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Robert C Ellis Feb 2016
Slider, this
Cellular vestibule
Pink yellow capillarium
**** sack, wretched thump sump
Stuffed with sauce and rind
“I was always meant to go”
He said on the way out of his mind
The *** Runner and his misbehaving
Alchemy, of blood stunted
With the black soot of
Planetary catastrophe
Robert C Ellis Feb 2016
So pumps the crimson, so it curdles the sleep in us all
The vacuum of souls so like their universe
One note, one verse
Ad infinitum sung, no … hummed
Until the eyes darken and the skin loosens and the
Teeth yellow and drop from the gums
Blood thickens with Weary, with boredom of Springs and Fall
Every word the same, every face known,
Every day a rhyme
Ether to amber to stone
Fruit cake and peppermints
Candlelit stockings the children
Swat at
Christmas syllables, sentiment
Sung until the liquor melts
Candy canes and magenta leaves
And the sleep
And tinsel trees
Robert C Ellis Feb 2016
Objects we dangle in moonlight
The luster of God, eyes it might
Rocks and weeds and broken glass
As midnight makes its gentle pass

Once was heaven and it shattered
The shards drove from mountains
Creatures of habit
Broken backs, whetted skin
Dancing Devils and infection

— The End —