel rig kinda ******* the chrome

so ya lay that mother down

justa couple miles from home

but you're gone before ya hit the ground

Don't where you're goin now

but you can bet your bottom buck

all us earth bound bro's down here

We'll hoist a few and wish ya luck

but you ain't no different now

you're just a whole lot further down the line

I guess I'll call to let em know

You won't make it in tonight,

so tell the operator, reverse the charges

cause the call's on us tonight,

I gotta call to let em know

You won't make it in this time.

So leathers ladies and insanity

is all that old fool needs

ride to hell and **** the smell

he gonna live by his own creed
Jan 2016 · 498
Davey (song)
I heard the bad news Monday morning

Everybody's saying,"Wow, what a drag."

Seems the skin heads had some point to prove

Now little Davey's dead in his sleeping bag

so I found myself a spot with green grass

somewhere way on down in the United States

Had a jug of wine, I had some time to pass

I picked up my guitar and I began to play

For the lovers on the on ramp

and the old men in the park

for the bad side of the city

the little fishes and the sharks

and those who give so much to life

and those that take away

and those who work so hard to get by

while Davey..................

Davey found the time to play.

We'd see little Davey up on the corner

playing like he didn't have a choice

we never thought that he'd go anywhere

He couldn't play guitar, he didn't have a voice

but we'd hang out and listen to him anyway

there was something bout his style

You know it wasn't so much the way he played

I think it was the way he smiled

while he sang

about the lovers on the the on ramp

and the old men in the park

about the bad side of the city

the little fishes and the sharks

Those who give so much to life

and those who take away

and those who work so hard to get by

while Davey.....................

Davey had the time to play.

We heard the bad news Monday morning

everybody's saying, "Wow, what a drag."

Seems the skin heads had a point to prove

Now little Davey's dead in his sleeping bag...........
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Baby Soldier (song)
Someone tell me where we are

not all that close, not all that far

Marching feet and distant drums

but I can't see where they come from..

Baby Soldier with angry eyes

filling empty space with hate

for fat old men made fat on lies

it's not your's just your fate

Baby soldier

Slaughter in the market place

You heard their cries, you saw their face

How then can you sleep at night?

How dare you say, "everything alright"

Baby soldiers with empty eyes

empty minds refilled with hate

for fat old men made fat on lies

while baby soldier licks the plate

Baby soldier

Dancing in a rain of fire

Just one more death for your empire

but baby soldier dies alone

his soul is gone his heart is stone

Baby soldier with empty eyes

filling empty space with hate

for fat old men made fat on lies

It's not your fault It's just your fate

Baby soldier

Baby soldier lay it down

the crops won't grow in blood soaked ground

but baby soldier cannot hear

above the sound of hate and fear

baby soldier with angry eyes

feeding on their hate and fear

while fat old men get fat on lies

everyone dies that's why you're here

Baby soldier

Someone tell me where we are

not all that close not all that far.
Jan 2016 · 443
A Real Friend (song)
A real friend is hard to find
someone who will speak their mind
concerning all your good points and your faults
I've known some pain when I couldn't tell
a real friend who meant me well
from someone who really wasn't a friend at all

but then a special someone came along
who took my heart and made it strong
and saw into the center of my eyes
Even though she could see
my childish need for sympathy
You were my Angel when I needed one
and I needed one

I'm not afraid to be weak in front of you
I don't have to explain the things I do
I can't describe the joy that your love brings
and there's no understudy waiting in the wings

You love me right straight in the eyes
So now it comes as no surprise
that I' have come to feel the way I do
and even when you can see
some cracks in my integrity
you're love remains honest kind and true

So here I am and there you are
my angel and my shining star
There's no where that we can't go from here
Even though you can see
the little boy inside of me
You were my Angel when I needed one
and I needed one
Jan 2016 · 387
A Turn for the worse (song)
I'm left without a single thing to say
You just walked out yesterday
My pride wouldn't let me stand in your way
I'm a little hurt            but I'm OK

Just wonder what it was that made you leave
did you see something that you didn't want to see
some variance or insincerity
a darker side of me

You'd think I would have wanted to steal you blind
Hurt you somehow maybe waste your time
I only wanted to hold your hand
I was hoping maybe you could understand me

So you go your way and I'll go mine
I'm sure everything will work out fine
I know you never meant to be unkind
We're just a question that got lost in time

Things just kind of  took a turn for the worse
It's just a question of who gets burnt first
I'll sit here and try to write the next verse
Saints will pray and sinners curse

but you'd think I would've wanted to steal you blind
Hurt you somehow maybe waste your time
I only wanted to hold your hand
I was hoping maybe you could understand me
Jan 2016 · 284
Lets fall in love for the hell of it.
I haven't done that in a very long time.,
Let's each lay out our life and tell of it.
Let's make it surreal...  sublime.
I'll bring some trust and some issues,
and you bring some trust of your own.
We can share our hopes, dreams and wishes,
and have keys to each others homes.
Lets sit and watch black and white movies
and cry at appropriate times
speak sweetness so subtle and soothing;
always sharing what's on our minds.
If you're not too awfully busy,
I have some time on my side.
Let's develop new romantic feelings
cause our last ones have withered and died.
Well.  There is stays.  I have no excuse.
Jan 2016 · 327
I sit


at least blurry

in a place

I wouldn't want you to find me

my ears are ringing

louder than my heart was singing

years ago

before I lost my senses

somewhere between Tucson and San Antonio

Now my ears are roaring

Is that my blood ?


a little colder than usual

It's so still now

still enough to remind me

pain is boring

this is good

a quiet place

where you can't hurt me anymore
Jan 2016 · 380
Exquisite sorrow
taste it
I did
bring forth the holy grail of grief
bend and bow the muse to me
to sing of lost loves entropy
let's drink a toast together
from this bitter sacred cup
Exquisite sorrow
the finest vintage
Please don't spill
Don't make me lick it up.
taste it
I did
Jan 2016 · 359
An Ode?
You hold that glass with an iron grip
as you let the magic pass your lips.
You turn and bend
to the fickle wind
How time shapes your ego trips.

