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42.6k · Sep 2010
A Toast to the Ladies
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
They grace our tables

with their elegance and their beauty,

Support us in our careers

as though it was their duty,

They listen to our problems

day after day,

The same old problems,

They´ve been listening to since May,

Chefs, accountants, nannies and councillors

are just a few of their talents.

And when things are hectic

they mostly keep their balance.

And what do they get

when they've worked a long hard day.

I'll tell you something gents

they don't ask for any pay.

So how can we show gratitude for what is clearly so demanding.

Its quite simple

Gentlemen, please be upstanding,

The Ladies
2.2k · Sep 2010
Task Force Falklands
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
Car packed and ready to go;

on leave so we thought but it wasn't so;

I suppose it wasn't just meant to be;

T Air Defence Battery was going to sea;

Across the south Atlantic Ocean;

Well at least that was the notion

One hundred and ten ships all packed to the top;

Commandoes, Paras, Guards,  Ordinance, Artillery, the lot;

This is it lads.  We're going to war;

But nobody knew, what was  in store

And all those mixed up feelings inside;

Were **** near impossible for us to hide.

We landed at a place called San Carlos Bay;

In nineteen eighty two.  On the twenty first of May;

To repel Argentine invaders from the Malvinas;

Anxious, proud and scared.  You had to have seen us.

Across the Falklands, the Task Force did travel;

By air, sea and foot and not as a rabble;

Objective Port Stanley for the final shove;

First taking Tumble Down; Goose Green and Bluff Cove

We recaptured the Islands.  They were British again,

And amid all the glory, cheering and pain;

We now look to peace for as long as we reign

And no more hostilities, that drive man insane
1.8k · Sep 2010
A Modern Army
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
Come join the British Army;

And take the Queens Shilling;

You won't have any problems;

We'll take care of all your billing;

We'll make a man out of you;

Or a woman as the case may be;

In the Army of the nineties;

With ****** equality

We are a modern army;

With modern management systems;

Such as TQM and H & S;

And lots more bursts of wisdom;

But in this modern world of ours;

Don't forget what an army does,

And training and development;

Is to give us all a buzz.

Yes we are a modern army;

But we still serve Queen and Country;

And it's getting more and more difficult;

With ideas from the gentry.

We don't ask for much in life;

Just to earn an honest bob.

So cut down on your ideas;

And let us do our job.
1.7k · Sep 2010
Goodbye Dad
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
The greatest Man I ever knew;

Always would know what to do:

He showed us how to live:

And when asked, advice, he would give.

We say goodbye to Dad today:

He never had too much to say:

Well, not a great amount;

But when he spoke, he made it count.

A sense of humour;

To make us laugh;

A creative hand ;

For any craft;

A sense of wisdom;

In what he taught;

Goodbye Dad;

You’re in our thoughts.
1.3k · Sep 2010
My Little Girl
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
My girl was born, with black hair;
and as I cuddled her in my chair;
She looked at me with eyes, that could not see;
as if to say hello Dad, it’s me.

Thirteen years later, I’ve seen her grow;

and there’s one thing, I’ve come to know;

That when my life begins to curl;

I’ll always remember, my little girl.

When my girl smiles, there can be;

no other greater thrill for me;

To see her happy, is in my plan;

My little girl, she’s called Leanne.
1.2k · Sep 2010
My Mother Elsie
Robert C Millar Sep 2010

ith us they laugh and with us they weep;

And when we're young rock us to sleep;

And all the things we ever had;

Through the good times and through the bad;

My Mother gave these things to me;

And made me what I came to be.


sit here on a summers day;

And remember how I used to play;

How she had the time for me;

In between her jobs all three;

How did she find the time to sleep;

With children jobs and house to keep;


nd now near forty  and much older;

I've grown wiser and much bolder;

And I don't forget who gave me the courage;

Because all the negatives she discouraged;

And from the slums to a flat in Chelsea;

Who made it happen? 'Was my mother Elsie.
1.2k · Sep 2010
A Wedding Blessing
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
There comes a time, in a man's life;
when he should take, for him a wife.
To hold and cherish and to caress.
And lay ones head, upon her breast.
To show commitment, to the end.
To someone who is more than just a friend.
But no one can do, this alone.
Ask God for help, to build a home.
It makes no difference, which religions best.
Just ensure, your wedding's blessed.
1.2k · Sep 2010
A Poem for Jamie
Robert C Millar Sep 2010
The greatest gift in life is life itself;

And all the material things that we call wealth;

Cannot compare to our joy;

Of a new born baby boy.

We’ve watched him grow this past year;

Seen him laugh, play and show a tear;

His innocence and baby smile;

Are what make our days worthwhile;

He won’t be a child for long;

He’ll grow taller and with God’s help strong;

We’ll enjoy this moment, while we can;

Before he grows to be a man.

Those first step, first words;

The education from his Tutor;

We’ll do what we must to get it right;

Because children are the future.

                                           Robert C Millar
Copyright © 2009 R C Millar

— The End —