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 Feb 2013 robert aryn
J Drake
Nothing you see in this world does exist --
The things that you have and the pain you resist...

It's all an illusion that seems ever real;
A plan your soul made, just part of the deal.

Do not allow this existence to slow you,
Rather, just let it continue to show you...

That you are a light and your spirit, it shines,
Flying and free and never confined.

This world cannot keep you from burning so bright,
The ground cannot hold you when your spirit flies.

So love who you are and forget what is fake,
It's only the LOVE that you later will take.

Nothing else matters, although you do feel,
Like this world, it matters, and surely is real.

I promise you this, and keep it within,
The love is what's real, the rest, it will end.
 Feb 2013 robert aryn
There was a certain beauty
that could be seen within her ugliness.

There was a certain clarity
finding its way through all her confusion.

There was a certain sanity
scarcely heard among the screaming of her madness.

There was a certain alertness
waking up from her exhaustion.

There was a certain light
shining through her darkness.

There was a certain meaning
edging its way out of her emptiness.

There was a certain absolution
found amidst all her regret.

There was a certain realization
that she would find her way.

Just a certain certainty
that she would be okay...

— The End —