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Rob M Feb 2013
There are times when loss seems unbearable,
Like when you walked out of my life;
The vacuum like infinite space grew between us,
A universe of despair.

It's not so much the pain as the silence,
The cool bedside and place on my chest
Where you used to lay your head
When we slept.

I took you for granted, and I pay now;
You come to me still in dreams,
Leaving me awake in dark hours,
Tossing and wishing.

You are doomed forever to exist in a part of my mind,
I cannot send you out, you burrowed too deep,
Now I feel the holes in my soul
Acute and diseased.

It's the fear that strangles me,
The thought that there will never be another like you,
That no star could shine as bright as you did,
Lighting my life.

I miss you terribly, like a caged bird misses the sky;
Wings now clipped, I can no longer fly away,
Into the blue expanse that was us,
The pure perfection.

All I can now do is beg you, don't judge me too harshly,
For the sins I committed, the mistakes of youth;
And know that I always loved you, more than this world,
And I forever will.
Rob M Feb 2013
We all have an adventure,
Deep in our chest
Thrumming in heartbeats,
The desire never rests.
Pushing us forward,
Over thousands of years
To the undiscovered country,
Defeating our fears.
Our world now seeks to silence
This primal call,
Lock us in their steps,
And crush us if we fall;
But on starry night,
We still look up and dream
Of when all was new,
Our planet, unseen.
We die when we suppress
The adventurer's longing,
We must fight to reclaim,
What time has stolen;
For we will never continue
To grow and evolve
As long as we silence
The cry in us all.
Rob M Feb 2013
Of all those in my life I have loved,
You shine brightest
You stole the most of my soul
With your most beautifully composed
Eyes that glittered, glinted,
As if the happiness inside you
The pure goodness that was you
Eked slowly out and diffused
Brilliant, lighting up the room and my world.
You changed me.
You took the most of me,
Because you were worth the most;
You left the biggest gap,
Because you were the broadest person.
What we had was a mystery
We were solving together;
But in the end, I was left with
Clues leading to nowhere.
It was a dead end street lined
In roses and tulips,
A beautiful walk into oblivion;
You were worth every step.
When I close my eyes
Sometimes I  see you
Sometimes I dream of you,
And that makes me smile;
Because it means in some reality,
You and I are together; and you are happy.
Rob M Jan 2013
We all have things we carry
As we walk this lonely road,
Burdens of the past are heavy
But dreams are a crushing load.
So we take Tomorrow and put them there
But he cannot stand,
Small and unprepared
Not meant to hold our plans.
So he falls and breaks all our hopes
Dashes all our designs,
The shattered glass we can't repair
No matter how we try.
It is then we learn a lesson
By looking down the stony path,
Our dreams may be tough to carry
But they will survive only on our back.
The past cannot hold us
Because it is written, unchangeable;
And tomorrow cannot hold our hopes
Because it is intangible.
We look down at the road we're on
And we slowly realize,
It is best to stay in the present
Where we've been standing the whole time.
Rob M Jan 2013
You killed us.
You killed us before we even came to be.
You ended the story before it was written, blanked the pages, redacted the statements;
You terminated the memories,
The possible hostilities
The happiness, the misery
You killed it.
You broke the future before it came to pass,
Destroyed everything we might've had
You chose a different path, and that's fine
But you'll never know what you left behind.
Rob M Jan 2013
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness;
My silence for approval;
My smile for contentment;
My outside for my inside;
Desperation hides vitality
Discouragement, a new resolve
It is often in the darkest places where hope shines brightest
Especially in the eyes of those who are most eager to find it.
Rob M Jan 2013
I'm sick.
Sick of the same sights
Sick of the same smells
I've grown worn of the rituals
The same treeline
The same sky
The same stars hanging in the same place
as if I was frozen in space at the same time-
No. No more.
I am so tired of variations on a theme,
reliving the same day,
day after day.
I'm sick.
And I want to get well.
Freedom is the only cure
for this wave of oppression,
this staggering degeneracy into
the death of exploration, the crushing
of dreams without warrant, the
tyranny of wage-slavery,
the wealth built on the
sweat of the masses;
the unending rat-
race, without
any cheese-
I'm sick
I must be free.
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