You take and take for all you're worth;
each moment filled with wine and mirth;
the bloom of the rose
draws to a close;
Withhold some time to spit and curse.

It's funny how one soon forgets
the player who always struts and frets
there on the stage
the drama's rage
You double down; you've hedged your bets.

So here you go and there you are
you've seen some sights and traveled far
Don't hesitate
to punctuate
between the fresh wound and the scar.

Here now rest your weary head
and sleep dreamless on your bed
and then incline
yourself to wine
and live your life until you're dead.
Jan 2016 · 761
A man who writes poetry.
Dust dancing on rays of morning light;
she and I, and coffee flavored love.
The silence between the words was heavy
with an undertone of doubt.
Something she was hesitant to say
was fighting it's way from mind to mouth.
lovely lips parted to a broken sound
that became words- that became a eulogy
"I do not want a man who writes poetry"
she said, and sighed a long grasp for words
"I want a man who fights and sweats imported whiskey;
I want a man with diamond teeth and scars that tell a story.
I want a man who can juggle twelve running chainsaws
while riding on a unicycle."
Her wet and downcast eyes were blind,
and struggling with her troubled mind,
she did not see that I took the hint 5 minutes ago.
she didn't see that I had left;
because I am a man who writes poetry.
Jan 2016 · 566
Scintillate Acrostic
Seizing the sky to milk it's ink
calling aloud to a forbidden god
I try to fly but tend to sink
naive and broken in mediocre sod
Too many prisons have I fled
in tattered remnants of freedom lost
leaving the gold that laboriously bled
lustfully I lift the dross
astonished by my self made plight
through wastefulness and disregard
ever nearer comes the night.
Jan 2016 · 493
Dauphin Island Bridge
four sweet smiling babies on the front page of the paper;
four sweet little lives that are no more.
My throat is tight My hands are clenched My heart is broken.
My eyes flood as my knees hit the floor.
How in the hell could there even be an explanation?
Could the white dope really bring a man so low?
the pretty lady on the TV says it's a complicated situation
and a bunch of other crap that I don't want to know.
Held in the arms they loved and trusted;
Thrown some eighty feet into the bay.
I'm bitter, disillusioned, and disgusted;
and I'm not the only one who feels that way.

My God it's so **** hard to keep believing.
Is this the way you really meant for it to be?
It's getting dark - a half an hour past grieving-
Lets have a heart to heart, just you and me.
I've found this ******* book of contradictions;
Though I like what the red letters have to say.
I hope I have the strength of my convictions,
but what the hell is free will anyway?

It's easy now to believe in the devil.
It's good to have some where to put the blame,
but I can't keep from thinking we're the trouble;
If we don't own up, How can we ever change?
I want to know if you're tight with the preacher
Who tells us about peace and love and hell?
Have you got some connection with the teacher
who teaches us just how to hate and ****?

This here geopolitical situation
is a little more than greedy cold and hard.
What's all this talk about hell and damnation?
There's plenty of that right here in my back yard;
where four sweet smiling babies are on the front page of the paper
three so far have washed up on the shore.
I guess there must be hell fire and damnation
Cause there just has to be a heaven for those four.
Jan 2016 · 397
Illusive Muse
Illusive muse
Where did you go
How long must I linger this time
Cruel sweet Mother of Songs
The wide eyed child poet waits
somewhere in a closet
behind the skeletons
behind the guilt
where confidence was spiders silk
and glistened with geometric truth
The muses danced around me
holding candles
they were dressed in primary colors
they moved the pen
again and again and opened doors of ink
One by one they moved on
each waving goodbye as she danced away
Now I grasp at abstract straws
I milk the thick and drying sap
from strained memories

What was once a labor of love
now struggles to be a love of labor
I stare blank into a starving white sea
Jan 2016 · 370
Lifeless Life
Lifeless life sits on the shelf
where dreams and schemes and knowledge dwell
to provide some respite for ones self
a billion squared of stories to tell
Kings and kingdoms are well involved
there are secrets revealed and problems solved
Man and woman and kith and kin
find the time to look within
the lifeless life upon the shelf
where dreams and schemes and knowledge dwell
Jan 2016 · 314
I saw a burning soldier in the sand
I couldn't tell if he was friend or foe
I just stood and watched him burn
my heart and mind accustomed though
to what would make the state side stomach churn
Mothers holding children charred black or sometimes white
faces frozen forever pain and fright
I curse the day my heart grew hard
I still and will obey
I took the oath I raised my hand
I saw a burning soldier in the sand
I hoped he had found peace and turned to walk away
This is not personal experience.  This was projected on to me in a short dream.
Jan 2016 · 515
My Seedy Heart
find within
a carnival of sin
a festival of pain
and a dusty fifth of gin
Watch your step
there is a cleft
of hard knock rocks
and shocks to your left
Hold on
we should wait
and contemplate
the muses fate
cover the children's eyes
as the shadows rise
to thank the night
It's getting late
and the gracious darkness
spares our eyes
from further sight
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