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Naima Mungai
The World    I write to express myself. Looking to get feedback from other writers.
Jordan Butler
I write about life, love, and my struggles. My poetry is a lifeline. What you see here, I wrote out of necessity as much as ...
Neva Flores Varga Smith
53/F/Rochester NY    I have walked in the darkness of I can’t feel because I choose not to. Fell face down and bumped my head on every feeling ...
A Thomas Hawkins
Canada    As a child I wrote poetry. As I got older, I got too “cool” for such things. At the age of 40 I finally got ...
Megan Hundley
25/F/United States    This is me.
Ashe L Bennett
Canton    Poetry is the camera of the writing world. Within the (relatively) few lines and structure you create, you have the opportunity to create a portrait ...

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