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Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
The pulp of brandywine leaves thistle with the dew of dawn,
the strung lights accorded bronze
sashing of the crumbled brick sacrament situated beneath the crack-
break of December 21st, Christ, Nativity,
a triptych;  Wrench the whetted, gold seed the steed
of the Order, Clementine garland
and extension cords;
Altar of Santa Celia, burnished walnut shoes,
polished silver fillium.  
The wanton hymn of baritones and wisteria hung
from candlelit pictures  pressed
between rotted chicken boxes. Merry Christmas
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
A Mass cursed with half breaths
Time has a bad habit of persisting
Dreads nought and
Synthetic elements tryst-ing

Manhood hunter
On tesseract railways
The day taps at the glass
Her smile so thin she breaks

Saint Drake, never
But a whisper
Seconds in psychotic quakes
I’m with her
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
Screaming, Lord cut the moon’s craters
Feasts of Saturnalia
A Christian cradle rocked by star lit satyrs
Hominidae, Chordata,  Angelus Mammalia
The bough broke, blood crescent in
First steps stir the Ocean of Storms
Frankincense, Myrrh,  
And Damnation
So sung are hymns, harvested lullabies,
Time, the Christ teeters as a top
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
Rhythm is a meter just beneath her and the seconds I’m given to smile
Wrap the morning in sunlight, guile
Our life is a scent on the wind
Of falling leaves and fireplaces, where warmth begins
Our eyes echo of the past to come
Our love , girded papilion
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
Irritant is
Bent intention like a moon
I am just Breath
And Consequence
Of spun water
A Dance ‘til Death
Robert C Ellis Dec 2016
The moon mentions “You have rules for me”,
laughing constantly
The crown, feathered tomes, a candlelit
Fisher King
Her waltz wanders eyes; War headdress,
Rosemary spice
her neck espousing
Grouse, minerals streaming
My sister posts ambulance ride selfies
WIth a loosened insistence on eternity
Hamearis Lucina, or ‘Duchess of Burgundy’
Robert C Ellis Nov 2016
Alcohol dries my heart to the bone
Calcium score of lunar dust
No rhythm, words like stone
Set on the mantle; the earth’s crust
Bones build constellations
Their names run beneath
Archangels grant damnation
My lungs beat without relief
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